I understand your apprehensions, yet I do not sympathize, nor do I agree with your analyses (not that agreement is necessary in the exchange of ideas). In the struggle for survival, the weaker must often challenge the stronger in order to simply survive. That's a natural fact, or rather, a fact of nature, of which there innumerable examples! In those instances, strength is ultimately determined, post-event, by victory/survival, rather than by pre-event circumstances (not that these may not exert considerable influence) that are based, solely, on quantifiable/measurable metrics. Are there no Badgers in China?[...]In my opinion, China must be easily stronger than its Western rivals (particularly the US) by a healthy margin before it initiates this challenge and when the hour is upon us, it should do so with unbend-able conviction and power. [...]
China may never be "'stronger' than its Western rivals (particularly the US) by a healthy margin". My prediction is that it will not. Does this mean that China should never challenge the 'stronger' even if it jeopardizes Chinese survival? My prediction is it will!