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See first a Chinese diaspora person go to Nanjing to see all the tourist places like Ming imperial palace, Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, Confucius Temple etc, next thing you know you eat a salted duck and your mind is instantly filled with Xi Jinping Thoughts.
Well, it's the Russian connection to some of the "right wing" podcasters like the often wrong and never right, Tim Pool and Dave Rubin, himself a former card carrying member of the far-left group and was a then co-host of the Young Turks show with Cenk Uyghur. They have just also been indicted on criminal charges for conspiring to propagate and spread Russian "disinfo and misinformation" in America.

They have made the silliest mistake and assumptions that America will tolerate dissenting views on matters of National Security. The job of misinformation and disinformation are the sole propriety of the U.S.A. and no one else's.



Lieutenant General
A succinct summary of China's strategy for the Global South:

China is having a summit with pretty much every African nations. Here is what China actually did in Africa, one of the most important parts of the Global South:


I remember I think was the early 2000s there was a Hollywood actress, I forget which one, that criticized China for its business, as opposed to the West's aid, approach towards Africa. As usual China has to feel responsible for what the West did to Africa so China shouldn't expect a "return" that business expects. The West's aid is selfless. They're doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. When China builds roads, schools, hospitals, powerplants... It's up to those African countries to decide where it goes from there for them to exploit. The West... they take pictures of themselves handing a bowl of porridge to a bloated-belly starving child. The West gives a man a fish... The Chinese teach a man how to fish... At anytime if these countries getting Western aid don't do what the West tells them... the West can just stop giving the man a fish. So which one is better...? And this actress had the gall to suggest China give all the money it spends in Africa to her so it can be responsibly distributed... and of course she gets all the credit.


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“Talibans treatment of women is horrible. No! America is worse cause they have only fans.”
Say what you want about the taliban, at least they don’t send girls and children to war
such inhumane policies can only come from the same kinds of individuals who want trans indoctrination to children and sexualisation of minors, to say nothing or a religious elite who consider non Zionists as “human animals” and cattle to be slaughtered.


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There's a recent leak that garnered a lot of noise on social media and an embarrassment of sorts for both China and Malaysia due to their perceived "friendly" ties based on public pronouncements from both leaders of the 2 countries, but most of all to the current P.M. Anwar Ibrahim who's been trying to foster a more friendly and warm relations with China for economic and trade reasons.

I am inclined to believe that Western intelligence agencies have double-agents, moles, spies working on a lot of these ASEAN countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines etc..due to these countries relationship and histories with their colonizers. Most of these countries still have a lasting, warmth, and slavish relationship with western countries due to the perceived and real outlook of western countries economic, military, political, and cultural appeal. To be associated with western countries is still seen as a sign of status and class and China is not immune to this entrenched belief.



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When the french and germans abandon civility, you know that they are being railroaded into global irrelevance. That'll teach em for choosing white supremacy over civility.

Ukraine really making the case for the total destruction of themselves as a polity. How remarkable that once upon a time in ancient China there were once a people called Xianbei and Tocharian's who are no more, as the Byzantines would have also had similar interactions with Pechenegs. Now, these people are extinct ad subsumed into other ethnic groups just as people in the future will look back and remark how there were a bunch of people called by russians, as "Hohols" or Ukrainians and now, are no more.
Part of this is because Putin went to Mongolia and they didn't arrest him:
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If you're wondering why Putin picked this date, it was 85th anniversary of Battle of Khalkhin Gol against Imperial Japan. So naturally the geniuses at Kiev thought to show him they would visit a place that celebrate Japanese war crime, never mind the fall out it will cause in both South Korea and China.


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There's a recent leak that garnered a lot of noise on social media and an embarrassment of sorts for both China and Malaysia due to their perceived "friendly" ties based on public pronouncements from both leaders of the 2 countries, but most of all to the current P.M. Anwar Ibrahim who's been trying to foster a more friendly and warm relations with China for economic and trade reasons.

I am inclined to believe that Western intelligence agencies have double-agents, moles, spies working on a lot of these ASEAN countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines etc..due to these countries relationship and histories with their colonizers. Most of these countries still have a lasting, warmth, and slavish relationship with western countries due to the perceived and real outlook of western countries economic, military, political, and cultural appeal. To be associated with western countries is still seen as a sign of status and class and China is not immune to this entrenched belief.

The fact that it first appeared in the Philippine Daily Inquirer - tells you a lot about the incident's possible objective.
Expect the US (and their Philippine-based puppets) to throw anything that could possibly cause a wedge.
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Germany: Far-right AfD wins first state vote since WWII​

Results show the far-right AfD winning the election in Thuringia and coming a close second in Saxony. The success in the party's eastern stronghold states comes around a year before federal elections. DW has more.

Preliminary results: AfD wins in Thuringia, comes a close second in Saxony​

The far-right AfD won the election in Thuringia, securing 32.8% of the vote, preliminary results showed after all votes were counted.
The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) came second, winning 23.6%.
The upstart, left-wing party Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) was third with 15.8% of the vote.
Germany’s ruling coalition parties, including Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats (SPD), the environmentalist Greens and business-focused Free Democrats (FDP), received a drubbing at the polls.
The SPD managed to make it into the state legislature with a mere 6.1% of the vote, but the Greens and the FDP failed to meet the 5% threshold.
In Saxony, the CDU emerged victorious with 31.9%, while the AfD came a close second securing 30.6% of the vote. The BSW was third with 11.8%.
The SPD and the Greens took a hit in Saxony, with the former winning just 7.3% and the latter 5.1% of the vote.
The results mean talks for government formation could be tough and protracted in both states.

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TikTok likely helped far right in German elections: analysts​

The AfD was twice as effective at reaching first-time voters on the app than all other parties combined, according to an analysis of platform data. This may explain why the party performed so well among young voters.

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among young voters between the ages of 18 and 24 by a wide margin, according to pollster infratest dimap.

Given TikTok's popularity among young users, this could be linked to the strong presence of AfD content on the platform, said Roland Verwiebe, a professor at the University of Potsdam and one of the coordinators of a project monitoring the activity of German parties on TikTok.

"We believe that the AfD's success on TikTok very likely contributed to the AfD's electoral success," Verwiebe told DW.
"Half of all 16-24-year-olds only get their political information from TikTok," he added. "That makes the platform extraordinarily influential."

In Sunday's elections in the eastern states of
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, the AfD garnered the best results of any far-right party since
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. The AfD alone secured more than double the votes of the three parties in Chancellor
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's coalition government combined — the center-left
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, the environmentalist
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and the neoliberal
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AfD making history in Germany. Tiktok is helping :)

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These videos are way more enticing than whatever the GOP has on tiktok.