I find it strange that china would order more Mi-171 from russia, when they already have Z-20, unless china is not satisfied with Z-20.
I heard about a lot of rumour whereby someone buys Russian equipment for the PLA. But it does sound plausible given the recent tension, transport helicopter is identified as the weakest link of the army while Chinese engine technology might not be stable enough for mass production of heavy lifting helos.I find it strange that china would order more Mi-171 from russia, when they already have Z-20, unless china is not satisfied with Z-20.
transport helicopter is identified as the weakest link of the army while Chinese engine technology might not be stable enough for mass production of heavy lifting helos.
Please explain to all of us why you think ordering some very cheap Mi-171 translates into China being not satisfied with the Z-20. Chinese reports have mentioned the PLA is very satisfied with the Z-20; just look at the Z-20 thread if you do not believe me. You seem to arrive to these illogical conclusions all the time, whether intentionally to spread flame bait or just lapses in logic. According to your thinking, then the PLAAF purchasing the Su-35 back in 2015 must mean they arent satisfied with the J-20's performanceI find it strange that china would order more Mi-171 from russia, when they already have Z-20, unless china is not satisfied with Z-20.
The Chinese are already using the 1600 kw WZ-16 in currently produced Z-20s. I highly doubt the engine, whether it be maturity or performance, is the issue here. There is an immediate urgency to boost the PLAGF helicopter transport capacity and the Mi-171s offer the quickest and cheapest way to do so. I don't know what the PLAGF has to lose by buying these very cheap helicopters as an immediate capability boost.I heard about a lot of rumour whereby someone buys Russian equipment for the PLA. But it does sound plausible given the recent tension, transport helicopter is identified as the weakest link of the army while Chinese engine technology might not be stable enough for mass production of heavy lifting helos.
The Chinese are already using the 1600 kw WZ-16 in currently produced Z-20s. I highly doubt the engine, whether it be maturity or performance, is the issue here. There is an immediate urgency to boost the PLAGF helicopter transport capacity and the Mi-171s offer the quickest and cheapest way to do so. I don't know what the PLAGF has to lose by buying these very cheap helicopters as an immediate capability boost.
According to your thinking, then the PLAAF purchasing the Su-35 back in 2015 must mean they arent satisfied with the J-20's performance.
There is an immediate urgency to boost the PLAGF helicopter transport capacity and the Mi-171s offer the quickest and cheapest way to do so. I don't know what the PLAGF has to lose by buying these very cheap helicopters as an immediate capability boost.
*WZ-10Since when uses the Z-20 the WZ-16?
Do you not think the PLAGF helicopter transport capacity is currently lacking? As Breadbox also mentioned, the transport helicopter is the weakest link of the Army. Surely there must be an urgency to at the minimum mitigate this weakness ... and also its not a matter of what the PLA can learn from the Mi-171, its a matter of the transport capacity upgrades it brings. Do you really think all military imports are for the sole purpose of technical evaluation?China could learn something from su-35. What does china have to learn from mi-171 now? besides, AFAIK, J-20 only entered service in 2017.
I dont think that china has that much urgency.
Do you not think the PLAGF helicopter transport capacity is currently lacking? As Breadbox also mentioned, the transport helicopter is the weakest link of the Army. Surely there must be an urgency to at the minimum mitigate this weakness ... and also its not a matter of what the PLA can learn from the Mi-171, its a matter of the transport capacity upgrades it brings. Do you really think all military imports are for the sole purpose of technical evaluation?