Incredible political coup for Trump, really, when it comes down to it.
His entire base had been susceptible to the Democrat and vassal Canada/EU/UK messaging campaign that his admin was about to sell out Ukraine and this was a problem because the recent Gallup polling showed over that a majority of Republicans maintained a favorable view of Ukraine. The bipartisan image was that Ukraine had been so grateful and respectful to America. Now he gets a set piece demonstration on his own stage in the Oval Office where Zelensky (and "Ukraine" as a whole) shows his ingratitude to Trump (and "America" as a whole). The guy kept trying to get a word in edgewise when he really should have kept his mouth shut and let Trump blather on.
Obviously, the Reddit liberals will frame this as Trump bullying poor Ukraine, but the only narrative that reaches the Republican base will be Vance repeatedly asking Zelensky to say "thank you America" and the latter instead trying to argue instead of just plainly saying thanks for the cameras; the image that will stick in their minds is Zelensky openly backtalking "their President" and Trump's tweet about Ukraine's "disrespect."
In the wider scope, Rubio openly talked in an interview this week about the administration's foremost geopolitical goal being to split Russia from China. In more pragmatic terms, as Rubio himself conceded (he seems to be openly trying to assume the position of a Kissinger realist), to turn the Sino-American bipolarity into a trilateral one where Russia is given the room to hedge in between. As such, arguments about the intentionality or otherwise of this "ambush" is ultimately immaterial in light of its practical outcomes. You can tell he wasn't thrilled he was pressured to to walk back his "dictator" comment about Zelensky. Now, if that narrative image is properly set up by his administration, he would get carte blanche from his Republican base to toss the Democrat's Ukraine project into the bin and do whatever diplomatic deals he so chooses with Russia.
Sorry, this is not some 4D chess. What actually happened is that the US media, NGOs, and intelligence agencies spent years brainwashing the Ukrainian population into hating their own brothers, Russians, drilling into their heads that Russians are inferior, primitive savages while the glorious Westoids are superior beings who will always have their backs.
They were promised they’d all be rich, living in some neon-lit European paradise, basking in the reflected glow of their superior Western masters. Then, after pumping their heads full of that fantasy, they staged a coup, toppling a legitimately elected president, all to turn Ukraine into a disposable proxy for one goal, collapsing Russia. But that plan didn’t just fail, Russia broke it in half. Russia outproduced the entire combined West, humiliated the "superior" planners, and left America scrambling.
The US, already drowning in debt, added more to the tab in just five years than they did from the country’s founding to 2000. Meanwhile, China keeps dunking on them in literally every domain (so they have to switch even more 'focus' there completely). So now, the brilliant masterminds have to flush Ukraine down the toilet, cut their losses, and, in true American fashion, indirectly blame the Ukrainians for all of it to save face.
To top it off, they’re demanding whatever’s left of Ukraine, the land, the resources, even the people, as raw loot to be carved up and handed to their corporations. Not to win anything. Just to scrape back even a theoretical fraction of the money they set on fire trying (and failing) to break Russia. Ukraine got chewed up and spit out, and now they’re just the convenient scapegoat for a collapsing empire that is frantically looking for a way out and doesn't even know what to do anymore. They are a collapsing empire of pure
losers, not some great 4D chess genius