Massive war games to concern china?

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VIP Professional
ILAN, Taiwan (Reuters) - Taiwan staged its biggest live-fire army drills in about 20 years on Thursday, showcasing latest weaponry designed to combat a potential Chinese attack as Beijing builds its military might.

More than 13,000 soldiers took part in the exercise, which saw U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets screaming across the sky and tanks firing from a beach at targets floating on the sea.

Paratroopers posing as Chinese communist soldiers floated to the ground, simulating an airborne assault against key installations on the island.

"Across the Strait, China has always been the biggest national security threat to the Republic of China, Taiwan, for the past half a century," said the island's independence-leaning president, Chen Shui-bian.

"Global military strategies are ever-changing with recent heightened tensions along the Korean peninsula," he said, adding that boosting Taiwan's defense would ensure peace and stability along the Taiwan Strait and the Asia-Pacific region.

The annual Han Kuang -- or Chinese Glory -- exercises are designed to counter an invasion by China, which views self-ruled democratic Taiwan as a wayward province that has to be unified with the mainland, by force if necessary.

China's cabinet-level Taiwan Affairs Office had no immediate comment.


Thursday's exercise featured more than 550 pieces of artillery, including nearly 40 types of aircraft, warships, tanks and canons, the Defense Ministry said.

The ministry had splashed flashy advertisements on television in the days ahead of the exercise, part of an ongoing publicity effort to stress the need for bolstering the island's defenses.

Taiwan's defense officials said in February Taiwan planned to raise its annual military spending -- around T$240 billion (US$7.3 billion), or 2.4 percent of gross domestic product in 2006 -- to 2.85 percent of GDP in 2007 and 3 percent in 2008.

The plan came as opposition legislators repeatedly blocked a special budget to buy U.S. arms, even though the package was cut from US$18 billion to US$11 billion, and again to US$9 billion.

Chen said this week China had 820 missiles aimed at Taiwan, giving the island of 23 million people more reason to boost its military defenses.

Taiwan and China have faced off since 1949 when defeated Nationalist forces fled to the island after losing a civil war to the Communists.

The military balance in the Taiwan Strait is now shifting in China's favor because the Asian giant has been pumping up defense amid concern that Taiwan will declare independence, analysts say.

The United States, obliged by its Taiwan Relations Act to help the island defend itself, has repeatedly urged China to explain its military build-up, worried it will alter the balance of regional power.

China's defense expenditure was officially about US$30 billion in 2005, up 12.6 percent from the previous year, but many foreign experts believe the real figure is significantly higher.


Junior Member
This was all over the local (Taiwanese) news for the past few days... didn't really bother mentioning it because the official exercise hasn't actually started yet, just a rehearsal (with live arms).

But since it's on the board, I'll add supplemental docs in Chinese. I'll translate them later on when I have more time... unless someone else is interested.

(First article basically says Mirage 2000 flares work as advertised)

漢光22號/還沒打就報銷 預演紅色無人靶機墜毀
記者張崇賓、蔡清文/宜蘭報導 2006-07-17 13:26


The 2nd stage of the last rehearsal for the HK22 exercise proceeded on the morning of the 17th in Ilan. In addition to simulated PLA paratroopers landing at the Yangping grasslands, the Army also simulated a counter-attack with attack helicopters and armor. However, the fact that there were quite a few civilians there to see the show, sometimes keeping up with the tanks on their bicycles did cut down on the realism factor a bit. Also, shortly after the exercise started, a Red unmanned target drone crashed in the forest near Su-aoh port, thanksfully no one was hurt.

今天上午的預演可說軍容壯大,可是預演沒多久,第一架由蘇澳升空的靶機飛過無尾港岳明國小上空,因為機頭拉不起而墜毀在無尾港的樹林裡面,所幸沒有人員受傷。據了解,3年前的漢光19號時,這種委由漢翔公司製造的無人靶機就因為機身被畫了一個豬頭,還寫上一個扁字,被外界說是豬頭扁機,後來軍方表示靶機上原本 就繪有「卡通豬」的「吉祥物」,絕非是故意畫上去的,沒想到這次預演還是又出狀況。


In addition to live-fire exercises at the coast of Li-zhe, at the southern abandoned airfield of Ilan, the army conducted a massive airdrop exercises, consisting of 500 paratroopers. Helicopters headed out to sea to strafe targets, to defend against invading sea vessels, destroying all visible targets with rockets. To add to the realism, several important roads and rbridges near the exercise were reinforced with sandbags and machine gun nests.


As is inevitable in case of a conflict, there is a high chance that small numbers of enemy troops will succesfully land on the beaches or airdrop, sabatoging important placements. The police and firefighters were involved in the exercises, and the exercise simulated fires in several places where the PLA would be likely to strike.


The HK22 exercise will officially start on July 20th at the Su-Aoh beach. The exercises will primarily simulate the defense against an amphibious landing.


The Air force will simulate a fight for air superiority, F-5Es will deploy flares guiding Mirages to fire missiles; afterwards there will be air to ground attacks, with fighters using rockets, machine guns, and guided missiles to attack land or sea based targets, the primary aircraft being the F-16. A very important part of this year's exercise for the navy is the live firing and evaluation of the new Hsiung-Feng guided missiles, the 3 targets will be 3 decomissioned Yang-Zi cruisers.

最後是陸軍部隊的操演。在反登陸作戰方面,主要是以M110自行火炮、大口徑火炮與多管火箭射擊為主,擔任第一波的反登陸作戰火力掩護;接著是空騎旅的AH -1攻擊直升機以及OH-58D戰搜直升機登場,用空對地導彈、無導引火箭與機炮射擊海面目標;此外,沙灘上還有戰車,將炮管對準外海射擊來襲艦艇,如果還是無法禦敵,遍佈沙灘的各種防禦工事與障礙物將可有效遲滯敵人,並由交叉火力殲滅來襲敵人。

Last but not least is the Army's part in all of this. The amphibious defense will mainly consist of M110 self-propelled guns, large calibre cannons and rockets as the first line of defense, next are AH-1 attack helicopters of the Air Cavalry divisions as well as OH-58D search and rescue helicopters, using Air to ground missiles, unguided rockets and machine guns. In addition, there will be tanks shooting at ships off shore, if those defenses are breached then the defenses scattered about the defenses will help slow down the enemy in a crossfire.

A on the spot trench being called "for show".

趕挖六百米壕溝 被批作秀


To increase the realism of the HK22 war games, General Lei Guang ordered the army to dig the longest trench in the history of this army 50 meters inshore, reinforced with 55 machine guns, capable of complete coverage of the beach.


Though there has been some criticism of General Lei-Kuang's decision to dig the trench (similiar to last year's Tong-Shin 17 exercise's 200 meter trench near Miaoli), his response was, "The combined exercise for all 6 military branches is not just for show, it's useful training."


The 53rd Engineering Division of the 6th Army consisting of 5000 people took 3 weeks to dig the north-south spanning trench of 600 meters, in all using 300,000 sandbags, 12 Type 50 Machine guns, 9 platoon machine guns, 12 fire team machine guns, 22 fire igniting(?) guns as well as 8 sniper nests, in addition to various other obstacles.

漢光演習今開打 電子戰反制窺伺
吳明杰/宜蘭報導 2006-07-20 03:50

Electronic war simulated in HK22 exercise



3 years ago in the HK22 war games, PLA (spies) masqueraded(?) as Japanese fishing boats, conducting in electronical spying, this resulted in the Army postponing the test firing of the Yunmu missile, however in this exercise our military has pre-emptively set up a defensive electronic perimeter to repel enemy intelligence gathering. Besides the images you see on television, this year there may be an invisible war of intelligence, jamming, and disruption.


Because the miltary has confidence in our electronic defense, PAC-2 Patriot missiles, Yucha (Fish Fork?) missiles, and Hsieng-Feng 2 missiles will be tested as acording to plan, without danger of revealing valuable information.





Of particular note is a simulated "beheading" assault by PLA paratroopers at the Presidential residence.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Dang Ute, you beat me to the story!...:( ..I wuz gonna start this thread..

It seems to me that the PLA is being give a full look at the military it may face if there were some sort of confrontation with Tiawain. First it was the US excersise Valiant Sheild that the highercy of the PLA was allowed to witness. Second a PLA general is in the US making a visit to various bases. He even dropped in on Rummy!..Now Tiawain is conducting this excersise. Oh let's not forget the RIMPAC excersise on going right now. And the east coast USN CVN "Enterprise" has been temporaily moved to the Pacific...Makes me think:confused: .....Does it make the PRC think? Maybe and maybe not. But they can't help but to notice all these excersises...In the ROC case I think they are just "posturing" for the PRC. You know just trying to show their best hand..

One thing in the article it says that ROC troops were acting as PLA paratroopers. Just how many paratroopers does the PLA have? I thought they were limited in this type of invasion.

Hey Zerling ..I'd like a translation of that article...Thanks..


Junior Member
Tomorrow's my last day at the English Bushiban, so I'll probably be able to translate all the articles by tomorrow night. (I translated the first article, by the way)

Another batch of articles...

A TOW missile went dumb and hit the water just 100m from the viewing stand where the Commander-in-Chief President Chen was... very embarassing.

漢光22號/聯戰火力魚叉反艦搶鋒頭 拖式飛彈震動觀禮台
記者王宗銘/宜蘭報導 2006-07-20 19:34

國軍「漢光22號」演習20日在宜蘭展開最後階段的「國土防衛作戰演練」與「城鄉守備戰鬥訓練」實兵驗證,在火力展示方面,國軍今年共計出動37類 554項武器裝備,雖然絕大部分愛國者飛彈、魚叉飛彈、雄風二型飛彈、雷霆2000火箭等多種飛彈火砲均精準命中,不過還是發生一些脫靶意外,其中一顆拖式飛彈意外掉在觀禮台前方不遠海面,距離百餘公尺,巨大的聲響與硝煙讓不少來賓在第一時間嚇了一跳,但是主持典禮的陳水扁總統並未明顯受到影響,而有任何脫稿演出。

The military's "HK22" exercise on the 20th of July in Ilan conducted the last stage, "Defense of the nation" and "City defense training", results indicating that firepower wise, the military deployed 37 types of weaponary, 554 in all. (?)

Although the majority of the Patriot, Yucha, Hsieng-Fung, Leiting 2000 and various other weaponary hit their targets succesfully, there were still several failed launches including an incident when a TOW missile accidently landed in the ocean witin 100 meteres of the viewers area where President Chen was watching.



HK22 "Defense of the Nation" live fire exercise started at 8:50, located at the Li-Zhe beach in Ilan. The show opened with an air raid simulation; Longdong (Dragon Hole?) artillery fired Tien-Kung missiles to simulate enemy ballistic missiles, The Air Force's 631st Patriot Missile division fired 2 PAC-2 missiles to intercept, this was the first time the ROC tested the missiles, both hit the targets succesfully.



Missile Command fired 4 "Eagle" SAMs, intercepting the target drones succesfully.

Shortly after the Navy's Chiyang-class and 933 Phoenix class cruisers conducted anti-air action, in communication and cooperation with the Air Force, fired a "Standard Type 1(?)" missile, hitting a target drone simulating a PLAAF fighter.


After that F-5 fighters simulating enemy fighters dropped multiple flares over the battleground, whereas the Air Force scrambled 2 F-CK-1s to intercept, firing 2 (simulated) indigeniously developed heat seaking TK-1 missiles, succesfully "hitting" the targets.


In the next wave, another group of F-5s again simulated enemy fighters, 2 F-CK-1s were originally posed to intercept with Sidewinders, 1 "hit" the target, whereas the other launch was cancelled due to the proximity of a target drone in the area.


After that was a coordinated exercise by the different branches of the military, starting off with the Navy's Shenyang fleet combined with F-16 fighters engaging Yangzi-class target ships, succesfully testing the Yu-Cha missiles.


The entire exercise was recorded by a Indigeniously developed unmanned Jong-Shiang drone, although at first it appeared that one of the Yu-Cha missiles missed the target ship, after careful examination of post-mortem photos, it was confirmed both had hit.


Similarly in another area a unmanned Tien-Ji drone transmitted information about simulated enemy coordinates, command deployed F-16s, attacking with AGM-65G Maverick missiles, destroying the targets.


Afterwards F-16s dropped 500 lb bombs destroying targets on the water, while the Navy's truck-based Hsieng-Fung missiles simultaneously test fired, under smoke cover of the 6th Army, hitting the target succesfully.


F-16s also succesfully hit targets with laser guided bombs.


After enemy forces were found grouping in preparation for an amphibious assault, the second wave of defense initiated, starting off with F-16s with a low and fast mission profile dropping bombs, Navy patrol boats firing Hsieng 1 anti-ship missiles; The Army firing Lei-ting 2000 rockets simulating a defense of the beach; fighters on CAP also fired Sidewinders at simulated enemy bombers.


The Army also deployed Ah-1s firing Hellfires at enemy tanks about to deploy, followed by a artillery barrage.


After the fight for the beach started, MIssile Command launched Sparrows (SAM version) at target drones, although 1 hit succesfully, the other hit the water 100 meters in the ocean away from where it was launched.



Next was the most "hard-hitting" scene of the exercise, with the 6th Army's M-113s firing 10 TOW guided missiles, simulating a defense against enemy landing armor, unfortunately the first one landed in the ocean in front of the President viewing platform.


The original plan only called for 8 missile launches, however as the 1st and 8th missiles failed, the Army all in all fired 10 TOWs. Post-mortem analysis determined that the missiles failed because the guidance wires broke.



漢光22號/紅軍空機降斬首點穴 裝甲車優勢城鎮防衛得勝
記者王宗銘/宜蘭報導 2006-07-20 20:41


The military's "HK22" exercise on the 20th concluded with the "City defense" exercise, with nearly 200 paratroopers landing at the Lanyang plains simulating a aerial insertion by the PLA, which was repelled.



In the operation codenamed "Lien-Yun (Allied Clouds) 72", at 1100 hours the Army's 601st airborne, Spec Ops 862nd as well as High Altitude Division played the "Red" part in the exercise.


The exercise started with simulated enemy fighters suppressing land based armor units, an air raid alert was signalled, in the opening stage 32 special ops soldiers riding CH-47SD transport helicopters jumped from a height of 10,000 feet, accurately landing near the governmental buildings in the area, beginning a "beheading" op.

接下來的聯合特種空機降突擊,多達112名頭戴紅帽、身著「鐵漢裝」的敵方傘兵,由特戰862旅旅長孟慶宇少將率領,分別搭乘8架C130 運輸機,從天而降實施特種地形跳傘,在F16戰機2批4架次實施先期制壓攻擊與空降場週邊戰場組厥掩護下,於幅員狹窄隻宜蘭舊機場空降著陸。

Afterwards 112 soldiers of the 862nd simulating as PLA troopers dropped from 8 C-130 transports, 2 flights of F-16s each consisting of 4 aircraft simulating PLAAF fighters escorted them until they succesfully dropped the troops at the old Ilan airfield.


After that 4 AH-1Ws, 2 OH-58Ds, and 12 UH-1Hs carrying 72 enemy troops rapidly deployed at Ilan's local court and the Ilan bridge, in coordination with the troops who landed earlier, took control of various strategic points on the Outskirts of Ilan, to deter the response time of the defensive forces.




At the same time, local Police initiated blockades, Firefighters also deployed to suppress fires set by sabatogers.



During the battle on the outskirts of the city between the two forces, the Army deployed 16 CM21, CM22, CM23, and M113 armored units, first deploying smoke screens, combining with ground forces to attack the enemy assault teams, concluding with a successful retaking of the enemy rally point.


Something of note was that in the exercise the military "deployed" posters and broadcasts ensuring PLA forces of their safety.


New Member
utelore said:
Chen said this week China had 820 missiles aimed at Taiwan, giving the island of 23 million people more reason to boost its military defenses.

Taiwan and China have faced off since 1949 when defeated Nationalist forces fled to the island after losing a civil war to the Communists.

The military balance in the Taiwan Strait is now shifting in China's favor because the Asian giant has been pumping up defense amid concern that Taiwan will declare independence, analysts say.

The United States, obliged by its Taiwan Relations Act to help the island defend itself, has repeatedly urged China to explain its military build-up, worried it will alter the balance of regional power.

China's defense expenditure was officially about US$30 billion in 2005, up 12.6 percent from the previous year, but many foreign experts believe the real figure is significantly higher.

Just some comments on utelore's thread:
820 missiles aimed at Taiwan, did china published this number? I think the number of missiles aiming to Taiwan is top secret of China. If Chen said it, that means he was telling china, we have spies in you.

Taiwan Relations Act, I think USA also has a treaty with China to admit one-china policy, does this contradict to this act?


Just Hatched
Registered Member
what will happen to US made equipments when Taiwan will be under a new leader which has a pro china policy? all of the US equipment will be revealed to China?

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Raptor said:
what will happen to US made equipments when Taiwan will be under a new leader which has a pro china policy? all of the US equipment will be revealed to China?

Nope..because the equipment they have is not 100% the same as the US equipment. And has a more limited capablity...As for what will happen to the equipment well the PLA would keep it and study it of course...But let us hope that war never comes. as we can see on Tv everyday war just absouletly sucks....:(


New Member
bd popeye said:
Nope..because the equipment they have is not 100% the same as the US equipment. And has a more limited capablity...As for what will happen to the equipment well the PLA would keep it and study it of course...But let us hope that war never comes. as we can see on Tv everyday war just absouletly sucks....:(

but USA charged a lot to Taiwan for these "limited capabilty" equipments, much higher than the price USA sold to other countries, what is Taiwan to USA? a cash cow?

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
wmdco said:
but USA charged a lot to Taiwan for these "limited capabilty" equipments, much higher than the price USA sold to other countries, what is Taiwan to USA? a cash cow?

I know Taiwan is not a "Cash cow' to the US. Tiawan is not the only customer as you point out. US military equipment is sold woldwide. As to what the price is is anyones best guess. I sure don't know. The Us would never sell the ROC say a Arliegh Burke class DDG for fear it's technology may fall into PLA hands. Or any other country for that matter.


Senior Member
utelore said:
"Across the Strait, China has always been the biggest national security threat to the Republic of China, Taiwan, for the past half a century," said the island's independence-leaning president, Chen Shui-bian.

The annual Han Kuang -- or Chinese Glory -- exercises are designed to counter an invasion by China, which views self-ruled democratic Taiwan as a wayward province that has to be unified with the mainland, by force if necessary.

How ironic. I can just imagine the people shouting "Chinese Glory.... death to China!"

Surely if CSB started calling these exercises "Taiwan Glory" or something, China will have to move.

Symbolism and rhetoric is a very important part of the Taiwan issue.

bd popeye said:
It seems to me that the PLA is being give a full look at the military it may face if there were some sort of confrontation with Tiawain. First it was the US excersise Valiant Sheild that the highercy of the PLA was allowed to witness. Second a PLA general is in the US making a visit to various bases. He even dropped in on Rummy!..Now Tiawain is conducting this excersise. Oh let's not forget the RIMPAC excersise on going right now. And the east coast USN CVN "Enterprise" has been temporaily moved to the Pacific...Makes me think:confused: .....Does it make the PRC think? Maybe and maybe not. But they can't help but to notice all these excersises...In the ROC case I think they are just "posturing" for the PRC. You know just trying to show their best hand..

I honestly don't think these recent contacts really change the perception of the PRC. I'm sure the PLA never underestimated the US military in the first place. Seeing all this gear in person doesn't reveal anything they don't already know. If anything, they'll see whether or not the US Navy in practice is as great as they are on paper or in theory. I do think PLA planners assume in any conflict contingency that the US will bring as many assets to bear as possible, they don't simply assume the US will pull their punches. So all these grand exercises simply confirm the PLA's beliefs, they're no surprise at all.
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