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Did I advocate that we become friends with India? What I am suggesting is modus vivendi as much as possible and as long as possible. China/PLA is not going to demolish the already built infrastructures post Galwan clash in 2020 because doing so would be stupid and highly irresponsible considering the logistical advantage that Indian military have over the PLA in that area.
I don't want to continue this conversation, but the territories China gave to India already contains at least two PLA outposts built post 2020. If they were just some random shitty frozen waste land without any strategic value whatsoever, why did China hold out on this core Indian demand for four years?
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Registered Member
I mean what is China's military defence forum suppose to discuss besides USA? Martians? Ghosts? Why would you ignore the nuclear armed fascist hostile neighbour which is the elephant in the room. Think to your self, which country on China's borders can actually threaten China's security and has the motives to do so. Which country is designing and procuring weapons explicitly aimed towards a conflict with China? Which of China's neighbours has extended hostilities towards China since the founding of the PRC. Which of China's neighbours still have a unmarked land borders with China. In the long term, China only has one giant threat on its doorstep and its not Japan or Russia. Just because India is relative poor, doesn't mean they are automatically China's friend.

Wishing for an Indian collapse is a foolish strategy, the USSR collapsed due to internal and external factors. Historically, great empires which bordered China didn't collapse by themselves. China should be proactive and apply the same lesson.
India is not 100% hostile, only 90% hostile.

They can still be useful due to their own interests, such as promoting BRICS payment systems shown at Kazan.


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Yeah and? I do not find them at all that threatening, not that I am recommending to let our guard down when it comes to India, heck no. What I am asking is to put things in a proper context and perspective. All I am seeing from some the esteemed members of this forum is the unhinged level of diatribe against a country that's not close to China's comprehensive power. We already know the Indian propensity to exaggerate, to boast, and yes, lie without blinking but such is the current mindset of India or maybe in perpetuity. Again, so freaking what.

None of India's erstwhile neighbours like her very much or fond of India due to their inherent tendency to dominate and domineer their entire society as if India is acting like their know-it-all boss when its not even capable of running its own domain, let alone another country's. That's how much power it wield within its own region, and somehow some of us here are convince that we need to tackle India in a violent way and dramatic way to teach her a lesson in humility? and what guarantee that such wunderkind plan would pan out the way some of us think it would.

I much rather China engage India in the manner and context that's fit for her and its people. Let's give that country and people some degree of deference and respect, even if grudgingly.

For a country that's supposed to be so shitty, they still managed to outperform the countries in the Global South they are championing in Africa and elsewhere. I don't want India's entire digital ecosystem to be cemented forever with the West. China must be able to penetrate that market for strategic reasons and nothing else. Like a famous quote said: "let your friends close, but keep your enemies closer" which perfectly capture the strategy China must have with India.
Right now is a battle between those who are hawkish on India and those who are more dovish.

If you ever seen the show Better Call Saul, India is a chimp with a machine gun. People get hurt. Even if it looks like it's finally understanding something eventually it's nature will lead it to hurting people again.

But there's a difference. At the end of the show, the protagonist finally accepts that he has bad nature and instead of running away like before, accepts the consequences of his actions. Meanwhile according to Xuanzang in the 600s, people in India were smearing cowdung everywhere thinking it's holy and today they are still doing the same thing. Maybe even more so because they want to say how they kept their proud Hindustan traditions and how we are just attacking Bharat out of jealousy. Like I don't even think the least civilized parts of Africa would think like that.

You can reason with guys like Mongols coz they aren't really religious and since they live on tough conditions, they learn being practical is important. You can't reason with religious guys who have tons of arable land giving them less sense of urgency.

Unfortunately India has nukes so we cannot just assume they will just fling cowdung at us in a war. So since they have some capability plus a hostile mindset, I am in favour of taking hawkish actions. The only reason I think it's not wise at the moment is because China has its hands full. But it is a question that will need to be addressed sooner rather than later.


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PKK attacks Turkish drone HQ in Ankara. Not sympathetic towards turkey at all, shouldn't have supported Uighur terrorism in China. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
The false prosperity of Turkey in the past has given many people unrealistic illusions.
The content may be politically incorrect.
When the GDP of Xinjiang is the same as that of Turkey, and then the exchange rate of Turkey lira collapses, those border locals will become very honest and friendly.
——This principle also applies to Xizang(Tibet). But I won't explain it here.

As a Chinese, Turkey used to use its cultural influence to induce our citizens to rebel,this prevents me from developing a favorable impression of this country. Those people saw Erdogan like they saw their father, and this scene made me feel extremely disgusted.


Registered Member
The false prosperity of Turkey in the past has given many people unrealistic illusions.
View attachment 137720
The content may be politically incorrect.
When the GDP of Xinjiang is the same as that of Turkey, and then the exchange rate of Turkey lira collapses, those border locals will become very honest and friendly.
——This principle also applies to Xizang(Tibet). But I won't explain it here.

As a Chinese, Turkey used to use its cultural influence to induce our citizens to rebel,this prevents me from developing a favorable impression of this country. Those people saw Erdogan like they saw their father, and this scene made me feel extremely disgusted.
Something funny I came across, some Indian netizens on X were also not sympathetic towards Turkey, since they accuse Turkey of backing terrorists in Kashmir.


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Gestapo arrive at a Canadian home with a message from Ottawa: don't criticize Israel online

Congressman Brian Mast, who got his legs blown off while cucking for Israel in Afghanistan, is asked if a red triangle blew over his head. Red triangle is the new symbol of anti-colonial resistance.

Fascism is already here



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Accusations by the west that the North Koreans are fighting in Ukraine appear to be all the rage in the news cycle at this time. If true, it’s north Korea and Kim taking a stab at the Anglo Zionist regime by attacking their ancestral lands of khazaria.
How dare two sanctioned countries collaborate with each other? This is unacceptable.


Lieutenant General
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In the US innovation is lacking in Silicon Valley right around the time Chinese scientists and engineers started leaving because of the glass ceiling there to start their own companies in China which is now exploding with innovation. Not surprising UK universities are looking for collaborations with China because look at how the US was automatically given credit for the work of Chinese scientists and engineers in the US.