Miscellaneous News


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"New York governor Kathy Hochul said that the state was ready to fight the move by the Trump administration to rescind federal approval of New York City's congestion pricing program that is designed to reduce traffic and raise money to upgrade aging subway and bus systems. 'In case you don't know New Yorkers, when we're in a fight – we do not back down, not now, not ever,' said Hochul
Trump receives widespread backlash to social post calling himself ‘king’ "

We're all amateur shitposters compared to the King :D


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Looks like FSB agent 川送国 realized he could 兼职 as a Chinese/Russian agent as openly as he wants and nobody is gonna do anything about it so he's ditching the facade.

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More than half those "organizations" are obsolete umbrella terms that no longer exist. There's probably terrible confusion right now among the poor Mexican mujahideen about who the designations even refer to lol.

If Soviet collapse is a tragedy then this is nothing short of a fucking farce.


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Well a deal with China to sell more commodities to China in exchange for opening up of imports from China of finished goods seems like you know, the thing that Russia is doing? Trump wants to turn US into farm land and mine for China? Seems like an okay deal to me, normally countries have to be squeezed into accepting that sort of arrangement.
Nah, thing is China does not need American commodities, which it can get from Russia, and more importantly China does not need USD to trade with Russia. Unless Trump also accept RMB payment, which he wont, it makes no sense.

US on the other hand is critical dependant on Chinese imports, regardless if Trump knows it or not (I suspect he does since Elon does). The bluff has been called years ago.

At end of the day Trump might be open to seeing America as China's equal, but America is not China's equal, and China does not see America as China's equal. More importantly, based on everything Beijing has done so far in term of export controls and export rebate removals, China no longer has any interest in co-existing with the US.

Trump's options are really between submitting to China's dominance, or die fighting. Personally I prefer the latter.


Registered Member
Please send some for our enjoyment.
I suggest you start with r/europe.


One of the top posts there, smh.

Some Chinese netizens dug some prophetic passages from chancellor of West Germany Helmut Schmidt's book Men and Powers: A Political Retrospective which contained his recollections of conversation with Chairman Mao.


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