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How Taiwan imagines a reunification will go: the free world comes to Taiwan's rescue

How it will actually go: China gets Taiwan, US gets Panama and Greenland, Europe and Canada are shaking, Japan left for itself
May I suggest a correction to that statement, USA gets nothing due to collapsing in on itself, EU basically folds to Russia once the bulk of its forces die in Ukraine and Japan becomes a colony of China, thus paying them back for WW2 and yeah, Taiwan becomes a part of China, no strings attached. Canada is screwed no matter what anyway once the whole Nazi thing left the closet.

It is funny how Trump is pushing the Europeans away like this when their leaders are literally the perfect bitches, now they lost a large portion of its cannon fodder, good job to the orange man, maximum clappings ahoy


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Whose ready to pre-order the new DLC expansion.

Trudeau is feeling a cold sweat right now.



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I have a lot of respect for Mike Pondsmith, the guy that came up with the Cyberpunk setting (as in, the setting that Cyberpunk 2077 is based on). Although he failed to predict technological breakthroughs like wifi, he was impressively precognizant on things like Europe coalescing into a supernational state (called EEC in his setting), the Soviet Union regressing into an oligarchy controlled state and the general outcome of a cold war if US was the loser. He failed to predict rise of China though and China being a big player in 2077 is a more recent patch to the setting.

He predicts fall of US originates from a war in central America, initially around Panama Canal that he calls First Central American War where US attempts to retake the canal due to national defence reasons. EU or rather EEC funded central American resistance and it ended up being an Afghan style quagmire that drained the remaining strength of US, leading to its collapse and reformation as New United States in a technocratic neo-feudal state where MIC megacorp like Militech enjoys company rule over NUSA. US military involvement in Central America is such a big part of the setting that it shows up in things like Johnny Silverhand, called as such because he lost his original human left arm while fighting in one of the central American wars under US military and had it replaced with cyberware.

It seems like a lot of elements in real life is playing towards that direction. I wonder if Musk is looking up to reserve the Militech name right now.
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Saving Europe is not in China’s self-interests also. Who’s worse for China to take advantage of Europe than the US?The only thing left that someone can do is start a war. And the US is the only one to want one but can’t because they might suffer. So who’s worse than that that won’t suffer more?
There is still plenty of benefit for China for Europe to survive. if Europe convert into New Europe than those people will get free to do other things. The current economic decline of Europe will show up in birth rates and emigration that will need to be filled by imports.
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Growing demand from Chinese travelers​

One of the key trends in 2024 is the growing interest in European travel among Chinese tourists. The LHTB reports that 83% of Chinese respondents plan to visit Europe, up from 74% last year.


Registered Member
I have a lot of respect for Mike Pondsmith, the guy that came up with the Cyberpunk setting (as in, the setting that Cyberpunk 2077 is based on). Although he failed to predict technological breakthroughs like wifi, he was impressively precognizant on things like Europe coalescing into a supernational state (called EEC in his setting), the Soviet Union regressing into an oligarchy controlled state and the general outcome of a cold war if US was the loser. He failed to predict rise of China though and China being a big player in 2077 is a more recent patch to the setting.

He predicts fall of US originates from a war in central America, initially around Panama Canal that he calls First Central American War where US attempts to retake the canal due to national defence reasons. EU or rather EEC funded central American resistance and it ended up being an Afghan style quagmire that drained the remaining strength of US, leading to its collapse and reformation as New United States in a technocratic neo-feudal state where MIC megacorp like Militech enjoys company rule over NUSA. US military involvement in Central America is such a big part of the setting that it shows up in things like Johnny Silverhand, called as such because he lost his original human left arm while fighting in one of the central American wars under US military and had it replaced with cyberware.

It seems like a lot of elements in real life is playing towards that direction. I wonder if Musk is looking up to reserve the Militech name right now.
So basically the same as real life but Russia = USSR, China = EEC and EU = random nobodies