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I'm still not convinced by the way. Recall a few month ago China and US was discussing exchange of prisoners and their effort and people were spreading rumours that PLAN captured a US nuclear sub, this feels a bit like that. On the other hand this rumour has more credibility behind it so I'm not dismissing it either.

If PLAN does have the capability to force SSN and SSGN to the surface like that that's a huge change in the equation in SCS and around Taiwan. SSGN carrying 308 tomahawks has always been a big threat even if all USN surface vessels could be kept back by AShBM.
@Temstar bro at first I'm skeptical especially a SSBN operating on shallow water were she wasn't design to operate, but what 52051 and your previous post reveal is exactly that a US SSBN and that is foolish on American part (letting the Chinese know their sub signature) and maybe the Chinese were forced to show its hand and let the American know their ASW capabilities?


Registered Member
the UK needs to be kicked out of the UNSC anyhow; the US and the Anglos have far too many slaves in the UNSC
@hashtagpls if Scotland seceded and the reunification of Northern Ireland with Ireland, maybe the rest of UNSC might question the membership of UK since it is not the same country ? but if that happen the British might recruit India as her replacement instead (revenge?) that will not be ideal, replacing a sane actor with a irrational one will make the UNSC a laughing stock.


Registered Member


You can't because using STUFT mean you need to get control of port and that is what the Taiwanese demolished first at the onset of hostility. See how long and how difficult for the allies to take over Antwerp during the WWII?. Without functioning port how they are going to unload supply. Army march on full stomach.
But but building transport and training corp wide beach assault takes time. So if time horizon is 5 or 6 years now is the time.

LHD is not necessary for Taiwan campaign It is even a burden because of single node failure imagine you have 100 ZBD5 and thousand of marine get sunk. Better spread the risk among smaller LPD,LST. But it is necessary to occupy the japanese owned island to prevent reinforcement.

China cannot afford long drawn campaign because that allow reinforcement from Japan and US So it has to be swift.

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historylearningsite.co.uk. The History Learning Site, 20 Apr 2015. 15 Apr 2021.
Antwerp was to prove a vital port to the Allies as they pushed towards Germany after the success of D-Day in 1944. To start with, Antwerp was not considered to be overly important as Montgomery wanted to push to the Ruhr as soon as was possible. His belief that an attack on Arnhem would bring a swift end to the war did not succeed – and it was only after the failure of Operation Market Garden that Montgomery realised the importance of Antwerp in solving the increasing supply difficulties that the Allies had as their supply lines became more and more extended as they approached Germany.


Buffaloes transporting troops to Walcheren
As early as September 8th, 1944, Winston Churchill had written to his chiefs-of-staff about the importance of the Walcheren area and the port of Antwerp. September was also the month that the British started to suffer from supply problems – what was referred to as a “supply famine”.

Ironically, it was the sheer success of the Allies that had brought about this problem. The Germans had put up stiff resistance around Normandy – but it had also led to the loss of the German VII Army. Once the break out from Normandy occurred, the Allies sped forward far faster than they had planned for. Paris was freed 55 days ahead of schedule and by mid-September, the Americans were approaching Aachen, which they had expected to do by mid-May 1945. Such an advance put a huge strain on the supplies that were still primarily coming in via Cherbourg. Some supplies were flown in, but only if they could be carried by plane – and this greatly limited what was carried. The American ‘Red Ball Express’ (heavy lorries converted to carry stores) started in late August. But the Germans still held out at Calais, Boulogne, Dunkirk and Le Harve, ports that could have been used

The capture of Antwerp would have solved all supply problems. The port could handle 1,000 ships at a time weighing up to 19,000 tons each. Antwerp had 10 square miles of docks, 20 miles of water front, and 600 cranes. Senior Allied commanders counted on Antwerp handing 40,000 tons of supplies a day – when it was captured. Antwerp was about 80 miles from the open sea on the River Scheldt. Between the port and the sea were the islands of Walcheren and North Beveland and South Beveland that was attached to mainland Holland by a small isthmus – all held by the Germans who could do a great deal to disrupt the flow of shipping into the port.

The campaign is spearheaded by the Canadian and they take the beating of 12000 men killed or wounded
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I don't want to get into detailed specifics; those are what PLA staff and logistics departments do. And they have been planning for many decades now. A couple of points for you to ponder:

PLA already has 3 LHD's, 8 LPDs, dozens of 072X LSTs, 4 Zubrs, Ro-Ro ships and plenty of civilian and dual-use ships that can transport equipment and personnel.

PLA will have air control, sea control, MLRS support on land or on ship. All kinds of missiles. The battle fields are largely transparent to PLA. Air-borne troops can also be utilized, e.g., to secure airports. Landing on Penghu Islands first is also an option.

We're not talking about a WW2 style landing and invasion. It's been over 75 years now. PLA also does not necessarily follow the western books. If they did, they would hardly have won any wars since its birth.


How can you achieved beachead when they can only transport 2 battalions with present naval transport While Taiwan has 130,000 soldier connected by road and transport and can move reinforcement, armor and artillery, missile along the road.

You must have Taiwan confused with South Korea.

Taiwan doesn't have 130,000 soldiers. They have 130,000 kids who won't train when it's too hot outside.