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No amount of soft power will get you that if you don't also act from time to time. Then again, even China doesn't seem too bothered about what's happening to its own citizens in western countries, the cusp of it being the whole Meng Wanzhou debacle.
Canada locked a Chinese, China in return locked two Canadians. What more do you expect as acting tough? Bombing Ottwa?


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You know, when China first deployed ABM in Xinjiang, I was wondering why. The polar route is most important for both Russian and US strikes. Why not deploy in Inner Mongolia, Northeast China or Qinghai to optimally defend Eastern and Central China?

Now we know. It isn't for the US or Russia.
It's probably more for India. Israel seems to only have MRBM or just air launched missiles, and they likely have much fewer warheads than India as well, since Israel can't legally acquire the materials.

Israel's handful of nukes just give them a way to revenge the surrounding Arabs in case Arabs start indiscriminately slaughtering them all, or if another Arabic countries assembles and nukes Israel. They're not a MAD or even second strike capable weapon against the main powers.

While India has openly had ambition to create weapons able to hit eastern China. Just having range though is not enough, and the Indian nuclear program (just like their other military stuff) is not exactly progressing quickly. But it is their long term goal to establish second strike ability against China.


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Netanyahu: "There's no place in the world that we cannot reach".

Is he saying that Israel can reach china?

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I hear about a lot conspiracy theories over the years but Netanyahu is a living walking conspiracy theory on all himself. He has the US grabbed the balls, he has the European Union Grabbed the balls, he has NATO grabbed by the balls, he has Arab states grabbed by the balls, he control the entire Western Media, he controls social media, he control the opposition inside Israel, he can kill with immunity, he does the most shadowest inhumane controversial operations ever, he has sex with Biden wife, with Mr Olaf wife, with Macron wife and with Trudeau, he doesn't care. Bibi controls the world.​
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Certainly if China were to head to war, it must harden it's heart many more times than Israel and even Russia. 1000s of bombs in a week will not achieve the shock needed to break lines, not even 10 000s like Russia could field.

China has the industry and economy, but the question is, are there enough people follow up on occupation and to press all the triggers? I'm betting a lot on the new generation of Chinese, the 0-30 yr olds who grew up unopposed, to react with extreme organized violence if they are obstructed. China will need this generation, because there is not enough room to keep growing peacefully.

Beijing has reached the low/middle end of Europe living standards without fighting directly or creating a solid network of states to feed it. But it is already the largest economy in the world and there's not much room to grow from there. The answer is clear, it's the enemy nations that have to take a hit to their living standards so China can keep going. I'm not just saying it out of selfishness (which is nothing wrong either, China should take back its historical spot as undisputed no1), I also believe that in the long term, a China led hegemony will protect the most amount of people from upcoming climate change and population crises. Because the alternative is having someone like Trump be in charge of deciding the fate for billions of Africans, Latin Americans and Indians...
Forgive my cold blooded nature but the world and climate change could be benefited from a billion less Indians and the decimation of the five eyes. Turning the Indian subcontinent into another Amazon basin like wildlife preserve of greenery devoid of Indians would go a long ways towards carbon capture. Automated Chinese drones to ensure this is maintained.

However, be aware that committing a generation to the equivalent to WW1 would be traumatising with the associated social problems of rehabilitating these veterans back into society. Neuroscience has studied how soldiers who endured combat and high stress environments have enlarged amygdala’s which is the part of the brain associated with aggression
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reminder to the Anglo’s of the retribution coming their way.

Reports coming in from the U.S. on the ineptitude of the USG in handling hurricane efforts. Noe that China doesn’t need to spend a billion dollars on anti American propaganda, because it simply lets ppl see with their own eyes just how shit the Washington consensus really is.



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Canada locked a Chinese, China in return locked two Canadians. What more do you expect as acting tough? Bombing Ottwa?

If I were in charge of the PRC department of propaganda I’d get the Kuaishou engineers to make an AI version of Fidel to give Trudeau a much publicized scolding that will go viral on multiple social media platforms.

