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Registered Member
My litmus test for this question is a simple one - ask yourself how you would feel if your government granted them visas/asylum and large groups of them moved to your city and into your neighborhood.
I don't think this question is related. I would not agree with government to grant visas to large groups of ANY foreigners to move freely in my country. In case of asylum and if the conflict is next to my country, asylum seekers should stay in a limited and dedicated area and repatriated as soon as situation become relatively safe. If the conflict is far from my country, it is the neighbouring countries responsibility. If foreigners are accepted to settle in the country if they got a proper job or married to citizens in the first place, or they are tourists who will leave the country soon. By my standard, Hamas is not different from an Israeli or American tourist, large or small numbers.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
In all honesty, seeing the entire American political discourse getting riled up by Iran is funny and hilarious.

Atleast with China, it's understandable as it is America's peer competitor but Americans politicians always getting triggered by Iran whose economy is multitudes time smaller than them and labelling them as their greatest enemy makes them look childish weak and insufferable
Iran isn't a natural enemy of US and poses very little "natural" threat. Iran is a natural enemy of Israel, and the American politicians are Zionist schills hence the triggering.

India punch line, a truly immaculate source of info.

Still in all seriousness, as long as Israel is the one escalating and Iran is responding, no one can truly blame Iran for the damages they will cause in the event that Israel loses its marbles. As long as this doesn’t make BRICS look bad, well let’s see how Netanyahu’s mental breakdown progresses
Should things escalate and Iran obliterates Gulf oil facilities (with Iraq already confirming they will cease oil exports), it will damage China as well who still imports energy from the middleast. USA would love that.


She said "I'm pregnant". But I shot her anyway.

Zionists been trying to tell us that these protocols are Russian forgeries, yet everything written in them 100+ years ago has turned out to be true.

Half-Anglo. Half-Arab. Full-Moron.


Junior Member
Registered Member
My litmus test for this question is a simple one - ask yourself how you would feel if your government granted them visas/asylum and large groups of them moved to your city and into your neighborhood.

This is not a very relevant question at all. Whether I think they're righteous in their war has nothing to do with whether I want a large number of foreigners in my city. If I think they're fighting for their home, why would I want them to leave their home in the first place? To go to a completely different culture they most likely cannot assimilate in? On a more selfish note, why would I want a large number of people of complete foreign culture to come and compete for jobs and housing regardless of what I think of their cause?