Then explain the vast amounts of Chinese surface-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft guns, landmines, rocket-propelled grenades and components for roadside bombs that are found in Afghanistan by Coalition forces, much of it brand new. And most often, the ammunition is traced to a PLA military facility.
Not that long ago, NORINCO was caught by the US Customs Service trying to smuggle 2,000 AK-47's into the US to arm US street gangs, and offered to sell surface-to-air missiles to gangs as well.
That's quite a scoop about NORINCO there. Maybe we should call CNN or the New York Times, because I think they haven't heard about it. You did not give your source on this, but I would first ask why you find such a source believable. It seems that since December the US has been pushing Chinese buttons, from arms sales to Taiwan, to meeting the Dalai Lama and encouraging the whole Google scenario. I think every single news article I've read since then, both from American or Western sources or from Chinese sources, mentions these three issues plus the question of the Yuan's exchange rate and Iran sanctions. Why don't they just add a sixth: "NORINCO smuggling arms into the US!" Wow! This is a whole lot more exciting than those old stories we've all been hearing, and it would ABSOLUTELY cast China as the villain. What more could you want?
As to Chinese weapons in Afghanistan, I haven't seen that news anywhere either, although I admit it wouldn't be as bombastic as the NORINCO news. However, the whole world knows, and has known for much longer than a decade, that the Taliban has something to do with Pakistan, its Army and the ISI. And WE all know in SDF that Pakistan uses a lot of Chinese weapons.