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China can conquer phillipines and Japan. You just have to take the industrial capacity and manpower differential between china and those 2 countries.

The problem becomes in maintaining the occupation which would be a nightmare.
Mindanao has always been the most difficult and challenging for all the colonizers to subdue and subjugate. Note that the separatist movement is very much strong and alive in the southern part of the Philippines, which is Mindanao along with the areas that predominantly of Muslim disparate groups.

If China were to occupy the country it should try to enlist or co-opt those groups and work to pacify the usually pliant population whose bark has always been louder and meaner than their bite.

Pacification of the main island in the north like Luzon and the Visayas regions in my opinion would not put up any strong resistance especially if and when the mighty U.S. (that most of these folks wishfully depend on) either breaks or shattered ( The PH center of gravity is the U.S. military) leading to their cowardly leaders to be the first to welcome their new colonizers.


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I don't necessarily think so. It's just a question of political will.

Even if you assume 1:1 gdp to warfighting capability between China and US, that still means China can put put 1.3x as much military hardware power. And China has tons of manpower.

In ww2, Japan took Philippines in 1 year, despite bungling the campaign. They took Manchuria (comparable population size to modern Japan) in 5 months. At its peak, Imperial Japan was roughly peer to the United front. Whereas modern China greatly overmatches modern Japan.

A war over Japan and especially over the Philippines needs not necessarily be a long campaign. China's dominant industry means that once the skies are open, they can nearly earmark 1 bomb each for every single person in say the Philippines. It's something even US at its height couldn't do, except for tiny countries like Panama.

Morale will crumple, and it's very likely that a goal target of of 5 months to 1 year can be repeated.

From a perspective of "can it be done", military subjugation of Philippines and Japan is possible, assuming wartime mobilisation by China.

Where it becomes much less certain is if the near peer US can throw 100% of its forces and fully mobilise to stop China in Asia.

From China's side, the current government would forbid it's national power to be used in this way, but we can't know if a future Chinese admin would feel pressed enough that it needs to attack. And in that case, the ability to achieve it is there already.

Neither countries are a threat without the US, it makes no sense to go to war with neither unless US uses them to attack China, in which case the war will still be against the US and Japan and Philippines become a distraction that China should aim to spend minimum effort to neutralize. It's the same as Taiwan, defeat the US and the war ends, its US goal to see China fight their colonies rather than itself and it's China's goal to engage US and only the US.

Which is why PLA exercises are about blockades, not landings. China is in the same position as US was in WW2 watching Japan take over South East Asia. Cutting US off from Asian industry is the same as cutting Japan off from oil, it forces US to enegage a much stronger industrial power across the Pacific, whom they're reliant on, directly, rather than allowing the US gather strength slowly through piecemeal takeover of small nations.

The current goverment will likely define clear objectives and wrap it up at the objective, what we can't know is what a future goverment, made up of people who grew up with embassy bombings and spy plane collisions, will still define the objective to be purely regional, or will it become the permement neutralization of western threat. Chinese history is full of swings between defensive and problem solving.


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At least they inflict their depravity upon themselves most of the time. Zionists are actually trying to lebensraum the middle east while blackmailing every western politician out there into submision
Another way you can see it is that India has already lebensraumed it's surroundings to the point where you think of their hordes of starved and oppressed people as "themselves", while Palestinians are still free enough to be widely seen as their own distinct entity.

Israel is like nazi Germany in 1936. It feels powerful and it feels like it's doing a lot of damage because it's small and as such doesn't suffer from administrative overreach.

India is like nazi Germany if they had won the war and moved their borders to the A-A line. They look like they're sitting on their asses and doing nothing, because they're so big they can't effectively rule themselves. But they have already inflicted immense damage and are continuing to do it every day just by existing.


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Neither countries are a threat without the US, it makes no sense to go to war with neither unless US uses them to attack China, in which case the war will still be against the US and Japan and Philippines become a distraction that China should aim to spend minimum effort to neutralize. It's the same as Taiwan, defeat the US and the war ends, its US goal to see China fight their colonies rather than itself and it's China's goal to engage US and only the US.

Which is why PLA exercises are about blockades, not landings. China is in the same position as US was in WW2 watching Japan take over South East Asia. Cutting US off from Asian industry is the same as cutting Japan off from oil, it forces US to enegage a much stronger industrial power across the Pacific, whom they're reliant on, directly, rather than allowing the US gather strength slowly through piecemeal takeover of small nations.

The current goverment will likely define clear objectives and wrap it up at the objective, what we can't know is what a future goverment, made up of people who grew up with embassy bombings and spy plane collisions, will still define the objective to be purely regional, or will it become the permement neutralization of western threat. Chinese history is full of swings between defensive and problem solving.
I like many of these "occupyng Japan /and Philippines" etc as fantasies-respectfully to you all BUT reality wise a quick/successful nearly bloodless type of Special Forces/naval/air combined assault that DOES NOT involve mass civilian casuaties-they're our people afterall-that retakes /reunites Taiwan will be enough to have 5EYES/Japan shitting their pants in fear/consternation a long meat grinder in Mindanao(these Philipine Muslims are no pushover and have the experience of over 150 years of anti-infidel resistance that the USA/Muslim world will love to drag China into an endless quagmire.Also Japan is no cakewalk and despite 70 years of cucking by west can resort back to the murderous wako that's at their hearts and will be revived by USA as a tool against China-now Nippon HAS to be warned off in no uncertain terms that Japanese military involvement in aircraft/ships/troops in Taiwan itself will be met with full scale deadly force and possible incineration of Japanese bases in Shikoku/Kyushu/Okinawa-that's the type of ecenario China is up against-win all or lose all.


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Chinese are interested in occupying Japan,that can gain public support. Nobody cares about Philippines
Destroying the JSDF ships/aircrafts/troops will be enough to make all Chinese ecstatic and pushing back Tokyo politically/militarily will be enough to neutralize them for 100 years-hopefully they'll die off naturally as perverted hentai sex fantasy addicts don't make good men for normal husbands/fathers to add to population in a good way.Philippines is not a threat but can be a US backed nuisance


New Member
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I like many of these "occupyng Japan /and Philippines" etc as fantasies-respectfully to you all BUT reality wise a quick/successful nearly bloodless type of Special Forces/naval/air combined assault that DOES NOT involve mass civilian casuaties-they're our people afterall-that retakes /reunites Taiwan will be enough to have 5EYES/Japan shitting their pants in fear/consternation a long meat grinder in Mindanao(these Philipine Muslims are no pushover and have the experience of over 150 years of anti-infidel resistance that the USA/Muslim world will love to drag China into an endless quagmire.Also Japan is no cakewalk and despite 70 years of cucking by west can resort back to the murderous wako that's at their hearts and will be revived by USA as a tool against China-now Nippon HAS to be warned off in no uncertain terms that Japanese military involvement in aircraft/ships/troops in Taiwan itself will be met with full scale deadly force and possible incineration of Japanese bases in Shikoku/Kyushu/Okinawa-that's the type of ecenario China is up against-win all or lose all.
China had >1000 years to colonize both, historically China doesn't bother people who doesn't bother China.
Having said that Chinese culture also hold revenge as a virtue, and historically China always, eventually, went after those who did attack China. Japan did, NATO did in 1998, Philippines haven't, yet.

But this is about practicality, practically both are islands and this is the 21st century, neither are going anywhere, nor are they attacking anyone without US supplies. Deal with the US and China has plenty of time to decide what to do with them based on if they participated.

In term of occupation, that's stupid, if your goal is to integrate the people, you need to save them from an enemy, not be the enemy. If you want to take the land, there are nukes or just AI drone swarms, if you want to punish them, just destroy all power plants and lock them in the 19th century. No option requires ground ops. Remember this is would only be relevant after dealing with the US, China's option pool would be a lot bigger than Russia or Israel.

Of course the current Chinese government won't do neither and will prefer if both remain neutral or, if they choose not to be, be made neutral by minimal force. Whoever come after Xi however might not be as nice, and Japan has a lot of blood debt to repay.


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India and Canada have full breakdown in their relations. On one hand, I loathe Canada but I loathe India more.

Don't know what to make of it. I might be slightly leaning towards Canada.
I loathe them both equally, India for its rape tendencies mixed with crazy Jai Hind tendencies that simply isn’t normal and Canada for its US shaft sucking ways along with its now revealed collective love of Nazis. Both of them I feel are equally stupid but in all honesty Justin Trudeau is such an overwhelming cuck that needs to seriously GTFO of everything, I mean he is the literally definition of bullshit and stupidity that really deserves to suffer. I mean he does whatever he wants and doesn’t suffer the consequences. Quite sickening