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I'm curious what US media outlets you're referencing?

Even here in the People's Republic of California, issues like homelessness and income inequality are frequently covered by the media.

Granted, meaningfully addressing these problem sets is a whole other can of worms.
I'm talking about Kirk and other Alex Jones types of free media, including social media that we outsiders have access to.


Lieutenant General
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The tie on Trump's chest gets redder every day.
Frankly there are still Canadian Trumptards so I prefer Canada still stew. Let them come begging to China for a change in direction. It should be a condition that US allies have to do something publicly against the US if they want to reset ties. It doesn’t have to be too big because Americans are that sensitive. They’re in no position to negotiate because they need China more to sell their overcapacity in order to maintain their first world lifestyles.

Trudeau was in Washington for the Carter funeral so he showed up on CNN for an interview. He comments on the wildfires in LA blaming it on Climate Change. Working against Chinese EVs says Canada and the West don’t care about Climate Change. If the West had the monopoly on green tech, they would be forcing the world to adopt it and exploiting it by charging more for it while claiming it was what’s best for the world. They would be glad dealing with the devil Chinese if they were the ones making all the money but on principle… not the other way around.


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I'm talking about Kirk and other Alex Jones types of free media, including social media that we outsiders have access to.

I don't usually indulge in such content, but doesn't or didn't Alex Jones' show spend a great deal of airtime highlighting, detailing and exaggerating America's many, many actual and imaginary problems?

Without a great deal of such content critical of the status quo, a protest candidate like Donald Trump would not have been elected or re-elected as President of the United States.

Also, not sure what you mean by outsider?


Junior Member
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I don't usually indulge in such content, but doesn't or didn't Alex Jones' show spend a great deal of airtime highlighting, detailing and exaggerating America's many, many actual and imaginary problems?

Without a great deal of such content critical of the status quo, a protest candidate like Donald Trump would not have been elected or re-elected as President of the United States.

Also, not sure what you mean by outsider?
You are right. They used to be anti-war and anti imperialist or as they like to call it "globalist", and other subjects like Schuab and Soros. They also used to focus on southern border and immigration issues. They used Trump as the solution to all these problems. Now they've made a 180 degree turn and are standing in support of Trump regarding the many wars he is planning on all these neighbouring countries, parroting the "CCP commie on our border" type of message that the majority of MAGA voters respond very positively and blindly to. They are obviously all bought and paid for by the US MIC to manufacture consent for war, and it is working.

I mean outsider as in someone that doesn't live in the US.


Registered Member
Jiang inherited a weak hand but placed it well. But the J10 call wasn’t as big as you are implying. Even if China bought a thousand more Flankers from Russia, it wouldn’t have changed things as far as your examples went.

The Tejas decision is irrelevant to be frank. The problem isn’t with this one project but the whole Indian establishment and industrial structure.

SAC was HAL, growing fat and complacent and kept looking for foreigners to give them the next big thing instead of seeking to advance and innovate themselves. And that was with CAC and the J10 giving them direct competition since they say the J11 as the high end with the J10 as the low end, and assumed a similar standing between SAC and CAC. It wasn’t until Chengdu won the next gen fighter contest with the J20 that SAC really fundamentally changed their ways. And that was with a big talent injection direct from CAC to SAC.

India with HAL as the monopoly supplier has no chance as HAL is too big to fail and will just never change their ways and keep failing upwards to secure more and more contracts and funding.

If the Indian government split HAL down the middle and had half work the the Tejas with the rest continue with flankers, they might at least have a chance.
Guancha trio talked about this issue last night, except their analogy was Tejas is no J-10 but J-7E, it's not even JF-17 level. It's a bit like China producing J-7E back when YF-22 was starting to fly. Only thing different is instead of coming up with domestic WP-13 China still used the original Tumansky R-13, and Russia comes up to you and go "sorry with the Soviet Union gone we're not longer able to supply R-13 to you".

They did say all the dooming and people no longer welling to hear DRDO and HAL out about their grand plans for AMCA and TEDBF and instead becoming more like their air force chief saying "how about actually finishing those 40 Tejas Mk1 first?" is the correct attitude for growth and the pain with F404 and F414 delivery teaches the correct lesson on domestic industry and not relying on imports, so there is potential for corrective future growth.


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They are obviously all bought and paid for by the US MIC to manufacture consent for war, and it is working.

There's no denying certain US media outlets and journalists, and I use that term very loosely, maintain an extremely close relationship with certain current and former US officials, as well as members of the donor class.

However, I would strongly caution against the view that American media as a whole is controlled or funded by the US military industrial complex.

Rather, American media first and foremost exists to make $, which means generating clicks, views and subscriptions. Without a viable audience, most media outlets here will cease to exist.

As such, American journalists or at least the popular ones -- whether they acknowledge it or even know it -- are in the business of telling American audiences what they want to see and hear. They exist to draw, sustain and expand audiences.

I'd rather not dive into what it is certain American audiences or Americans in general want to see and hear, nevermind what that might translate to at a more macro level, but I'm sure you can easily draw some of your own conclusions . . .


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Maybe I'm not aware, but the US is arguably the only country on the planet it seems like where natural disasters, rather than being met with national unity and collective empathy, is met instead with political bickering, scapegoating, support for donations being predicated on the political leanings of those affected, and misinformation (ie. posts on X with thousands of upvotes about how death rays caused the Palisades fire).

I don't want to make another hyperbolic civil war prediction, but man if US society was embodied by a dysfunctional couple living next to you, it would be one where their relationship is so volatile you wouldn't be worried about, but would rather inevitably expect a day you'd have to call the cops over the sound of glass breaking or a gunshot.


Registered Member
Maybe I'm not aware, but the US is arguably the only country on the planet it seems like where natural disasters, rather than being met with national unity and collective empathy, is met instead with political bickering, scapegoating, support for donations being predicated on the political leanings of those affected, and misinformation (ie. posts on X with thousands of upvotes about how death rays caused the Palisades fire).

I don't want to make another hyperbolic civil war prediction, but man if US society was embodied by a dysfunctional couple living next to you, it would be one where their relationship is so volatile you wouldn't be worried about, but would rather inevitably expect a day you'd have to call the cops over the sound of glass breaking or a gunshot.
US use to come together with national unity to fight disasters, recall all the selfless firefighters during 9/11. Then recall what happened to them afterwards. So the current state is natural progression of things.