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If Iran gets couped, that's a pretty big loss for China and Russia.

Not too concerned about external war destabilizing Iran but rather internal conflict. Seems to be moderate risk in Iran.

They need to stabilize their internal situation asap.

I guess there are enough hardliners in Irma to hold the line for now.

The electric shortages are also blamed on the new liberal president by the hardliners.

We will see how that goes and whether Houthis buckle this time around. They survived in the past. Likely will survive in the future.
Fun fact, Iran's per capta GDP is higher than Indonesia.


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Isn't Khamenei the current supreme leader of Iran?
Yes Khamenei replaced Khomeini, point is Iran has a system in place to replace supreme leaders, which means there is institutional enforcement of their national objectives that makes it much harder to coup than other ME kingdoms

Funny enough Iran has probably the most robust political system in the ME, with actual elections between two factions to trade blame and an external enemy to maintain cohesion. If you look past western propaganda against them, the fact that their economy even in USD terms are better than most other countries in SEA, that they actually have a successful space program, an actual industrial economy and scientific institution, means they're actually the most successful country in the ME, far more so than pure petro-states


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Agreed,I call it bullshit too-without the power/numbers of the PLA/PLAN these damnable western pirates together (EU,USA) would be sailing up the Yangtze to raid,attack bully Chinese to alleviate their economic woes(while singing hymns-damnable hypocrites)-Japan(black hearted rabid beast) too will do this historically when late Chinese dynasties are weak/corrupt-no more.Guard up and strengthen China through and through and put our boot upon their necks till it breaks.
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Registered Member
Reminds me of all those "Chinese people ignore people in need" and "Chinese good samaritan are being sued" stories of the 2000s the societies really have flipped the last 2~4 years.
The fact that the entirety of the Western commentariat used the bystander effect as a cause to incite racial hatred against Chinese highlights the western anxiety over a rising China. China should see to it that the West's power is diminished with each passing year. That Trump has become more conciliatory towards China is indicative of the barbaric nature of anglo society; it was not internal morality that compelled his reconciliation, it was Chinese weapons from ZhuHai and Chinese economic WMDs from its auction of US denominated debt that underscores that even the ashkenazi IQ US elites must defer to Chinese power. Western jews may believe they can trick and fool their deity with loopholes, but try that with the Chinese and see how that fares.
Again, if i were to emulate the cruelty and autism of western MSM mouthpieces who are often staffed by scions of the western elite, i would say that this wayward drone is symbolic of the chaos of the heart of american society where a civil war bubbles beneath its surface. That anglo american intelligence simply cannot compete against superior han Chinese intellect, and therefore the anglo americans must cheat and steal and evidently they failed to copy an effective drone program from the superior Chinese.
Fun fact, Iran's per capta GDP is higher than Indonesia.
Iranians have proven their cowardice, their will to fight died with Solemeini.Seems the Islamic Revolution was for naught if they simply wanted to ape the Shah of Iran and become slaves to the West because too many iranians have turned comprador. At least the CPC stamped out this cowardice and this treachery in 1989.


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The allegations seem to center mainly on the Jinjiang Group’s treatment and constitute a series of mistreatments and noncompliance with international labor and safety conventions. Workers are subjected to 12 hours a day, seven days a week, with some working without shoes or safety helmets. Workers do not have access to clean drinking water and have been seen drinking from puddles of water.

Pictures have emerged of dirty bathrooms and degrading eating conditions for workers. The accommodation is described as dirty, crowded, and poorly lit, with no division between men and women.

More worryingly still, video, audio, and picture evidence have emerged of workers being subjected to violence by foremen. This appears to be regular whenever there is a situation of noncompliance or when there is a delay in the execution of work.

Hopefully this is all resolved. Keeping people in such bad working conditions is deplorable.


Junior Member
Registered Member
If Iran gets couped, that's a pretty big loss for China and Russia.

Not too concerned about external war destabilizing Iran but rather internal conflict. Seems to be moderate risk in Iran.

They need to stabilize their internal situation asap.

I guess there are enough hardliners in Irma to hold the line for now.

The electric shortages are also blamed on the new liberal president by the hardliners.

We will see how that goes and whether Houthis buckle this time around. They survived in the past. Likely will survive in the future.
I don't think it's a big loss for China. I don't know why the internet is filled with people who think this is a Cold War when in reality it isn't. The next regime will work with China because China is the second largest economy on Earth and the largest trade nation.