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Junior Member
I do agree with you. However, it is always good to keep track of the sources of information out there. Tracing organisation, its affliations and connections is less of "tracking propaganda stories with no logic" but more of identifying the whole propaganda structure out there, which is tangibly and factually present, and is imo not sth to be dismissed.

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this for instance, although outdated by at least 4 years, is a good way of understanding what is out there and what we are dealing with. ignorance is not good. this is more for awareness.
hi is the map a depiction of falungong's affiliated organization?


Junior Member
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If that was possible it would have happened many times in history already.
The highlands and foothills of the Himalayas and "lesser "mountain ranges of Central Asia are death traps/mass graves for the jaihind jeets as historically the area of the mountains are called "Hindu Kush" mountains or killer of hindus as the hundreds of thousands/millions of hindus being led to the slave markets of the middle east perished from exposure/hunger/fatigue after the muslim conquest/sack of india -hindus today are not stronger/fitter in any way then their unfortunate ancestors(same high fat/low muscle ratio-weak cardiovascular system)and can't escape their fate of dying by the tens/hundreds of thousands:this time by their own neglected development/corruption/caste(still!) prejudice-sad really.
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New Member
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IMO the export ban can still be expanded. It is not comprehensive enough and can be avoided by using shell companies. I want to see everything even tangentially related to military banned, strict enforcement, secondary sanctions. I want to see the American MIC's arm twisted behind its back, screaming in pain.
I personally think China is already aware of the shell companies and perhaps already made preparations when they finally announced the export ban of US MICs. I can't imagine the crazy amounts of agents, backdoors and sabotage that are waiting for these shells companies just because their home country has no (cheaper) alternative or lacking in that much needed industrial capability.


Registered Member
IMO the export ban can still be expanded. It is not comprehensive enough and can be avoided by using shell companies. I want to see everything even tangentially related to military banned, strict enforcement, secondary sanctions. I want to see the American MIC's arm twisted behind its back, screaming in pain.
They have to cut them down slowly. Remember US still has almost as large gdp as China, US innovation is not dead and if China just cuts off everything, US could improve. Arguments saying US is incapable of improving is underestimating the basic human ability to survive under duress.


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It what will happen if US goes unhinged and makes internment camps, China will go unhinged right back at US and anyone supporting them.

Who knows how much of the American decline in science can really be credited to India? I'm reminded of the theory of third worldism which few Chinese believe in anymore, but maybe the original prediction didn't mean that all the third world nations would willingly surrender their resources to help China bring about the democratic new revolution, but rather that the inherent issues of capital causes a situation where the third world cannot but help to destroy the first world's progress.
I disagree on crediting Indians for US decline on science. US decline on science has been happening for a long time and more to do with other factors primarily the rise of Christian fundamentalism. If anything, the Indian immigrants in the US are generally more scientifically literate than the vast swaths of republicans and bleach drinking MAGAs.