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Except Iran has a better economy on per capita basis than Pakistan and India, who are both to some extent darlings of the west.

There is no objective indication that US sanctioning someone really affects their economy on a macro scale. It's the same as with EU, the economy is doing badly due to several geopolitical factors but non-UN sanctions are probably not really a measurable part of that, or at least very premature to draw the conclusions that it is.

The reason Iran does worse than China/East Europe is more likely that it's just not an efficient government system to have religious leaders running the show. China even warned these various Muslim guys with their actions in Xinjiang that they do not consider Islamic led politics valid.

Countries who adopt a para-socialist/state led economy structure have been the big economic winners in the last 20 years (China, Russia, Japan, SK). Various types of oligarchies have been able to keep their living standard roughly the same unless they come under pressure (EU, US, Brazil, Argentina etc). Then further below that are various types of fundamentalists like Iran, Turkey. Then even further below are corrupt 3rd world basket cases.

There's a reason China's approach in the middle east is focused on Saudi first, because a personalistic dictatorship is easier to reform than the religious/conservative cluster fuck that is Iran. Ultimately the goal for China in the region is to control the resource supply and shipping routes. What US did wrong when trying at the same goal is that they didn't work on the people, they just used violence or bribes on the leaders. A succesful middle eastern policy must include reform away from the negative tendencies of the region, opening up those nations to economic improvement. Otherwise China will just be thrown out at a later date like US is being.
Iran top source of imports is UAE. In exchange they want this North South Corridor. Effectiveness of US sanctions depends on its Mideast partners.

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Yes Khamenei replaced Khomeini, point is Iran has a system in place to replace supreme leaders, which means there is institutional enforcement of their national objectives that makes it much harder to coup than other ME kingdoms

Funny enough Iran has probably the most robust political system in the ME, with actual elections between two factions to trade blame and an external enemy to maintain cohesion. If you look past western propaganda against them, the fact that their economy even in USD terms are better than most other countries in SEA, that they actually have a successful space program, an actual industrial economy and scientific institution, means they're actually the most successful country in the ME, far more so than pure petro-states
Persians are built differently from the other Arabs in the middle east. There's a reason why back in the day it was Turks vs Persians for control of that area.

Some countries just have better human capital. Its a shame they have to waste so much time being religious when I bet even their own leaders don't believe it. Islam after all is not their native religion.

Honestly you can't help but see some similarities between old Tibet Rule and the current religious rule in Iran. But the difference is Iran is not cia backed and their guys are far more modern minded.


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I don't think it's a big loss for China. I don't know why the internet is filled with people who think this is a Cold War when in reality it isn't. The next regime will work with China because China is the second largest economy on Earth and the largest trade nation.

If you ignore the government controlled and undervalued exchange rate, remember that China's economy is somewhere between 1.5x to 2x larger than the US, if you look at actual consumption of goods and services.


Registered Member
If you ignore the government controlled and undervalued exchange rate, remember that China's economy is somewhere between 1.5x to 2x larger than the US, if you look at actual consumption of goods and services.
It's probably more so that EU and US are a quite overvalued in gdp.

By official stats, US is supposed to be 80% China, but they're obviously not reaching that level. EU is supposed to be like 60% China but they're absolutely shameful even compared to US.