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Funny how the Indian GST tax system is so complicated. Different tax tiers for different flavors of popcorn including if they are packaged or not packaged. Leavened bread or unleavened bread. Whatever there is cream on the bun or cream off the bun.
Isn’t this counterproductive? Making a complex tax regime only makes people dodge it more, whether on purpose or by accident


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I been following this chaos on Twitter/x... regarding to H1B/Indians subject. The amount and level of hatred the non elite Twitter/X MAGA Americans have towards Indians make it look like they love the Chinese in comparison.

Also ,like in Canada many so called "indian international students" have falsified many of their academic/work credentials and are siimply unqualified and incompetent (Boeing) so it'll be a shitshow for USA over a few dollars


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Funny how the Indian GST tax system is so complicated. Different tax tiers for different flavors of popcorn including if they are packaged or not packaged. Leavened bread or unleavened bread. Whatever there is cream on the bun or cream off the bun.
The vast bureacratic mess with levels and sublevels is very appealling to the indian psyche with its convoluted language designed to intimidate the lower masses(this whole system mirrors the Brahmin dominated caste system) and is designed at every level for bribes,political/personal/sexual favours leverage with built-in generational set up(korean factory demands)what a mess and anyone wants to import this crap into their societies?backlash will be bloody


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Isn’t this counterproductive? Making a complex tax regime only makes people dodge it more, whether on purpose or by accident
The funny thing is people believe China is a centralized bureaucratic nightmare that monitors everything while India is a free democracy that let things go.

In reality it's opposite. The central government wants efficiency and therefore let's the guys below do their job properly without needing to intervene too much. In contrast India makes as many pointless regulations so in the end nothing gets done.


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Ramaswami is talking about an absence of skill in private industry, not academia (although academia suffers for the same reason). The reason why the US cannot even produce the necessary talent for private industry (or academia) domestically is because, while it is true as you say that anyone with a modicum of talent in STEM sleepwalks through US primary and secondary, as it turns out, the engineer who has only done maybe a couple thousand arithmetic operations in their entire educational career, and has never once touched any kind of formal proofs, is not actually going to be a very good engineer.

They might have a wonderful grasp of the theoreticals (the failed Common Core curriculum was a great fan of teaching huge amounts of 'advanced' material with absolutely zero practice attached to the learning), but they can't apply anything.

The reason why the US produces such people? Because there is no value put on education, and hard work in school. Sure, the finance 'industry' siphons off what little mathematical genius the US manages to produce, but 50 kids a year can only do so much even if they don't go into finance.

Private industry (and academia) is very much a work of the educated masses, which is why China is doing so well: huge numbers of well-educated engineers, scientists, and mathematicians. Same reason why US now lags behind in the fields that it doesn't already dominate: no well-educated engineers, scientists, and mathematicians. As the great George Bush once said: "The question must be asked, is our children learning?" The answer is a resounding no, and it's all down to culture.
But I was curious about........gender studies and such and 20 minutes in bathroom reading taught me all that need to know.Also was reading about the guy in China who finally passed the Gaokao exams after like 25 tries-gotta respect that and in a society like China where every level of society tries to respect/honour such achievements will /has sustained us for centuries and will in the future


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Satya Nadella's rise to mantle of Microsoft's CEO ushered in a decade of nonstop Indian American braggadocio about being the demographic that had it all. Hailing from a rising global south nation that was on good terms with America, over-representation in corporate America and in politics, "culturally conquering" America with tikka masala and yoga. The treatment that they're receiving now is for sure a slap back to reality, some would argue a much deserved one considering how much they loved to rub their achievements in the face of East Asian immigrants, of how you only succeed in the Anglosphere so much as the ruling classes, ie. not you, are willing to allow it.

Try anyone's patience and the consequences are often clear and immediate, a child will stomp and pout, a business owner will tell you to leave, and your boss will clip your wings. Minorities just by their very existence try the patience of a country's dominant demographic and as anyone who's taken a high school course on American history knows, there is nothing that depletes a White man's already low patience reserves faster than when minorities start to act "upity."


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Isn’t this counterproductive? Making a complex tax regime only makes people dodge it more, whether on purpose or by accident

Apparently, Cement and Paint is considered a luxury item in India and thus taxed at 28% lol.

A higher rate is applied when luxury items are considered. For items such as paint, washing machines, cement, automobiles, shampoo, aerated water, sunscreen, motorcycles, etc., a 28% GST is applied
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Apparently, Cement and Paint is considered a luxury item in India and thus taxed at 28% lol.

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As Napoleon said "Never stop your enemy when he is making a mistake" total f*ck ups-imports nothing but the worst from its experiences as a subjugated entity from Britain(which had many strengths in its day)-nothing good ever comes from india