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anglo American society is so diseased they take bets on wars their elites perpetuat. The people are as much a part of the problem as the Anglo elites.
This is the reason I say that any Taiwan conflict must involve Chinese hypersonic torrents of steel on American and five eyes cities. These ghouls will not be able to watch war porn as Chinese people and other Asians die. They must also similarly bleed.


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If citizens impacted are Trump supporters: they can go fudge themselves and die and reduce the surplus population.

If the citizens impacted are libs: no way they are gonna vote for Trump no matter what I do.

Result: do nothing.
Kinda reminds the issue with export controls who GOPs politicians advocate a lot, those almost never target red states mostly California tech sector and more liberal states.


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anglo American society is so diseased they take bets on wars their elites perpetuat. The people are as much a part of the problem as the Anglo elites.
This is the reason I say that any Taiwan conflict must involve Chinese hypersonic torrents of steel on American and five eyes cities. These ghouls will not be able to watch war porn as Chinese people and other Asians die. They must also similarly bleed.
I'm taking bets on Deagel 2025


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This happened under Trump in June 2020, so under Pompeo.
Surely even if just looking at it from perspective of State Department they should've taken him in? Otherwise sets a bad example for future colour revolution people no? Chai Ling got the hook up back in the days.
You have to understand the psychology of people like trump and pompeo. Trump doesn’t care about China and Asia so long as America gets money and he gets paid. Pompeo is the type of white American who can’t stand the thought of any Asian person doing better than him so even though he instigated the 2019 riots, he’s not going to stick his neck out for an Asian idiot like Joshua Wong. He may have been in charge of the CIA, which is staffed by adherents to the white supremacist Christian nationalist religion of Mormonism but he lacks courage in his convictions. He recalled the equivalent of Pelosi visiting Taiwan during the final days of the trump admin. Because he blinked when China was ready to go to war.


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It's probably more for India. Israel seems to only have MRBM or just air launched missiles, and they likely have much fewer warheads than India as well, since Israel can't legally acquire the materials.
Yes. However I do personally think that Israel has a similar number of warhead count as India because they do have access to fissile materials from Uncle Sam. And their nuclear program is more advanced than India's.

My tinfoil hat theory also speculates that Israel probably also gave nuclear weapons technology to India. Enough to advance their nascent nuclear program from the experimental to practical stage. This possibly happened during the Vajpayee BJP administration, who happened to officially make India a nuclear weapons state. So, perhaps this partially explains why the BJP and its Hindutva crowd loves Israel so much.

Israel's handful of nukes just give them a way to revenge the surrounding Arabs in case Arabs start indiscriminately slaughtering them all, or if another Arabic countries assembles and nukes Israel. They're not a MAD or even second strike capable weapon against the main powers.
Yes. Those were supposed to be weapons of last resort. Used in case the very existence of the state of Israel is threatened. However these days, it is being used as a method of blackmail to keep the more powerful Arab countries quiet.

Nevertheless, I do not know how crazy the Zionists will get with regards to using nukes. They are not gonna nuke Palestine, Lebanon, or any neighbouring areas where it is too close for them to be exposed to the fallout. But places like Yemen and Iran could be far enough to be targeted.

While India has openly had ambition to create weapons able to hit eastern China. Just having range though is not enough, and the Indian nuclear program (just like their other military stuff) is not exactly progressing quickly. But it is their long term goal to establish second strike ability against China.
That was the case before the Modi government. These days, I believe that India want to use their nukes to blackmail Pakistan and China. The Jai Hinds have been calling for India to change it's NFU policy to something more akin to the US's preemptive doctrine. Officially, India had not changed its own NFU policy, but can we ever trust India to stick to it? What might they do if India loses a major war with Pakistan or China? Therefore, it was wise for China to build up it's ABM defence around Xinjiang just in case India intends to cheat.
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The Chinese have shown that they are resistant to any form of force during the Japanese terrorist occupation.
Come on. Old China is full of compradors and traitors. I doubt China would lasted Japan alone. China lucked out by being on the winning side, and had military genius like Mao to clean house after. We make fun of Iran not because we feel superior. We make fun of them because it is painful to see a nation behave like our pathetic past.