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Oh snap, look at that map! We have DC leading the pack when DC literally produces nothing except rotten lawyers and dirty politicians! That shows American priorities and values.

No, he has learned from getting his accounts banned several times just how stupid he can get before being made to go away so he has actually toned down the stupid by a lot since he first came to the forum several usernames ago. He used to write things like, "The US will rule the world for now and until the sun burns out and the end of time and everything ceases to exist." Being stupid and wrong to a certain point is not against the rules and the mods are happy to come down on him but he's staying alive straddling that line. We're honestly nastier and more inflammatory than him but that's just because the combination of America's comparative decline and his child-level debate skills leaves so many targets open and China's superior performance provides so much ammo for us.
Let's be honest the US hasn't even managed to make itself rule the world for a couple of years from when they had the chance after ww2 to immediately getting humiliated in 2 large scale wars in a row.

You can only claim to rule the world when there's no large scale opposition to you. Having the world's largest economy and single strongest nation hate your guts and oppose you in everything is antithetical to being "ruler of the world".


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China could put hundreds of drones and missiles
Oh man. It's like Saddam thinking coalition would drop dozens of bombs on Baghdad.
in the air in waves of attacks around a Pacific island ally.
Yeah if Japan attacks China, it'll be hundreds of hypersonics to kick down the air defense doors followed by 10 000s of drones in each wave flooding into city blocks and infrastructure. And Kyushu (close enough for MLRS and the most cheap shaheds) alone houses 10% of all Japan's people.
As China grows more formidable, there’s a trend towards believing that the U.S. Air Force will only "stand off" with long-range weapons and bombers, leaving the close-in fight to drones. Don’t count on it.
That's why there's J-20s and J-16s flying at standoff ranges behind the drone waves, so when an enemy fighter tries to intercept it, they're spotted by an ISR drone mixed into the bunch, and what happened to the Ukrainian F-16 happens except on an industrial scale.


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Losing an F-16 has really amped up the copium for this author.
How in the frig does a f-16 falling out of the sky scare Russia and China when all it does is demonstrate how crap f-16 are nowadays. If any thing China and Russia should be worried as to whether the USA is collapsing a little too fast into pure madness that this will mean more paper trying to decipher how on earth their opponents can be so self destroying and stupid at the same time as this isn’t natural


Lieutenant General
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Losing an F-16 has really amped up the copium for this author.
What a load of spin...! If you've seen Scott Ritter talk about this... these F-16s donated to Ukraine are old and living out to their near expiration dates with Ukraine. Meaning they don't have the latest technologies because they're heavier and the expired airframes can't handle the extra weight. The countries that donated them haven't been flying them because they could break up in the stress of just flying. They're trying to make it sound like because the "advanced" F-16 that has never been shot down was shot down by "their own" Patriot technology shows how easily the US can handle adversaries.

It's still unknown if the F-16 was shot down by the Russians. By the panic of spin over this one F-16 going down, it sure sounds likes it's possible. The US brags that no one has ever shot down an F-16 before. Why one now so embarrassingly quickly? Maybe because of the way the US fights wars. Why hasn't the US suffered more personnel casualties while the other side has many? They want to make it sound like in a man-to-man fight US soldiers win. No, that's because US soldiers hold back while the US uses stand-off weapons to soften the other side before they send in troops to lessen the risk they loose their lives. Same with M1s and now F-16s. Why do you think Zelensky fired that General? Probably because he didn't heed US warnings to keep the F-16s perfect record clean. M1s were suppose to be invincible too... The Ukraine's best pilot got show down or crashed his F-16 as the story goes... Maybe being their best pilot was ordered to go do things the US said for them not to do with the F-16.


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What a load of spin...! If you've seen Scott Ritter talk about this... these F-16s donated to Ukraine are old and living out to their near expiration dates with Ukraine. Meaning they don't have the latest technologies because they're heavier and the expired airframes can't handle the extra weight. The countries that donated them haven't been flying them because they could break up in the stress of just flying. They're trying to make it sound like because the "advanced" F-16 that has never been shot down was shot down by "their own" Patriot technology shows how easily it'll handle adversaries.

It's still unknown if the F-16 was shot down by the Russians. By the panic of spin over this one F-16 going down, it sure sounds likes it's possible. The US brags that no one has ever shot down an F-16 before. Why one now so embarrassingly quickly? Maybe because of the way the US fights wars. Why hasn't the US suffered more personnel casualties while the other side has many? They want to make it sound like in a man-to-man fight US soldiers win. No, that's because US soldiers hold back while the US uses stand-off weapons to soften the other side before they send in troops to lessen the risk they loose their lives. Same with M1s and now F-16s. Why do you think Zelensky fired that General? Probably because he didn't heed US warnings to keep the F-16s perfect record clean. M1s were suppose to be invincible too... The Ukraine's best pilot got show down or crashed his F-16 as the story goes... Maybe being their best pilot was ordered to go do things the US said for them not to do with the F-16.
Because US hasn't fought a war since Vietnam, and that war they arguably didn't even win in terms of casualty losses. Their real enemies China + USSR threw Vietnamese bodies and lost only some mercs and a few advisors.

The Type 96, JF-17 and J-10 have also never been destroyed by enemy fire, but only a true moron would brag about it as if it was some feat, they have not been in any war, like the M1 prior to Ukraine.

And honestly if a F-16 stays in Lviv warehouses or even Poland, lifting only very occasionally to intercept some drones and instantly getting shot down, did they actually participate in a war? If a tree falls in a forest where no one sees, did it make a sound?


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To all German folks here, I am sorry for asking this question, why is the current German leadership and it's military/security institution (as evidenced by then Navy Admiral comment regarding Russia and China when he visited India) that are very much interested on stirring the pot vis-a-vis Taiwan and the South China Sea.

What's the end goal or even the objective of such a move other than essentially dovetailing the U.S. led provocation and objectives by goading China to hopefully overreact into some sort of reckless action so that it can coalesce the already convince some sort of fait accompli to either sanction China fully and maybe cut her off from trade network. After all, the propaganda of FREEDOM/DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE or like minded political system are being used as tools for pretty much everything nowadays from tech, military, economic (overcapacity, renewable energy, e.v.) and trade policies.


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Indian Air Force must be the most formidable Air Force in the history of aerial combat then.
Yeah, they must play the whole Jai Hind music as they fly around while everyone ignores them because they want to fly into China to bomb something but they end up bombing their stupid selves because they couldn’t read a friggen map (it’s upside down btw). I mean what experience do they have in a real fight anyhow