I am sure Arabs can influence US-Russia negotiations to get the desired result. Arabs will ideally put Europe in such situation that it has to follow Arabs. and when that happens than Arabs can effectively deal with other Continents. if Russia wins this Ukraine war. it will be Arab victory and there cultural influence will be sky high. dont think this scale of conflict can be fought with few hundreds billion dollarsI think Europe is too bankrupt to keep the Ukraine war afloat. US and Russia needs to negotiate about the Ukraine war, nothing else is urgent for them. I'm starting to understand your ideas now, you think it is in Arab's interest to prolong the war and weaken Europe.
only Russia large real GDP, its unlimited energy consumption and its relationship with Arabs is hiding the numbers. when numbers get big than it creates incentive to look things over long term and than every one associate themselves with that soft power. no one has airlift capability to support distributive air defense like Russia.