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Lieutenant General

Why are South Koreans displaying and waving around the American flag? It's to get American support. With this rally in support of President Yoon of South Korea in Los Angeles, whites don't like immigrants displaying pride in their country of origin because that means they're disloyal. It's as simpleton and dumb as South Koreans or any other group thinking waving the American flag around makes a difference. In South Korea they actually want support and the US to act for them to save Yoon. That's why they wave the American flag there. The Western alliance is full of weak impotent minds.


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This is brutal, this a public humiliation.

View attachment 146670

This show also how out touch that guy is with reality, that fact that his arguing WITH TRUMP, is outstanding, he should be begging and kissing everyone's shoes right there, or better JUST SHUT UP.
You have to remember all the accolades and ego-stroking and MONEY he got last few times in Washington with 10 minute applause,standing ovations,speech before congress/senate-this sort of thing gets to a man's head ....but now Trump is warming up the "bus" and who gets thrown under it is the only question.Is Taipei listening????Also in order not to sell Ukraine into multigenerational slavery do the unthinkable-a" brotherly"surrender in goodwill to Russia and go back into the Slavic fold-checkmating NATO/west/Are you listening Taipei????


Lieutenant General
Most of them are so damn ugly that the only way they’ll get laid is if Chinese people become dominant and pull the dirty Western sexpat trick. Unfortunately for them, a core tenant of XJP Thought is mutual respect between nations no matter size/national strength. Looks like they’ll stay virgins forever regardless of whether China wins/loses.
They can go to the West and go woke with multiple genders for them to play with. :D


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You have to remember all the accolades and ego-stroking and MONEY he got last few times in Washington with 10 minute applause,standing ovations,speech before congress/senate-this sort of thing gets to a man's head ....but now Trump is warming up the "bus" and who gets thrown under it is the only question.Is Taipei listening????Also in order not to sell Ukraine into multigenerational slavery do the unthinkable-a" brotherly"surrender in goodwill to Russia and go back into the Slavic fold-checkmating NATO/west/Are you listening Taipei????
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“Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow.” The slogan spread through Taiwanese social media immediately after last year’s Russian invasion of Ukraine. Although Taiwan is distant from the war, its international shock waves quickly reached the island.

Heard that DPP started banning this phrase on PTT recently.

And who could forget this little gem :rolleyes:


Junior Member
Registered Member
If by special they meant having slanted eyes like the mainlanders then they are absolutely right.
These vassal lapdogs better look at how white Ukrainians are-blonde,hair,blue eyed,brunette white caucasoids-and see how they are treated now and get a mirror and look at yourselves.Yes it can all come down to this ugly racial fact as this west's "lifeboat" can't support you all now and USA is "throwing people into the sea" so that the water and rations can sustain HIM for so much longer and he'll eat the rations of white Canada/Europe and Australia too if it comes down to "cannibalism or death".This ugly,gory clip of Zelensky being pummeled /attack from all sides and ejected like a homeless bum is refreshing in its truthful ugliness.


Senior Member
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I hear a lot of European and western vassals say they want to make good with China. This is what I have to say

Where were you guys a year ago? You guys were barking so loud when Biden was there. But now you wanna be good with China coz things aren't going your way?

As this video said, they need to show genuine remorse for their actions. Not just fake grovelling that will vanish once a Dem comes back in power.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
I hear a lot of European and western vassals say they want to make good with China. This is what I have to say

Where were you guys a year ago? You guys were barking so loud when Biden was there. But now you wanna be good with China coz things aren't going your way.

As this video said, they need to show genuine remorse for their actions. Not just fake grovelling that will vanish once a Dem comes back in power.
From a purely strategic perspective, it makes far more sense for China to "team up" with US to destroy Europe.
- Helping Europe now just means they'll turn against China after Trump
- Destroy Europe now and it won't matter what happens after Trump, US will be forever without an ally.


Staff member
Super Moderator
I hear a lot of European and western vassals say they want to make good with China. This is what I have to say

Where were you guys a year ago? You guys were barking so loud when Biden was there. But now you wanna be good with China coz things aren't going your way.

As this video said, they need to show genuine remorse for their actions. Not just fake grovelling that will vanish once a Dem comes back in power.

Xi probably wants more than a pound of flesh now. EU should bend over and assume position.
