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Father of Chinese HSR was also in prison for corruption despite creating one of the best rail networks in the world. In the UK, on the other hand, the HSR 2 project expended billions of dollars with nothing to show for it under an open democratic system. There was no corruption supposedly but no one was indicted, and no one knows where the money went.
A political system that has never caught corruption is a political system that is not fulfilling it's responsibilities.


Registered Member
Doesnt look like they're simulating fighting China or Russia, looks more like they're simulating fighting as China and Russia. I mean everything in their simulation are current Chinese tech that Russia's using.

“What I saw in Louisiana was impressive,” he tells me. But he says there’s a mismatch between fast-moving technology and the glacial process used to acquire it."

Well its only slow because unlike Ukraine they arent allowed to buy those drones and robot dogs from Alibaba, what he wants is reform aquisition so US military is alowed to places Alibaba orders while at war with China
When they peel off the "Robot Dog, by Unitree" label they end up finding the "US soldier hunter-killer robot dog, by Unitree" label


Registered Member
LMAO wtf are they doing??

Reminds me of the Baltimore riots from a few years ago where they lit a large bonfire in the middle of an intersection, threw everything in and danced around it.

"Street take over" where people drift/donut their cars around. I guess the people treated it as a party and the cops are hesitant to be too brutal.


Lieutenant General
Father of Chinese HSR was also in prison for corruption despite creating one of the best rail networks in the world. In the UK, on the other hand, the HSR 2 project expended billions of dollars with nothing to show for it under an open democratic system. There was no corruption supposedly but no one was indicted, and no one knows where the money went.

There was monumental corruption. But it was all legalised so all above board and totally fine that the taxpayer is robbed while companies profited massively.

Hell, no one here seems particularly bothered that on their way out of government, the Tories sold off vast tracts of land already purchased for the project at massive losses for the sole purpose of preventing future governments from being able to easily reverse their decision.

People in the west are thoroughly brainwashed and broken to accept whatever shit their politicians wants to feed them. It is truly the perfect system for western elites born with silver spoons up their arses and all the right connections to be able to rake in massive profits while not needing to do any actual work.

The only thing the western elites are scared off is a foreign system that is superior and fairer. This is why it was obsessed with destroying the USSR and why it’s obsessed with destroying modern China.

A better deal for their subjects is an existential threat to the western ruling class.


Junior Member
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Makes no difference. Countries affected by Indians are already enemies prior to them. If anything Indians do China a favor by weakening them. Only danger they pose is scamming unwitting business like xiaomi.
Not necessarily. India is establishing a larger presence in Southeast Asia - see Singapore where Indian immigrants are climbing into elite status. If Indian immigrants become a “market dominant minority” in Southeast Asia they could become a serious challenge to Chinese interests there.


Registered Member
The Spanish couple who were unfortunately raped (female) are getting some pushback in Chinese social media sphere due to their complaints of finding the coffee they bought in Xizang was "too expensive" for their taste.

This right here ladies and gentlemen is why western libs come across hollow and disengenuous. The couple probably still expect that Xizang is as dilapidated and as underdeveloped as the places they traveled back in supapowah land of India.

The comments they're getting have been crazy though, since some are basically saying they ought to go back to India and experience cheapness that they look for.



Staff member
Super Moderator
The Spanish couple who were unfortunately raped (female) are getting some pushback in Chinese social media sphere due to their complaints of finding the coffee they bought in Xizang was "too expensive" for their taste.

This right here ladies and gentlemen is why western libs come across hollow and disengenuous. The couple probably still expect that Xizang is as dilapidated and as underdeveloped as the places they traveled back in supapowah land of India.

The comments they're getting have been crazy though, since some are basically saying they ought to go back to India and experience cheapness that they look for.

It’s at 4400 meters. Even water is expensive at that altitude.


Junior Member
Registered Member
You’d think that a killer robot dog from China would constitute some sort of security risk but it isn’t when exported to Ukraine.
I guess China is playing the long game by live showing how "safe" the unmanned vehicles are in a smaller war.
Western countries also need to heavily outbid Russia to buy the same number of dogs/drones.

I'd wager when the right activations are made, most of those (maybe not the trojan horse Ukraine batch) dual use items simply broadcast your location discreetly. It gives plausible deniability, unlike just kill switching them.