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Pakistan, imo, has always tried to force their hand in the country as opposed to using diplomacy and cooperation with domestic elements. That's the problem. The Western regions have historically been restive; the tribal cohesion is too strong and deep-rooted in a culture that is resistive to outsider domination. These tribal folk also usually happen to be extremely anti-India, -America, -Israel (i.e. there are mutual interests with the State), but when you start targeting them instead of using them to your advantage, their most logical response is to find partners against the government.. and that is where US and India step in for exploitation. Self-inflicted wound.
Pakistan should be learning from how China managed Xinjiang, not how India manages Kashmir. Xinjiang was also restive for some time, but through a combination of measured force, education, economic development, and cultural appreciation, China had managed to create lasting peace.

Might Imran Khan had done differently than the current leadership of Pakistan?


Registered Member
Pakistan should be learning from how China managed Xinjiang, not how India manages Kashmir. Xinjiang was also restive for some time, but through a combination of measured force, education, economic development, and cultural appreciation, China had managed to create lasting peace.

Might Imran Khan had done differently than the current leadership of Pakistan?
Pakistan is a basket case, that's it. Harsh but true

The sooner people realise it, the easier for people to understand why Pakistan is what is today and most importantly, why there is no light at the end of the tunnel for it


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Is it clear who was the VIP? And did the VIP survive?

I doubt this was solely done by India RAW, US probably has a large hand in it. Kill Chinese nationals, slowdown co investment, breakup the two nations and try to get them to blame each other.

But probably not gonna work. China needs to start funding media campaigns in Pakistan, get them to rally around the same flag, say that they need a united front against this terrorism, make it known that any attacks will make them bind stronger together, at the same time, go all out and find BLA nerve centers, hack their lines of communications and banks etc. Fund other groups. All needs to be done post haste.
What's telling here is the degree to which Chinese intelligence operations have, by and large, failed in foreign countries due to the CCP's historical aversion to interference.

By now, I've seen dozens of reports of Chinese nationals being targeted in "terrorist attacks" but practically nothing on retaliation done by China or forces associated with Chinese intelligence on these groups. In theory, it should be an easy sell, and would act as deterrence against being pushed around and would play well with the domestic audience, but I guess China just doesn't have that capability right now.

Building an effective, global, world class intelligence operation is necessary to defend long term interests. China's intelligence focus seem to be primarily counter intelligence and domestic, and while they're successful there, it's not enough.
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Registered Member
What's telling here is the degree to which Chinese intelligence has, by and large, failed in foreign countries due to the CCP's historical aversion to interference.

By now, I've seen dozens of reports of Chinese nationals being targeted in "terrorist attacks" but practically nothing on retaliation done by China or forces associated with Chinese intelligence on these groups. In theory, it should be an easy sell, and would act as deterrence against being pushed around and would play well with the domestic audience, but I guess China just doesn't have that capability right now.
Well I mean, that's what
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thought, and look where he is now?


Registered Member
The former colonies will become Aboriginal Autonomous Regions. The anglo homelands will become wastelands. Finally, the anglo phenotype will be forced to disperse and mix until they go the way of the Xiongnu.
Aboriginals are not coming back, but the rest they are already doing it to themselves. Almost sad that the nemesis is self-destroying faster than you could ever do to them.

We would never get a chance for revenge. Sometimes history are that anti-climatic. It is lame like last cold war. Western bloc already feels like late 80s USSR and we just started.


Junior Member
Registered Member
What's telling here is the degree to which Chinese intelligence operations have, by and large, failed in foreign countries due to the CCP's historical aversion to interference.
What CCP? You mean CCCP? That doesnt exist anymore.
By now, I've seen dozens of reports of Chinese nationals being targeted in "terrorist attacks" but practically nothing on retaliation done by China or forces associated with Chinese intelligence on these groups. In theory, it should be an easy sell, and would act as deterrence against being pushed around and would play well with the domestic audience, but I guess China just doesn't have that capability right now.

Building an effective, global, world class intelligence operation is necessary to defend long term interests. China's intelligence focus seem to be primarily counter intelligence and domestic, and while they're successful there, it's not enough.
You would need to tally up the number of NATO/western lives lost to proxies/terrorists vs the number of Chinese lives lost to proxies/terrorists to gauge the effectiveness.

There is a practical problem in that for most terrorists, it doesn't work too well to kill them, in particular if you can't do it in a targeted way. Because then their friends and relatives become new terrorists. The goal of direct anti terrorism is to reduce terrorist numbers to 0, paradoxically, killing them can in many situations increase the number.


Registered Member
The dog wants to make itself an equal to its master. It thinks its master would agree, because that dog ostensibly wants that new status to confront its master's enemies better. But then its master reminds that dog of its place.

The only way for that dog to free itself from its master's leash is to pull off Pearl Harbor 2.0. Is that dog willing to repeat history to do that?
Who do they think they are? Israel?
It seems Israel has attacked Russian assets in Syria
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And this is how they repay the civilisation saved them from the holocaust. It is not even 80 years, some people are still alive and they already forgot the favor.

I used to sympathize Jews. It seemed they are resourceful people who are always unfairly oppressed but always adapt then thrive. Now I understand why they are always expelled. They have no gratitude and would gladly backstab their savior for the most minute gains.


Lieutenant General
What's telling here is the degree to which Chinese intelligence operations have, by and large, failed in foreign countries due to the CCP's historical aversion to interference.

By now, I've seen dozens of reports of Chinese nationals being targeted in "terrorist attacks" but practically nothing on retaliation done by China or forces associated with Chinese intelligence on these groups. In theory, it should be an easy sell, and would act as deterrence against being pushed around and would play well with the domestic audience, but I guess China just doesn't have that capability right now.

Building an effective, global, world class intelligence operation is necessary to defend long term interests. China's intelligence focus seem to be primarily counter intelligence and domestic, and while they're successful there, it's not enough.

It’s actually a sign of how perverted western ‘intelligence’ has become that people think doing wet work and terrorist attacks is what intelligence agencies primary function is.

Intelligence is about gathering intelligence. Retaliation should be done by conventional forces if it is warranted. If you are relying on secret services to do the nasty, in means you lack the moral case and/or national comprehensiveness hard power to be doing what you are doing and so don’t dare to do it openly and need to sneak around hoping you don’t get caught. In which case you really shouldn’t be doing that shit.

Another reason it’s pointless getting into these underhanded BS nonsense is that do you honestly think Modi could care less about his Jai Hind minions getting turned to pink mist?

Indian BS is not dealt with by China directly because while it is annoying, the damage done is pretty inconsequential from a national POV. They just end up expend significant resources killing random Chinese civilian workers. Just because the terrorists call their victims VIPs doesn’t make them actual VIPs, just like how western mercs claiming every Russian soldier they killed is spetsnaz doesn’t actually make them real spetsnaz.

While devastating to the individual families, these attacks does little to nothing to derail the projects they target. It is, unfortunately, just part of the price of operating in the region, similar to how traffic accidents will cost trucking companies a certain number of deaths each year. It’s cold but unfortunately the reality of things.

But what Chinese intelligence will do is help Pakistani authorities in finding the Indian operatives in question and bringing them to justice.

In the grand scheme of things, I think India will get its comeuppance sooner rather than later, because with their slave mentality, when the showdown does happen between China and the west, the Indians will almost certainly jump in voluntarily on their western masters’ side to fight against China, and will die in vast numbers and achieve very little, just as they have done so in both previous world wars.