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A famous chinese electronics expert is sure the explosives were placed in the factory in Taiwan.

Taiwan, province of China. If China has ownership of Taiwan, must take ownership of provincial actions, therefore China's fault.

Jack Ma was the darling of the West. He got invited to all the fancy Western events like Davos and propped up as a model Chinese entrepreneur. There were many articles in the Western media when he supposedly ‘disappeared’ as they were concerned for their useful idiot. Ma would have sold out China so he can be accepted into Western elite circles.

Jack Ma is not in jail, therefore we can probably surmise that he did not cross the red line. The government is not afraid of jailing the tycoons. There is the case of Sun Dawu.

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This article is quite interesting because it paints a pretty clear picture of what is going on behind the scenes. Common sense will tell us that any tycoon (anywhere, not just China) is obviously ambitious to get to where they are, and they are obviously willing to push boundaries to gain more advantages. However, the red line is obviously this:

“If you saw him, you would not think he was rich,” said businesswoman and pro-democracy activist Anna Wang Ruiqin. “He looks like a farmer from north China. But when he talks you can tell he is very smart and full of ideas.”

Wang and Sun met about eight years ago at a liberal Beijing think tank, the Unirule Institute of Economics. Wang said she and Sun were members of a research project for entrepreneurs at Unirule before the acclaimed think tank was forced to close in 2019 as Xi tightened controls over free speech.

At the time, Wang was running a four-star resort hotel in the north-western Chinese province of Qinghai and was a leader at a local church. She was conducting research into the treatment of minority Tibetan and Mongol ethnic groups by the Communist Party. She said Sun advised her to leave China as the economic and political climate became increasingly restrictive.

“He told me: 'Anna, you have to go and go quickly',” said Wang. Sun told her he was unable to leave China because his occupation was tied to the land, and he felt responsible for the survival of his business and the welfare of his employees, she said.

Wang left in 2018. She now lives in Washington DC, where she campaigns for human rights and democratic change in China. She said her assets in China have been frozen and she has lost control of her hotel.

Because after losing everything, we can all land on our feet working "activist" jobs in DC, right?

So pretty much Washington has been cultivating assets amongst the wealthy, likely to try to cause economic disruption. Ma has come out relatively intact, thus my suspicion that he never went as far as foreign collusion.


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You have to take what you can get. Out of the collection of regional or middle powers in the global south, Iran is probably one of the least useless. But middle income countries simply are not as sophisticated as developed countries. China just doesn't have an equal in this world.

I'm surprised you're not labelling Russia a paper tiger for not attacking NATO to retaliate against aid to Ukraine
If Russia attack Nato on large scale than Arabic Soft Power will be disturbed. Arabic Soft Power is not disturbed if Iran fight Israel and not use Arabs to fight for it. Arabic technology is now so advanced that it can cover whole Africa regardless of any network provider.



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How do you know they don't intent on escalating even more unilaterally and this ends up being the start of WWIII (actual conflict etc)
Won't be ww3 because China wouldn't need to send direct forces. In fact wouldn't surprise me if inflaming middle eastern tensions is the panacea being pushed by Chinese intelligence community to avoid taking responsibility for the situation in Asia.

Make the Americans destroy themselves against Eastern weapons in Iranian colors, then push for a weakened US to give up claims in Asia peacefully.

It's a plan very emblematic of the overly cautious, verging on cowardly yet still highly competent current leadership.


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After all these years of hearing American fanboys bragging about how US UCAVs were going to molest China at will... Now that they're cancelling them all, it was never near to what they imagined. Remember how the US X-47B were going destroy China's ICBMs and ASBMs before they could be launched...? What happened to their AI on an F-16? Isn't that an autonomous system? Another exaggeration.
That flying design may not that be optimum for most tactical situations now. and this based on this Ukraine conflict. 5G fighter launching smaller drones are more survivable than larger flying wing getting closer to the target. when Arabs called Su-57 ghost thats where i thought RCS difference between S-70 and Su-57 getting smaller.
there are three altitudes that is fight is going on. Ka-52/Su-25 flying close to the ground attacking smaller moving targets, Medium Altitude Su-34/Su-35 and high altitude Su-57/MIG-31. All communicating in a network.


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Russia equips its "flying ghost" with drones​



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Keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Pravin Sawhney is in China, giving a presentation about using AI in warfare, and vacationing.

I kinda thought that Pravin's ideas about AI and robots in warfare are outlandish. But perhaps China is interested to listen to him abit because they could make it happen. While India won't listen to him because one, they couldn't be bothered, and two, it is beyond their capabilities and comprehension.