I'll certainly gladly use any video script written by an informed member. Saves me doing the effort of doing the research and producing the content at least in part (it would be like someone doing work for you for free).
There's pros and cons of posting on Youtube. The main advantage is being able to get your message across to a large audience. There is little use to keeping that knowledge to oneself and only using it to influence a small circle of individuals, no matter how important these people may be. If you keep to niche publications, your impact on the public discourse would be severely limited, no matter how knowledgeable you may be.
The cons are also pretty siginificant. Content creators probably know less about the PLA than the average dedicated PLA watchers, because they have spend all their time creating videos rather than doing research, particularly in related areas (e.g. how airplanes work in general). Your incentives will likely change - the amount of view traffic would influence your decisions on which topics to cover and how much scrutiny to apply to information. Some channels seem willing to disregard accuracy for more views (like with the recent H-20 fake). Then there's of course the massive task of learning how Youtube works, building an audience, improve viewer click rate and retention, working the algorithmn, and avoiding copyright problems etc.