Many people say China will catch up or exceed U.S in military strength decades later.


Banned Idiot
Re: Many people say China will catch up or exceed U.S in military strength decades la

If they are simply doing their own research, they would contribute to China's scientific development the same way as they have done in where ever they used to be before they went back to China. Why am I saying this? Well, this is because of the difference between industry and academia. In an industrial setting, every company keeps their secrets tightly and sees special skills of their employees as special assets that they protect very closely. A person's expertise in certain matter can only be utilized if he/she works for you in your company. He can not only contribute by using his special skills in actual projects, but also train other co-workers on the technology.

However, the academia setting is the complete opposite. We pride ourselves for sharing everything. Not only that, our career depends on it. There are two main things you look at when you evaluate the success of a scientific researcher: funding and publication. The two are of course connected. You need funding to do experiments so that you can publish your data. And the more and the better publication you have, your credibility as a researcher is better and your chance of getting more money is higher. A key element in this chain of event is how repeatable your data is. In the industry, you want to make sure you are the only one that has a certain technology, while in the academia, you want to make sure everybody can do it. In fact, your credibility, reputation and career depend on it. If you are the only one who can do it, people will joke about how "special" your lab is, but in their mind, everyone is thinking one of two things:
1) you made a mistake in your experiments, which mean you are incompetent.
2) You made up your data, which means...... Well we all know what that means: the end of your career

Although behind your back, people might only talk about #1, but nearly everyone is thinking about #2. We don't say it because, well, that destroys people. You don't make that kind of accusation unless you have concrete evidence. Anyway, you as a researcher will have a bad reputation. This is why I said in another post that scientists welcome validation from other people with open arms. And the only way to make sure others can repeat what we have done is to describe our thought process, experimental procedure and data analysis in such detail in our publication that anybody with minimal training would be able to do it. That means, if you want to learn my technique and my theories, all you have to is to read my papers. And anybody in the world with internet access can do that. That means any Chinese scientist is able to learn everything the world-class scientists have done any time they want. And this means, whether you are in the US or in China, you will influence how Chinese scientists do things in the same way. By doing your own research, the influence you have on Chinese scientific development would be the same no matter where you are since you are sharing everything in your papers. So why the trouble moving all the way back to China???

Of course, these scientists can also boost the reputation of the school/department they are in and attract more talented scientists to the school. But in China, that simply means internal movement of talents. The overall level of scientists in ALL china has not changed. So to that particular university with these see turtles, it's a good thing, but for China, it has no effect. Of course, these see turtle can also train more young talents. But they are already doing it while they are abroad. AS we all know, almost every lab in the US has Chinese students/postdocs. Especially, Chinese professors tend to have more Chinese students/postdocs. In fact, many labs headed by Chinese professors are composed of entirely Chinese staff. So coming back to China is not changing too much of that. So in other words, simply doing your research won't change a thing.

By adapting to the local environment, it means these scientists may have to bribe officials to get funding, or even worse, to become one of the corrupted officials. This means spending more time entertaining the officials and less time on research. That will actually hurt them. Of course, they can choose to be clean and not to do those things. This would mean that those corrupted officials won't give them funding they need to continue their projects. That will also hurt them. In other words, simply doing their own research will hurt them much more than they can help with the China's effort to develop its science and technology.

Simply put, they need to change the environment and be political.

I have worked in scientific research labs, and I disagree and agree with your many ideas. The overseas sea turtles do need to change their environment and be political, but they need to learn from the mainland, too.

China needs to learn from overseas turtles, but overseas turtles need to learn from China. Both sides should learn from one another. If one side wants to improve or wants new solutions, then it needs to do things differently. Doing the same things over and over will get the same results. Both sides can improve each other by learning new things from each other.
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Re: Many people say China will catch up or exceed U.S in military strength decades la

I have worked in scientific research labs, and I disagree and agree with your many ideas. The overseas sea turtles do need to change their environment and be political, but they need to learn from the mainland, too.

China needs to learn from overseas turtles, but overseas turtles need to learn from China. Both sides should learn from one another. If one side wants to improve or wants new solutions, then it needs to do things differently. Doing the same things over and over will get the same results. Both sides can improve each other by learning new things from each other.

Agreed. Simply copying the Western way probably won't work. They have to work with local-trained scientists to find a way that fits China. But I do feel that these sea turtles generally have a good understanding of China's system since they most likely finished their college in China and only moved abroad for graduate school. For the most part, they'd maintained their communication with their Chinese colleague while working abroad. So they have a pretty good idea of how China's scientific world goes.


Senior Member
Re: Many people say China will catch up or exceed U.S in military strength decades la

no one ever said that there is no need for change, the CCP understands the situation better than all of us here combined and all of the sea turtles combined, so to say that change should come from the sea turtles is wrong. they just have to offer what they have, let Li Yuanchao deal with the politics, if the CCP asks for their opinion, they'll give their opinion, if the CCP does not, then they'll keep their mouth shut, because if they dont they'll be marginalzed and become useless.


Banned Idiot
Re: Many people say China will catch up or exceed U.S in military strength decades la

Agreed. Simply copying the Western way probably won't work. They have to work with local-trained scientists to find a way that fits China. But I do feel that these sea turtles generally have a good understanding of China's system since they most likely finished their college in China and only moved abroad for graduate school. For the most part, they'd maintained their communication with their Chinese colleague while working abroad. So they have a pretty good idea of how China's scientific world goes.

I think you are correct for some sea turtles. Some have a good understanding (real knowledge, not textbook gibberish) of both China and Western nations. I know sea turtles who have a good real world grasp of Western nations and China, and they are doing a good job in creating industrial and business solutions good for China's problems.

However, some sea turtles are filled with too much Western propaganda. They incorrectly assume China has the wealth in a variety of domestic resources, international media, international political relations, international trade, and military power to directly copy Western solutions. A lot of sea turtles (NOT all sea turtles) are spoiled brats compared to mainland Chinese, and they have a poor understanding of mainland China (irregardless of what they think), because they are filled with too much Western propaganda. I know sea turtles who look down upon and ridicule mainland Chinese, because these spoiled, naive sea turtles think luxury cars, trucks, and SUVs are perfect solutions everywhere they go. These morons also ridicule mainland Chinese for not pigging out every meal throughout the day, for not buying 10 pairs of shoes, for not taking long showers and baths, for not buying lots of electronic gadgets, for not spending lots of free time and extra money to learn a hobby or sport, etc.

Likewise, a lot of mainland Chinese (NOT all mainland Chinese) are naive on some domestic topics and international issues compared to sea turtles, because they are poor in material resources and international information, and because they are filled with too much mainland government propaganda.

China cannot waste resources the same way Western nations waste resources. There are a few studies on what would happen if every mainland Chinese (1,300 million and counting) lived as luxuriously as every American (300 million and counting) or Western European (500 million and counting). The results are ALL bad for the world's natural environment and for everyone else. Maybe these studies are wrong, but I doubt it. Western Europeans consume LOTS of international resources compared to China, and America is even more luxurious. Already the world is growing tired of Western "obesity".

If China increases its consumption (i.e., vegetables, fruits, meats, water, edible liquids, land, buildings, pets, homes, electronics, vehicles, tools, machinery, chemicals, energy, hobbies/games/sports/fitness, clothing, textiles, information, space technology, fashion and hygiene services, entertainment, medical services, legal services, and so forth for both civilian, military, and government functions) all the way up to or beyond American levels or European levels, then the rest of the world will have to consume a lot less and the world will suffer a lot more environmental destruction.

However, if China does not increase its consumption, then China will be vulnerable to stupid or corrupt foreigners (especially dumb or immoral Westerners). China's problem applies to South America and Brazil, Russia, and India. You can even add in the Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central America, and Africa.

The world has to be intelligent and mature about this problem, or else the world will have to go through WW III to decide who gets the the lion's share and who gets the leftovers, or the world has to develop technology that greatly changes the current consumption-degradation equation.