Re: Type 056 OPV/Corvette
it could easily be modified to equip it with 8 harpoon and the Griffin for those Iranian speed bpoats or other simial "swarming" attacks as they term it.
When the NLOS was cancelled (which itself was significantly shorter range than the Harpoon, but was at least credible and was an advanced missile, and the LCS was going to carry like 40 of them in special VLS cells), they went to this Griffin missile which is, as you say, a joke. Fact is, in addition to "speedboats," in the littorals the LCS is much more likely to face off against a 1,200-1,500 ton Corvettes which will be armed with 4-8 longer range SSMs which will put the LCS at a destinct disadvantage.
They are hoping her stealth, speed, agility, and counter-measures will help...and they will, but only to a point.
In the littorals she is supposed to operate, it is a distinct possibility that they will face hostile air threats for attack and especially for surveillance to be used to target her for those corvettes. She cannot count too much on her stealth or those other quailities. It's a horrible risk for those sailors and the expensive vessel and one that does not have to be taken.
So, yes, right now, and until she has upgrades for her surface action capabilities, the LCS is at a distinct disadvantage to other nation's corvette sized combatants in the littorals.
I (and many, many others) agree 110% with this.Why isn't LCS designed to equip "Harpoon" missiles in its ASuW Mission Pack at first place? It's potent and mature missile design and there is ample space on board. Surely they didn't think the only surface adversaries are Pirates/Drug smugglers and certain navies' RPG-equipped fast patrol boats... Or they think the LCS are dispensable? It's "littoral" all right, but not a light nor cheap ship - nearly 3,000 tonnes at full load and $350 mil ~ $450 million (FY2013) worth of asset with only a range of 3.5 miles/5.6km (surface launched) anti-surface missile is a joke.
it could easily be modified to equip it with 8 harpoon and the Griffin for those Iranian speed bpoats or other simial "swarming" attacks as they term it.
When the NLOS was cancelled (which itself was significantly shorter range than the Harpoon, but was at least credible and was an advanced missile, and the LCS was going to carry like 40 of them in special VLS cells), they went to this Griffin missile which is, as you say, a joke. Fact is, in addition to "speedboats," in the littorals the LCS is much more likely to face off against a 1,200-1,500 ton Corvettes which will be armed with 4-8 longer range SSMs which will put the LCS at a destinct disadvantage.
They are hoping her stealth, speed, agility, and counter-measures will help...and they will, but only to a point.
In the littorals she is supposed to operate, it is a distinct possibility that they will face hostile air threats for attack and especially for surveillance to be used to target her for those corvettes. She cannot count too much on her stealth or those other quailities. It's a horrible risk for those sailors and the expensive vessel and one that does not have to be taken.
So, yes, right now, and until she has upgrades for her surface action capabilities, the LCS is at a distinct disadvantage to other nation's corvette sized combatants in the littorals.