Miscellaneous News


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I would be extremely worried by this and the FBI purges if I was an American.

This is what a proper coup prep looks like. First you take over the spy and law enforcement organs of government, and then use them to systematically remove enemies and potential opponents to your future takeover.

If similar purges happens in the military under the guise of anti DEI/corruption/waste, then America really is speedrunning towards Civil War 2 or the 4th Reich.

My professional goal for 2025 is now changed to “staying alive in some form”. Thanks Donald.


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A Pole born in Warsaw was the personal secretary of a Ukrainian

The Ukrainian who, together with the British Empire, founded (1917-) "our colonial project" (Vladimir Jabotinsky) in "the land of Canaan"

The son of this Pole secretary of a Ukrainian yesterday met in Washington with the grandson of a German, a certain Donald, and they said that they are going to liquidate the Warsaw ghetto, I mean the Gaza ghetto, where a lot of people (of ArabHebrew origin) live, people who were expelled (1947-) from their villages and their houses were stolen and their lands stolen.

The West Empire is a delirium based on fantasy literature

A world of children's stories since Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea


Registered Member
A Pole born in Warsaw was the personal secretary of a Ukrainian

The Ukrainian who, together with the British Empire, founded (1917-) "our colonial project" (Vladimir Jabotinsky) in "the land of Canaan"

The son of this Pole secretary of a Ukrainian yesterday met in Washington with the grandson of a German, a certain Donald, and they said that they are going to liquidate the Warsaw ghetto, I mean the Gaza ghetto, where a lot of people (of ArabHebrew origin) live, people who were expelled (1947-) from their villages and their houses were stolen and their lands stolen.

The West Empire is a delirium based on fantasy literature

A world of children's stories since Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea
Imagine if white Europeans claimed that QinShiHuang was really a blonde aryan man (they actually do believe this) and then started larping as ancient Chinese people complete with corrupted traditional Chinese practices and “reinterpretations“ of Confucius to justify their predation, and then they started occupying Chinese lands and massacring the local Chinese with weapons and mercenaries from the west. This is also what could plausibly happen given the nature of the Anglo led west.


Junior Member
Registered Member
The news is tremendous

The news is tremendous: the grandson of a German and the son of a Pole meeting in Washington talk about how to liquidate Semites in a ghetto

Zionists would have liked "the land of Canaan" to be an island between Norway and Denmark

But the great Temple was not built by a Ukrainian rabbi of the medieval ethnic group forged by rabbis from what in Persian and Greek times had been a religion spread by "all the nations of the world" (Flavius Josephus): the world of that time seen from the Mediterranean, from Yemen to the south of present-day Ukraine, and from Hispania to the border with China

The great Temple was built by a typical Hebrew, that is, an Arab, a prototypical Arab-Hebrew king, a palestinian: Herod "the Great", son of "the Idumean" and a princess of Petra.