The possibility of a reverse Nixon was always pure fantasy, especially with how much Russia had to integrate with the Chinese economy for the past few years its been isolated from the EU and probably will continue to be so in the future. However, depending on how far this normalization goes, I personally don't think it'll go very far, but if it does come to pass that the US and Russia fully normalize all economic, diplomatic, and cultural relations, then I could definately see a future where Russia will pivot away from its "no-limits partnership" with China and be more open to playing the two powers against eachother. One sticking point nobody can deny is that China has been fully taking advantage of the war to gobble up real estate in Central Asia, real estate Russia will probably want back since it still sees Central Asia as its backyard.
Like I said, everything is predicated on how far the normalization goes, but this is why even if just on principle of being anti-West some here think China should tell the EU to shove it, it is imperative China take advantage of the trans-Atlantic rift to bolster its ties with the bloc. The age of ideaologically based competition is over and the world has fully swung back to the good ol-fashioned 19th Century age of realpolitk and alliances among strange bedfellows. China should thus continue doing what it has always done best and make sure every party has some incentive to continue working with it.
Goes to show too, how even if some were annoyed Chinese foreign policy was always defined by non-aligned mercantalism rather than actually promoting an ideaology, the leadership was really once again ahead of the curve in terms of its diplomatic strategy on the global stage.