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Lieutenant General
"Fantastic news" if Turkey really starts to fight the US-supported Kurdish SDF.

I didn't know that Joshua Wong has bigger balls than Jimmy Lai.
Frankly it’s quite sad that so many pro-West Chinese are so dumb. They literally think they can do anything even murdering innocent people if they think they’re on the side of good or white people. They have no conscience. They’re literally sociopaths. They actually live up to the darkest racist stereotypes from the West of Chinese but because they’re pro-West, it’s okay. I bet that all the Hong Kong activists who read this see no problem with what was said in this testimony.


Junior Member
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Frankly it’s quite sad that so many pro-West Chinese are so dumb. They literally think they can do anything even murdering innocent people if they think they’re on the side of good or white people. They have no conscience. They’re literally sociopaths. They actually live up to the darkest racist stereotypes from the West of Chinese but because they’re pro-West, it’s okay. I bet that all the Hong Kong activists who read this see no problem with what was said in this testimony.
I mean, that's like saying it's sad that so many people who fall for scams are so dumb


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"Too early to remove Syrian rebels from terror list - Starmer"

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Well, HTS did march through Damascus saying this to the camera:

"“We’ve overthrown him (Bashar al-Assad), praise be Allah.
We will finally pledge Bay'ah (allegiance) to a Muslim leader, to a Muslim caliph, who will lead the armies against the Jewish entity to defend the people of Gaza.
We will pledge allegiance to a Muslim ruler to free the Muslims from the oppression of tyrannical rulers and the tyranny of enemies.
Thanks to Allah. Allahu Akbar.”

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Registered Member
Now maybe its because you don't see many Chinese on the non-China internet but I feel China doesn't really hype BRCIS despite bring the most important part of it.

Meanwhile the biggest cheerleaders of it are countries like India and other really poor guys. Thats right boys we are gonna be in BRICS and bring down you westoids! You wait and see!

Thats how I realize China is probably the only country that is self assured about its plans for the future. It believes in itself and that it will be able to beat the west through careful planning and tenacity. Meanwhile you have all these other global south countries just clinging onto China hoping it will act like Superman and do all the heavy lifting for them. That's just putting more pressure and burden on China when China itself doesn't go far to hyping such stuff. It is detrimental to the cause. And many of these global south countries despite all their yapping will not put their money where it is at and still buy overpriced crap from those "westoids" instead of China. When their elites need to flee, they go to London first instead of Shanghai or Beijing. At least those idiots in China are finally beginning to wake up and buy domestically but since they don't open their mouths so much, they don't place so much self burden on themselves.

The key to American alliances is make sure only other rich guys who don't cause trouble can join in. For everyone else they just do what Uncle Sam says or Uncle Sam will get out the stick and whack them until they say yes since he doesn't take no for a answer.
It's because people forget that China has about the same population and industrial output as NATO, and around 65% of their gdp, which if they bothered with some creative accounting tricks could easily be 100%.

US is more scared of being isolated than China, because US doesn't directly compare to China. NATO does. And while NATO would still prefer to have some non NATO partners, it isn't reliant on it. The same applies to China.

People have this very very wrong perception that global south countries such as the likes of Iran serve a role similar to France or UK in China's alliance structure, when in reality, the role of France or UK in China's alliance structure is served by say Chongqing or Guangdong. Iran, the various sahel anti French dudes, are more like Pinochet or Milei. Nice to have, but the empire does not survive off their contributions, and new ones similar to them are quite easy to create.

Russia is the only actual essential ally to China, because it ensures resource autarky in the worst case scenario. That's why theyre heavily backing Russia.


Junior Member
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It's because people forget that China has about the same population and industrial output as NATO, and around 65% of their gdp, which if they bothered with some creative accounting tricks could easily be 100%.

US is more scared of being isolated than China, because US doesn't directly compare to China. NATO does. And while NATO would still prefer to have some non NATO partners, it isn't reliant on it. The same applies to China.

People have this very very wrong perception that global south countries such as the likes of Iran serve a role similar to France or UK in China's alliance structure, when in reality, the role of France or UK in China's alliance structure is served by say Chongqing or Guangdong. Iran, the various sahel anti French dudes, are more like Pinochet or Milei. Nice to have, but the empire does not survive off their contributions, and new ones similar to them are quite easy to create.

Russia is the only actual essential ally to China, because it ensures resource autarky in the worst case scenario. That's why theyre heavily backing Russia.
Pretty sure NATO is more on North Korea's level in term of industrial output.


Registered Member
Experience does matter, but what you have learned from that experience matters even more. The Syrian Army had 13 years of war fighting experience. What have they learned? Helicopters picked up US collaborators from the rooftops of Saigon in 1975. Then they did it again in Kabul in 2021. What have the Americans learned? India had more recent combat experience than China, but their Jawans were routed at Galwan 2020. What have the Indians learned?

China doesn't have recent war fighting experience. But it is constantly learning by observing other people's experiences. They've watch what had happened in 1991 in Iraq, and in 1996 in their own waters. Since then, they've been striving to build a brand new military.

What have the Americans learned since 1991 and 2001? They have learned that wars with smaller nations are more fun and that these kinds of wars are good business. They've learned to optimize their military towards smaller and smaller conflicts. They've learned to make more money for less. Gone are the days where America could produce tank divisions. Now they want to produce premium systems at low production rates and sky high prices. Much of America's true formidable strength lies in legacy systems that were brand new in 1991. When these systems are attritted, they cannot be replaced in a reasonable amount of time, and some are even irreplaceable. The new systems can't come online fast enough.

America have learned from it's war experiences to build a military of luxury. While China have learned from no recent war experience to build an actual military that can stand against a Superpower.
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Registered Member
Experience does matter, but what you have learned from that experience matters even more. The Syrian Army had 13 years of war fighting experience. What have they learned? Helicopters picked up US collaborators from the rooftops of Saigon in 1975. Then they did it again in Kabul in 2021. What have the Americans learned? India had more recent combat experience than China, but their Jawans were routed at Galwan 2020. What have the Indians learned?

China doesn't have recent war fighting experience. But it is constantly learning by observing other people's experiences. They've watch what had happened in 1991 in Iraq, and in 1996 in their own waters. Since then, they've been striving to build a brand new military.

What have the Americans learned since 1991 and 2001? They have learned that wars with smaller nations are more fun and that these kinds of wars are good business. They've learned to optimize their military towards smaller and smaller conflicts. They've learned to make more money for less. Gone are the days where America could produce tank divisions. Now they want to produce premium systems at low production rates and sky high prices. Much of America's true formidable strength lies in legacy systems that were brand new in 1991. When these systems are attritted, they cannot be replaced in a reasonable amount of time, and some are even irreplaceable. The new systems can't come online fast enough.

America have learned from it's war experiences to build a military of luxury. While China have learned from no recent war experience to build an actual military that can stand against a Superpower.
China does have very updated experience through its attaches in Russia. I'd say the amount of experience in modern war is about equal to US, since US have their own connections in Ukraine as well. US might have a little bit more experience in naval defense thanks to Ansarallah, but we're talking against very limited weapons.

The real question is which force is more responsive and adaptable to the info/experience they acquired. Going into ww2, German and French army had roughly the same access to experience, but the lessons drawn from said experience was very different.


Senior Member
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Experience does matter, but what you have learned from that experience matters even more. The Syrian Army had 13 years of war fighting experience. What have they learned? Helicopters picked up US collaborators from the rooftops of Saigon in 1975. Then they did it again in Kabul in 2021. What have the Americans learned? India had more recent combat experience than China, but their Jawans were routed at Galwan 2020. What have the Indians learned?

China doesn't have recent war fighting experience. But it is constantly learning by observing other people's experiences. They've watch what had happened in 1991 in Iraq, and in 1996 in their own waters. Since then, they've been striving to build a brand new military.

What have the Americans learned since 1991 and 2001? They have learned that wars with smaller nations are more fun and that these kinds of wars are good business. They've learned to optimize their military towards smaller and smaller conflicts. They've learned to make more money for less. Gone are the days where America could produce tank divisions. Now they want to produce premium systems at low production rates and sky high prices. Much of America's true formidable strength lies in legacy systems that were brand new in 1991. When these systems are attritted, they cannot be replaced in a reasonable amount of time, and some are even irreplaceable. The new systems can't come online fast enough.

America have learned from it's war experiences to build a military of luxury. While China have learned from no recent war experience to build an actual military that can stand against a Superpower.
The whole war experience thing doesn't even work with China lately.

How much experience did late Qing have? They had loads of experience in fighting yet they got their asses kicked by everyone. Japan kicking their ass was particularly humiliating because what experience did Japan have outside its civil wars?

How much experience did the Communists have compared to the KMT? I mean the KMT went through warlords and fighting Imperial Japan in its prime. So you figured the KMT would have learnt something and put bets on them (even Stalin did). Yet they somehow got their asses beat by communists in record time.

How much experience did the communist have when fighting America and the UN who were only a few years removed from WW2 and had the latest technology? Still didn't stop America getting kicked out of North Korea.

I remember a saying that a smart man learns not from his own mistakes but others.


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In other words, too soon to assume that Syria will come under western rule. More like sooner or later the whole situation there will evolve into a free for all cluster fuck that will tear the whole region apart and in the end, despite what the Turks, Israelis and American douchebags might say, this will be yet another example of a self inflicted ownage that ends up screwing them so badly that the only ones that benefit is China once again and maybe Russia and Iran once they got over the crying phase. I mean seriously, I am seriously convinced that this is yet another carefully laid trap to sap the USA of the necessary resources they need to fight China, why do they keep on falling for the same trap. Still the one running the USA has got collective dementia of it is to be expected that this will happen anyway
The next phase of Syrian conflict is bound to aggravate tensions between Turkey and US/Israel. It will be Turkish-backed Islamists vs US-backed Kurds / PKK / YPG.
All these Turkish and US backed factions had Assad as a common enemy and so their mutual animosity was relegated to the background, but now that Assad is gone, the tensions will reignite. It already started.
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