Jura The idiot
It is the same radar provided by Saab.
I would not be surprised to learn that the LCS version has some enhancements, but the basic Sea Giraffe system is very good as advertised.
It is the naval variant of the GIRAFFE radar including the AMB technology which provides multi-beam 3-Dimensional air and surface coverage up to 100 km (62 mi) in distance, and from ground-level to 20,000 meters (66,000 ft) in altitude with 70 degree elevation coverage. The Sea Giraffe data rate is 1-scan per-second. It maintains a pulse density that suppresses high cluttering in adverse weather conditions.
It can simultaneously handle multiple threats approaching from different directions and altitudes, including diving anti-ship missiles. Also, it is specialized for rapidly detecting small, fast moving targets at all altitudes and small surface targets in severe clutter.
One of the other critical things about it, from the US Navy LCS perspective, is its capability to be integrated into larger coverage systems and feed data to those systems or receive data from it...like AEGIS for example. The US will definitely take advantage of that for its own systems.
Thanks, Jeff, your answer made me wonder about the Freedom-class LCS radar ... Wikipedia describes it only in the German language (which I don't know at all :-( and it seems to me there's TRS-3D/16-ES on the LCS, while on German F122 frigates: TRS-3D/32
Any comments? Please