London Summer Olympics 2012

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Gold# 22, Women's double in Badminton, Tian Qing-Zhao Yunlei



Gold# 23, Chen Ding, China's first ever gold medal in Men's 20 kilometres walk and second men's track & field gold medal in history!!!!!!



Question: why is Hong Kong not concluded as part of China at the Olympics? Legally, Hong Kong IS part of China. Why can it have it's own team? Note that this is not intended as a political question, simply wondering about a fact.


Lieutenant General
It's make you wonder why this is a story.

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And the other day it was news worthy of writing and now I'm seeing being talked about on national TV that apparently on twitter there was some criticism of US gymnast gold medal winner Gabby Douglas' hair and how messy it was.


Banned Idiot
Question: why is Hong Kong not concluded as part of China at the Olympics? Legally, Hong Kong IS part of China. Why can it have it's own team? Note that this is not intended as a political question, simply wondering about a fact.

The answer is political. As part of the handover agreement HK was allowed to keep cultural and sporting independence.

Anyway why complain as it gives you the opportunity two channel more Chinese atheletes into the Olympics. I stand to be corrected on this but ive got this feeling that the Chinese national anthem was played when HK won a sailing gold at Atlanta.

So I guess you can morally include HK bronze into Chinas overall medal tally
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Banned Idiot
Sun Yang wins 1500m and breaks world record.

SUPER SUN!!!!!!!!!

Gold in women's team fencing.
Golf in Men's 20km walk.

Oh you of little faith what did i tell you eh. Well i was half right about the walk, my pick got third.
Good thing about the Womens Team Epee win, by gum it was close with those KOreans though. My plea to them to throw a match or two must have got through;)

You might not be aware of it but the Americans only won a bronze in the fencing while at Beijing they took six medals. Theyve also missed out on the womens 100m. So still hope for China yet. Its a dam shame with the womens trampolene though.

That Dutch swimmer Ranomi Kromowidjojo who won the 50 and a 100 free is really Indonesian right. Well if she can do it, then it cant be beyound the reachof Chinese Swimmers..... Oh well maybe next time


The answer is political. As part of the handover agreement HK was allowed to keep cultural and sporting independence.

Anyway why complain as it gives you the opportunity two channel more Chinese atheletes into the Olympics. I stand to be corrected on this but ive got this feeling that the Chinese national anthem was played when HK won a sailing gold at Atlanta.

So I guess you can morally include HK bronze into Chinas overall medal tally

I have a feeling that, when it's all said and done, it may come to one or two medals between China and the US. So that bronze may be important... Just saying...


Banned Idiot
And this matters why? Does it eliminate poverty or heal the sick? :confused:

People need to have a sense of perspective about things like sport. It's worth crying about sometimes, but it's not worth getting angry about.

Very True.

Things have turned around for the UK after its less than auspicious start. I was tempted to suggest they should have introduced Morris dancing or Darts over a warm beer as demo sports.

Congrats on the British cycling team.Not for long I hope , they are in a total class of their own. I have mixed feelings on your 5000m win though, as it leaves us as the only country to have won its medals sitting down or standing around.
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