Biden right now is at the US State Department giving a speech masturbating to his foreign policy achievements. Acting is one thing. Succeeding is a whole different animal. His list is a whole lot of just acting. Big deal if he’s made stronger alliances with countries that are already treaty allies. He spun that the US leaving Afghanistan crushed China but it’s one of his greatest failures in US stature. That sums up how he turns lemons into lemonade by lying about what’s really going on.
Did he mention how Houthis slapped them around for a whole 1+ year?
30, 40, 50+ countries wanted to join or joined BRICS and SCO in some format.
De-dollarization newer higher, global nuking of their perception due to Israel,
Kicked out of a few African bases, even in their region countries like Mexico, and Brazil, mock and don't respect them,
Venezuela prepares to take Essequibo. China-led Saudi-Iran rapprochement.
Daily attacks on their bases in Iraq and Syria, Iran seizing their tankers.
Failed to move ASEAN even an inch against China or smear BRI.
Global public perception of China never higher, of the US never lower.