Miscellaneous News


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Yes that’s the one.
My friend who was in the club had me sign a petition and also signed me up for an RPAL course back then.

Also one of the few people I’ve met who believe in one China, but should be ROC because his grandfather was KMT officer, lol.
That’s too bad. I noticed its closure when I took some relatives to UT for a tour. It was a gun and arrow club.


Junior Member
Registered Member
This is insane. Are these comments real or MSS psyop? https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyCanadian/comments/1igso0m
I thought Canadians were destined to be contemptible spineless abuse-loving lackeys forever. That's how it's always been in the past and with any of the US's other vassals, why's it changing now?

This is Canada's 'US just bombed the Chinese embassy' moment. That's why the Chinese people born in the 80s and 90s will never ever forget nor forgive the US for what they did. I hope the Canandians will also not be quick to forget.


Registered Member
The biggest irony is that it was years of anti-China paranoia that has lead to this situation, Trump campaigned when all D.C. politicians used China as the scapegoat of all US problems and Trump decided to ride that boat to win in 2017 and then you have the China tariffs that Trump used to get concessions from China. His first term was basically a training ground to exploit tariffs as a weapon.


Senior Member
Registered Member

30 more days, just like tiktok delays ;)

Trump saw the rise of short form drama and decided to try it out on a national level.
Man I'm disappointed how quickly Trump folded, nobody will take his threats seriously now.

Also that border plan was announced in December, Trump basically tried to rob a bank, failed and took a free gift pen...