I think a better idea is to team up with Trump and Putin and carve up Europe.Europe taking on Russia alone from now on is a win-win for everyone. It lets China focus on taking down and collapsing the US alone with peace of mind and fewer distractions, without Europeans being able to meddle even in theory.
Russia is all for this too because they stand to rise to unprecedented heights if China manages to collapse the US soon under those easier conditions, since it just helped lift some of the pressure off China’s back. The US gets some space for more tax cuts for the oligarchs and more money to help Israel in the short term, now that the Ukraine money pipeline gets cut off.
The EU gets a bit of proto-autonomy for a while too and a chance to get slightly better prepared for the post-US world, when they eventually drift back to their natural historical state of fragmentation and lower living standards.
Everyone wins based on their pre-defined goals. It’s just that the Western goals are way more clownish than the Sino-Russian ones. The EU’s goals are basically just about preserving a decently sized Ukraine long-term as a buffer zone against Russia.
Think about it, If you’re Baltics or Poland or Finland, for example, you don’t even want the theoretical possibility of being invaded by Russia. And if you’re Germany, which benefits the most from EU integration, you don’t want all of poorer Eastern Europe falling back under the Russian camp through coercion. That's why you go along with their delusions for now.
Also, just to be clear, there’s no way that even up until the medium term, Europeans can successfully arm Ukraine alone against Russia in place of the US. That’s exactly why there’s now a real need for a ceasefire and a full rearmament of Europe, which will take time. But Europeans will soon also agree to that too once they realize Trump is actually serious about all of this.
Canadians have actually grown a ball, unbelievable!https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1j0l17h
Guys, we really need to step up our game here, or else we'll get out wumao'd by r/Canada.
I think a better idea is to team up with Trump and Putin and carve up Europe.
Whites will always side with whites, don't forget the CAI lesson. So why not take the unique opportunity that Mr. Presidenté is giving us and sneak a quick blow to knock it out before another Democrat comes to office and they inevitably fall on their knees again?
It's basic game theory
little Marco looks like he just wants to disappear into the couch.
American empire is not just Collective west. It has Arab component which is the most power full and Israel the foremost technological power that could not take its proper place due to previous conflicts. The problem for Russia is too much diplomatic double speak and not want to use the hard power to transform the world that meet the Arabic standards. they have done alot of ground work.I don't think carving up Europe is possible as long as Eastern Europe still holds onto the hope that Russia can’t actually touch them because of the US security umbrella as they hold the entire EU hostage. They’d much rather be dominated from a distance by the US than have Russians right on top of them if you know what I mean.
It’s a similar dynamic to Japan and South Korea with China. There’s something primal about it, a deep instinct when you live next to a much larger neighbor and you just don’t want them to ever have the ability to dominate you directly, even in theory.
As for the rest of Europe, it’s pretty clear that other countries like Germany and France will do everything they can to keep the EU intact, no matter what.
They benefit the most economically thanks to their size and influence, so they’re willing to listen to Eastern Europe’s concerns and go along with them. There are also a bunch of southern countries that benefit from ECB checks.
Western Europe overall does have some potential for a sudden, irrational mass revolt, but we’re not there yet. That kind of thing would only happen with a much bigger external shock.
Right now, people are too disoriented to fight back against their political puppets, they don't know what hit them, let alone the layers of direct and indirect US influence.
Meanwhile, the elites and oligarchs see the EU’s survival as good business and they also want to maintain the joint Western multinationals’ dominance over global markets. So, for now, nothing is going to change. The entire EU will remain completely American.
As for Russia, they’ve probably already gotten everything they realistically could. They’ve pulled Georgia back into their orbit, and Ukraine is about to be handed to them as a pacified, neutral buffer state under Trump's returns. Moldova will probably fall into their hands after the next election.
There are a few friendly states, like Slovakia and Hungary, with leaders who are a bit smarter about balancing things. But even they see the advantages of keeping the EU intact and staying on good terms with the US, just with a slightly more diversified foreign policy.
So, I think China should take advantage of the moment by moving to take back Taiwan while Europe is fully preoccupied with ramping up military production focused entirely on Russia and ideally before the next US administration takes over replacing this polarizing one.
Once China secures Taiwan, it could trigger a domino effect, with the entire American empire, aka the so-called Collective West, immediately weakening, fragmenting, and collapsing. That would open up a massive opportunity for China and Russia to truly carve it all up together.
Moscow reveals ongoing dialogue with Tel Aviv after Assad's departure, in line with Russia's keenness on peace and stability in Syria
Do you know the calibre of leadership of the modern European Elite? von der leyen reportedly wanted all the wolves in a forest in Germany killed because one mauled her horse. That's the sort of Marie Antoinette disconnect that's going on between European leaders and their people. As for France, their President had homosexual incest with his own dad, so make of that, the sort of Slaaneshi perversions that go on in that part of the world.Its pretty watching watching Europeans and western vassals out themselves as cowards here. They keep saying how Russia is weak and evil and how they will handle Russia on their own. Then when Trump say cool they start screeching like hysterical women you see on reality TV. This isn't the middle ages where they are aristocrats who can demand peasants to die for them.
Learn to take responsibility already ffs.