I am so triggered by this article.
"The bancor is a plan for an international clearing system that imposes rules on world trade. These rules are aimed at preventing countries from running trade imbalances while at the same time avoiding curtailing free trade. They would prevent imbalances in two broad ways. First, countries that run persistent trade surpluses—as China is currently doing—are charged interest on their earnings. This interest is transferred to countries that are running trade deficits to help them develop their infrastructure and industry. Secondly, countries that run trade imbalances past a certain magnitude are forced to revalue their currency to eliminate the trade imbalance."
WTF why does China has to be charged interest on their export earning when it is Americans' over-consumption and own lack of manufacturing output that lead to their deficit ?
"These trade imbalances explain everything from the rapid rise of China to the hollowing out of American manufacturing."
No one hollow out American manufacturing ! Americans chose to gave up and focus on finance and service industries starting in the 80s because they offer better profit margins !
"different approach to America's—and by extension, the world's—economic problems."
America's trade deficit in her own problem, not the world's.
Fuck this piece