It all looks good quite a bit smaller than the Lcs though which means we wont even look at it and the saddest part of it probably works better.
The Chinese Type 056 corvette is a vessel that would best the LCS as currently outfitted in the littorals.
The fact is, they built these vessels as if though NOBODY would challenge the US, outside of terorist, fast speed boats, pirates, weak 3rd world nations, etc.
Even as they went on their merry way with that attitude, the Chinese, the Russians, and others have been building effective, modern, much more heavilyy armed littoral combatants. And in thge Chinese case, in large numbers.
Taking an 056 design, add an eight cell Mk-41 and a hanger to it, and you have an effective design for ASW, ASuW, and Maritime Patrol. Give it enough space for a larger helo and the equiment to add as needed, and you could also build it to handle the MMC mission IMHO. And a lot cheaperr, is my guess than the current LCS.
Yes, it would not be as fast...but far, far too much emphasis was placed on that aspect anyway.
As it is, they are going to have probably at least 24 of the LCS vessels.
We simply need to come up with a plan, IMHO, to make twelve of them (the Independence) predominantly MMC vessels, or SpecOps mother ships, with adequate self defense for Anti-Air, ASW and ASuW suited for the littroral environment where they will operate...and against the types of foes they may envounter.
Make the other twelve (the Freedoms), more multi-role capable with an emphasis, IMHO on ASW escort duties.
Then proceed with a realistic and decent mulit-role FFG design to address the propsoal currenlty under consideration.