Miscellaneous News


Registered Member

I watch Carl Zha's videos but not enough to know how frequently he did them. It did seem to be he was doing a lot about TikTok refugees about everyday.

Why has the West been hiding from their own citizen's the level of lifestyle of the Chinese people? Because it's been the number one way how racists measure how they're superior to everyone else. Why do you think the Western news media has so many articles of how China's rich would rather live in the West? China's rich made their money the Chinese way. Why would they want to live in the West where there's rules that prevent them from doing what they did to get rich at home? Now all of the sudden these rich Chinese want to abandon the corrupt way they got rich for a more civilized culture like in the West? Then there's the second part... They want you to desire it but they don't want you have it. That's where how anti-immigrant feels comes in. Look at the hypocrites. They don't want you living in their country but they want you to desire it so they can feel superior by having something you don't. Now you have all these Chinese technology companies doing well beating the West and like clockwork the West is bullshitting their way into saying these Chinese companies want to move to Western countries where they would be more free to do what they want. You mean like free from racism where they won't be targeted for being Chinese. You have a brain drain of Chinese talent from the West because of discrimination and the crazies don't realized the utopia they paint of themselves is a contradiction from the reality that's happening now especially when Shenzhen is where Chinese from US tech companies left the US because of the glass ceiling to have their own startups in China.

About the Chinese guy inviting Americans with health problems to go to China... I've seen YouTube videos of Western expats going to Chinese hospitals but is it that easy where a foreigner can just fly into China and get cheap healthcare like that?

At the end, interesting the Chinese/Western Country music feeling mix going on in Red Note. We'll see if that becomes anything because you don't see that coming out of country music. Maybe you'll be seeing old people doing "lion" dances on the Bund.
foreign medical tourists pay full price for medical care in China. It's just that medical care is THAT much cheaper and better that full price is affordable. Like 10k for a full course of treatment is a different concept than 500k.


Registered Member
foreign medical tourists pay full price for medical care in China. It's just that medical care is THAT much cheaper and better that full price is affordable. Like 10k for a full course of treatment is a different concept than 500k.
Seems like this could be a new business opportunity? Low cost health tourism in China, just need that 144 hour visa thing for US. Can do the ad right there on XHS directly to Americans on there.
Obviously full price + a reasonable markup for foreigner instead of citizen price.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Seems like this could be a new business opportunity? Low cost health tourism in China, just need that 144 hour visa thing for US. Can do the ad right there on XHS directly to Americans on there.
Obviously full price + a reasonable markup for foreigner instead of citizen price.
Not a good idea. Chinese medical cares are subsidized by the state.


Registered Member
Seems like this could be a new business opportunity? Low cost health tourism in China, just need that 144 hour visa thing for US. Can do the ad right there on XHS directly to Americans on there.
Obviously full price + a reasonable markup for foreigner instead of citizen price.
Wasnt Hainan doing some medical tourism already before?

Also china also allow foreign owned hospitals recently..


Lieutenant General
The news was saying Trump was threatening to tariff China if they don't sell TikTok. Then I see the video clip and yeah Trump said it but the news made it sound more serious than it was because that was a question from the media who suggested it to Trump who said he might or might not do it. If Trump wants a trade deal with China so he can bring "a golden age to the US" it ain't going to be one-sided like he tried to do with the Phase One deal and TikTok is not as important to China than it is to the US. TikTok is just a side deal. The major deal would be Chinese electric vehicles being sold in the US. Whether they come from China with a reasonable tariff or made in the US seems to be okay. Then buying US agricultural goods is China's leverage since China has alternatives to buy from. It's going to be a giant package dealing with many things so it's laughable to believe TikTok is the balancing point. It just better be something where Biden, Raimondo, and Tai feel like they got raped in the end.