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I predicted that Russia and Israel are bound to be collide in Syria. They have polar opposite interests in the country

Let's see where it leads to.
There is no such thing as Israel colliding with Russia, there is only the same old Israel deploying their ISIS terrorists and Russia supporting Syrian army from the air with a side of Iranian special forces.

Any collision between Israel and Russia will quickly end in a free Palestine, Israel for all their stupidity knows this much.


Senior Member
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This is literally the national equivalent of a schizophrenic person lobotomizing himself to remove the visions, lol
China should figure out how to encourage America to restore the China Initiative, starting with deporting all Chinese AI scientists back to China.
Elon knows too much and might get in the way, but maybe there's a way to convince him to play along.


Junior Member
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Seriously, even in that movie that system of cartels remain undefeated, given how they replaced one leader with another. What makes the USA think they can actually win, Hollywood, with the whole rainbow ideal backing them, with sparkles and shit?
USA has the resources to take down the cartels, main issue is they never gave enough of a shit to do so since the War on Drugs always disproportionately affected poor POC communities in America instead of well-off White ones. Marijuana use among suburban teens and party drugs amongst white collar workers never devastated White middle-class America quite the same way crack and cocaine did for Blacks and Hispanics, ie. exactly the kind of status quo Anglo elites in Washington were comfortable with.

But fentanyl is equally laying waste to everyone, hence for all the wrong reasons America feels its to time to get serious about drugs. The recent rhetoric about harder line, possibly militaristic stance against Mexico kills two birds with one stone really. Be hard on fentanyl to protect White American communities as well as satiate American jingoism by letting Americans live out their "Texas ranger south of the border" fantasies.

The War on Drugs has always been a class issue and as Bob Dylan said, White, Black, Hispanic, they're all pawns in the system's game.


Junior Member
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USA has the resources to take down the cartels, main issue is they never gave enough of a shit to do so since the War on Drugs always disproportionately affected poor POC communities in America instead of well-off White ones. Marijuana use among suburban teens and party drugs amongst white collar workers never devastated White middle-class America quite the same way crack and cocaine did for Blacks and Hispanics, ie. exactly the kind of status quo Anglo elites in Washington were comfortable with.

But fentanyl is equally laying waste to everyone, hence for all the wrong reasons America feels its to time to get serious about drugs. The recent rhetoric about harder line, possibly militaristic stance against Mexico kills two birds with one stone really. Be hard on fentanyl to protect White American communities as well as satiate American jingoism by letting Americans live out their "Texas ranger south of the border" fantasies.

The War on Drugs has always been a class issue and as Bob Dylan said, White, Black, Hispanic, they're all pawns in the system's game.
Somehow, I think it’s too little too late for the USA to deal with such an issue, the elites are far too compromised to actually succeed in such a thing. Plus they are stupid and have little logic about how to even commit to such an operation without stuffing up to the extreme. Seriously the racism in the USA is like their nation Achilles heel to be honest


Registered Member
There is no such thing as Arabic system because Arabs are too stupid to make any technological system.

No, technology is never derived from ancient languages. You -> drugs

Wow, that is so sad. Arabs are so powerless that they only service they can provide to Russia is to give oppertunities for Russia to test its weapons on Arabic lands against Arabic people? Oh... that is dire...

Sure, get them, no problem. It's never bad to be connected to thier wealth.

No, I didn't say that everything doesn't revolve around Arabs. I said that NOTHING revolves around Arabs. Even things in Arabic places don't revolve around Arabs; they revolve around the global power dynamic amongst China/Russia and the West. Arabs have no technology and therefore no military power and no true hard power. They do not have the gravity to be revolved around; Arabs revolve around others.

I told you I haven't because I don't study technologically poor civilizations. They're not worth my time.

The entire concept of Arabic soft power is so stupid that nobody other than you has even heard of it; it's like asking someone to research Australian Aborigine Quantum Space Decoding when they're squatting on the ground rubbing sticks and stones together. My "research" on this has been listening to you babbling nonsense like a drunk homeless person, proving that the entire concept only exists in the drugged alcoholic mind.
Both Arabic Soft Power and Arabic system exist. I dont know why you cannot understand these two basic concepts. It was Arabic soft power that divided India and whole series of events that started based on 1945 agreements between Saudi King and US President. Israel was part of that. ground work for that was done much earlier with US firms oil concessions in 1930s in Arabian desert. US was the rising power which even people residing in Arabian Desert with no access to outside world understood in 1930s. now think from where they got this insight and foresight?. That is your school home work to find answer. now think how they are behaving towards other so called powers of today. Remember you mentioned there are three Great Powers when i told you there is no such thing recognized by Gulf Monarchies and they demonstrate it by practically acts. It will be proven beyond doubt they have the most wealth and access to intelligence. and based on it MBS pulled out of BRICS summit and went straight to Europe. that project of New Europe. This Ukraine conflict is practical demonstration of Arabic system. They will not announce the countries inside it but you can easily guess.
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Saudi-American relations: an 'eternal alliance'​

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Royal Games: Why Russian Viewers Started Watching the Saudi League​

In September 2023, Okko bought the rights to broadcast matches of the Saudi Arabian Football Championship. Viewers are following the new clubs of world football stars. So far, games of the teams of Cristiano Ronaldo and Sadio Mane have attracted about the same interest from Russian viewers as matches of Barcelona or Real Madrid with average opponents in the Spanish Championship - and this is a good indicator.


Both Arabic Soft Power and Arabic system exist.
In your drunken drugged up dreams.
I dont know why you cannot understand these two basic concepts.
Because they don't exist.
It was Arabic soft power that divided India
That was Britain's hasty exit.
and whole series of events that started based on 1945 agreements between Saudi King and US President.
Being able to make an agreement between you and someone else is basic right. The deal benefited the US dollar immensely, or it would not have been made. It was American hard power that made it happen.
Israel was part of that.
That's Israeli power to in a deal between the US and Saudi Arabia.
ground work for that was done much earlier with US firms oil concessions in 1930s in Arabian desert.
There is no such thing as an American concession when it is in the Arabian desert. The fact that they can operate there and take oil that is not on their own territory is an Arabian concession to American power.
US was the rising power which even people residing in Arabian Desert with no access to outside world understood in 1930s.
That is American power.
now think from where they got this insight and foresight?. That is your school home work to find answer.
The answer is from your drug dealer. Easy work from an unqualified "teacher."
now think how they are behaving towards other so called powers of today.
How China/Russia and the West/US behave is what everyone thinks about here. Nobody thinks about the unimportant non-self-ruling Arabs.
Remember you mentioned there are three Great Powers
Correct statement
when i told you there is no such thing recognized by Gulf Monarchies and they demonstrate it by practically acts.
You on drugs. The only practical act ever carried out there is pumping and selling oil so they don't get invaded and killed for it.
It will be proven beyond doubt they have the most wealth and access to intelligence.
"Will be"=not happened=your imagination
and based on it MBS pulled out of BRICS summit and went straight to Europe.
Cus the US told him if a certain bearded, white dress-wearing shithead with 16 fake PhDs from his own daddy's university in the middle of th desert didn't get back in line, he was gonna end up sentenced in an American court.
that project of New Europe.
You mean broke deindustrialized Europe, which the Arabs cannot help LOL
This Ukraine conflict is practical demonstration of Arabic system.
Ah, the Arabic system, almost as powerful and important as the African Click Language Tribal System.
They will not announce the countries inside it but you can easily guess.
I easily guess you are on drugs and unable to cope with the unimportance of Arabs in the world.