A range more short as planned, i have for Freedom 3500 mn/18 kn and for Independence 4300/18. Probably around 2000 with a portion of the distance at higher speed. Perry have a range of 4000 mn/20 kn, less fast but more durable.
Well, the Independence class of 4,300 at 18 knots vs. the Perry at 4,000 at 20 knots is very comparable, and in terms of range is not really less durable. The Perry too would have less if it operated at higher speeds.
The biggest issue has been the armament.
When the Perry's came out, they had decent AAW and ASuW armament for their time and threat environment, with decent ranges and strong ASW.
The LCS has only close in self defense AAW, poor ASuW armament at any range, but also has the capability for very decent ASW. But the lack of any area coverage AAW at all, and the startling lack of ASuW capabilities (IMHO, even NLOS was severally inadequate) has made these vessels controversial and under-armed from the get go.
Many of us hoped that they would add eight Harpoons and even an eight cell Mk-421 for ESSM to address this.
It appears that they will get some decent ASuW missiles, but no area coverage AAW...which remains disappointing at this point...including plans for the SSC.
I still hold out hopes that in future congresses, that better armament will be forthcoming. I believe they have the space...but it willl add cost no matter how you dice it.
But, IMHO, when you are building 55 or 56 vessels, and calling them combat ships, they need to be able to engage peer vessels from potential OPFORs and have a strong prospect of winning.