First one didn’t go so well. So Macron will now be hosting…
The Summit of the Chihuahuas.
Fun fact. Chihuahuas were bred by the Aztecs to be both pets and food.
First one didn’t go so well. So Macron will now be hosting…
The Summit of the Chihuahuas.
Both China and Russia already see this already, it’s no surprise to either nation. Besides, regardless of how the USA cleans up its military budgets, given the inflation, lack of real innovation, supply chains being ruined, and much of its military gear requiring replacement, the USA doesn’t have a military advantage against China or Russia as of now, that is why they are resorting to these desperate ploys to focus fire on one while pretending to placate the other whilst angering all of its vassals by leaving with the bag in such short notice. All China and Russia needs to do it simply maintain the course, prepare for obvious surprises and continue to let Trump ruin himself and his nation with each new scandal. The ones in control are getting older and their schemes are no longer air tight as it once was, the hegemon will finally reach’s it’s twilight
This is one example of corruption where I think the one who is bribing has no clear benifit. Musk stands to gain very little and lose a lot. Tesla sales are falling, twitter barely has any revenue, and space launching is not a very big industry. I don't seem to know what he is trying to achieve.
I mean you are just some random guy and Elon Musk is the richest person on the planet, so he probably knows what he is doing. It's obvious what this is about, China is using its leverage over Comrade Musk to inform Comrade Trump to go easy on China.This is one example of corruption where I think the one who is bribing has no clear benifit. Musk stands to gain very little and lose a lot. Tesla sales are falling, twitter barely has any revenue, and space launching is not a very big industry. I don't seem to know what he is trying to achieve.
You have to see it through the Bob Woodward lens. As we know that Woodward was the one who exposed Nixon in Watergate. He wrote a book 'All the President's Men'. In that book he asks Deepthroat, the agent who leaked the Watergate break in, as to why do the people in the Nixon administration act and behave the way they do, Deepthroat says ' you have to understand that these are not smart men' . And we assume that these bureaucrats are obviously smarter than Trump's entourage. There is no Mad Man theory, they are behaving and acting like headless chickens. This is the reason why there are endless leaks.I always though Colby was stupid. But it seems even then, I underestimated his stupidity. Einstein is correct, stupidity is infinite
Bruh. See some Trump interviews from 1980s. Tariffs on Asia are one of his fundamental core beliefs. He only has two firm opinion and one is tariffs. And Musk is rich because of an insanely manipulated stock and being born to a father with an emrald mine.I mean you are just some random guy and Elon Musk is the richest person on the planet, so he probably knows what he is doing. It's obvious what this is about, China is telling Comrade Musk to inform Comrade Trump to go easy on China.
Unless it was for medical reasons, someone doing this to their own body is a worrying sign of deep mental issues.I once thought Elon was the High Inquisitor to the God Emperor Trump, but it seems like he is much closer to a court enuch than I thought —
Explains how most his kids are IVF. He may have performance issues.
Did the ph pilot speak in english? (Bcoz i remember watching a Jap/VN ships using Chinese to communicate before(?))
I think its similar to the framing before by some media. Was it economist? Im not sure...I always though Colby was stupid. But it seems even then, I underestimated his stupidity. Einstein is correct, stupidity is infinite