Littoral Combat Ships (LCS)


Junior Member
Re: LCS-1

Why do you need a whole new expensive ship class design if some corvette-equipped ships, for single tasks like ASuW, MCM, ASW and special operations with communication links, fire- and extraction support, can do the job? I know, we Europeans are bean counters, but I don't see the breakthrough over networked corvettes or frigates.
Following Cerbrowski, corvettes would have been the choice because increased ship size is 3 dimensional, while the bomb effect is so large that the longest dimension makes an aircraft carrier take only 4 times more hits than a corvette for the same destruction (as far as I know). Providing more difficult to target vessels helps every defence in the missile age if they are capable of keeping the enemy uncertain about ship specifications. That's easy because every enemy sees 1-2 dimensions of a 3 dimensional object, making size distinction difficult, especially if jamming and EW is used deliberately.
The downside of all small ships is that they need more energy and thus fuel per payload movement per time and have thus much reduced see endurance. From this point of view frigate size makes sense because the US intends to operate them from bases near hostile coasts. If they were to operate from confined friendly coasts the limited endurance per sortie would be a no problem.
So it must be frigate-size endurance-level, having one mission package is corvette equipment-level, two missions is frigate equipment level. It reduces the number of vessels necessary to deploy a capability. The problem is increased vulnerability because less vessels are less targets. That greatly improves enemy missile targetting solutions because the size differences between a corvette and a frigate don't translate into significant surviveability differences per ship, overall numbers do.
The Independence LCS seems a good idea for solving the endurance problem, but could borrow the idea of TEU storage room from the Freedom LCS or any other corvette/frigate or container ship. What I honestly don't understand is the speed requirement. Speed means reduced stealth by noise and a bow wake visible on radar for both classes, plus very much reduced endurance. It would make sense as acceleration for improving missile countermeasures and thus light turbine engines that do have little adverse effect on payload capability. So what is the cruising speed of these vessels?

The big question behind all these questionmarks is, what are the intentions of the LCS idea? Going littoral, OK. But so far that sounds like having fly amanita for dinner. They don't seem surviveable nor numerous and expendable with a looming other threat nearby. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Re: Type 056 OPV/Corvette

What's to remember?

The US had a very good Frigate design, but wanted something smaller, more agile, and that drew less water to act as a COMBAT vessel in the littorals. To go into those waters and take care of three different types of business (three different roles IT was ttasked for) without having to risk one of the other assets you speak of (like a Burke) in doing so.

So, if you want ASW work done, you outfit it with an ASW pack, which I believe will workout just fine. If you want anti-mine work done, you outfit it with its mine warfare pack and I believe that will work fine too.

But in the surface warefare role, the vessel is sorely lacking. Even with the original plan for the NLOS missiles, their range was less than what other corvettes operating in those waters would have...and now, since that program was dropped, they are placing the rediculous Griffin missile package on, which has a range of less than ten miles, and indicating it will be good for "swarming" small Iranian speed boats.

Oh really? I say they can use the 57mm rapid fire main gun and the two Bushmaster 25mm or 30mm, syncronized automated cannons for that, and the CIWS...but what happens when you face two or three 1,200 ton corvettes, each carrying four missiles that range in excess of fifty miles? I'll tell you what happens...deep kaka!

These vessels (the LCS) should, as a part of their standard package, carry at least one quad cannister (if not two) of the latest Harpoon least until a new missile is available that can be launched from an MK-41 (which both variants are capable of installing) or special PVLS implacements.

Otherwise they are going to be going to some potentially wild parties and they will not have the entrance fee required to attend.

If you have to send a Burke with them to defend them everytime you face such a threat...then you have defeated a major reason for building them. And the solution I am speaking of is realtively straight forward. The Harpoon cannisters bolt to the deck and do not penetrate the main deck. They simply need to be wired into fire control and their sensors...and they may require upgrades to the fire control and sensors. But those are cheap compared to facing off against much smaller, and yet much better armed adversaries.

USN have air assets and air dominance, don't tell me you forgot that. They could have those LCS operate at the outer perimeter of a carrier battle group that loiters in open waters, with air assets on the horn when things heats up that much.

Similarly, 056 of the PLAN usually won't work too far from available air cover, the range of J-11 series and J-10A should now give the 056 the umbrella to operate further than the past sub-chasers and missile boats; even if slightly further, if things heats up the onboard weapons should give it the chance to survive the initial combat, meet up with the bigger frigates and destroyers dispatched to the scene.

The primary OpFor the 056 will face are what Vietnam and Philippines possess, and whatever those 2 are getting in the future, and both ain't fielding anything more than frigates in the coming decade; in addition those dispute waters are very shallow, that means the 056 are more than adequate in such mission profile.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Type 056 OPV/Corvette

USN have air assets and air dominance, don't tell me you forgot that. They could have those LCS operate at the outer perimeter of a carrier battle group that loiters in open waters, with air assets on the horn when things heats up that much.

Similarly, 056 of the PLAN usually won't work too far from available air cover, the range of J-11 series and J-10A should now give the 056 the umbrella to operate further than the past sub-chasers and missile boats; even if slightly further, if things heats up the onboard weapons should give it the chance to survive the initial combat, meet up with the bigger frigates and destroyers dispatched to the scene.

The primary OpFor the 056 will face are what Vietnam and Philippines possess, and whatever those 2 are getting in the future, and both ain't fielding anything more than frigates in the coming decade; in addition those dispute waters are very shallow, that means the 056 are more than adequate in such mission profile.
No, I have not forgot what the US can do with it carriers and their aircraft.

But that misses the point entirely. These vessesl were designed to fight (as in Combat) in the Littorals and to address three critical roles there without other major US assets being tied up with it. Those three areas were defined as anti-surface, anti-submarine, and anti-mine activities. . If they have to have so much as a Burke nearby to "help" them do any of those, then the design has been wasted. How much more a waste if they have to now add am entire carrier group close by to cover for them?

The basic issue is simple, right now, and until they get better, longer ranged anti-surface missiles on them, they are severely under armed in the anti-surface role...which is one of those three primary reasons they were built to take the fight to enemies in the littorals in the first place.

And THAT issue is what I am talking about.


Re: Type 056 OPV/Corvette

No, I have not forgot what the US can do with it carriers and their aircraft.

But that misses the point entirely. These vessesl were designed to fight (as in Combat) in the Littorals and to address three critical roles there without other major US assets being tied up with it. Those three areas were defined as anti-surface, anti-submarine, and anti-mine activities. . If they have to have so much as a Burke nearby to "help" them do any of those, then the design has been wasted. How much more a waste if they have to now add am entire carrier group close by to cover for them?

The basic issue is simple, right now, and until they get better, longer ranged anti-surface missiles on them, they are severely under armed in the anti-surface role...which is one of those three primary reasons they were built to take the fight to enemies in the littorals in the first place.

And THAT issue is what I am talking about.

The LCS program is a double waste. It was supposed to be either the Freedom class or the Independence class being selected from a vetting process of the two, not build both. The original specs didn't even require the ships to have Level 1+ survivability. How there is an expectation that either of the two can engage a hot zone is wishful thinking. I rather they stop the production at the 10 each last ordered and use remaining funds on building new Perry class ships with updated gear instead. At least those would provide reliable workhorses. Too much focus on "high tech" stuff and not enough on the basics. I only say build new Perry class because there's not enough money to divert into R&D for a new frigate design from ground up due to the waste with the LCS.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Type 056 OPV/Corvette

The LCS program is a double waste. It was supposed to be either the Freedom class or the Independence class being selected from a vetting process of the two, not build both. The original specs didn't even require the ships to have Level 1+ survivability. How there is an expectation that either of the two can engage a hot zone is wishful thinking. I rather they stop the production at the 10 each last ordered and use remaining funds on building new Perry class ships with updated gear instead. At least those would provide reliable workhorses. Too much focus on "high tech" stuff and not enough on the basics. I only say build new Perry class because there's not enough money to divert into R&D for a new frigate design from ground up due to the waste with the LCS.
Well, with the current 10 build of each, that will make 12 of each, or 24...and that's a good enough number.

Either upgrade the last 18 Perrys, or have a comeptition between several of the small frigate designs...heck, the new Berthold Coast Guard cutter has a "frigate" version that looks pretty good as a mulity-mission vessel, and come up with a decent, mulit-mission capable Firgate that they can enhance one or more missions with mission packs, but not have to depend on the pack to give it hardly any capability at all.

I actually believe if they were to add a 16 cell Mk-41 to either the Freedom or Independence and equip them with 8 ASMs, 4 ASROCs, and 16 (4x4) ESSMs, and make sure they always carried at least one SH-60 for ASW work along with a decent towed array, and then have the mine hunting mission pack built in, and finally retain the rapid fire 57mm gun and a RAM launcher...all as its coure capabilities, then you would have a very decent littoral FFG. And then run with that design for the next 24 vessels.

As it sits right now, if a US Navy LCS (either variety) was operating in say the South China Sea littorals and came up against a PLAN Type 056, and the Type 056 was able to detect the LCS, either through its own sensors, or assisted by an UAV helo, or other air asset, I believe the Type 056 would win that dual simply because it has four very decent ASMs with decent range and the LCS has exactly zero.

We are talking here about two vessels designed to operate in the littorals independently and be able to handle what they may meet there (short of a full-on Frigate or Destroyer). HAve to say I believe the Type 056, for the ASuW mission, is better equipped.

Now, for ASW and mine hunting, I would give the edge to the LCS...but if a Type 056 came along, I believe ti could stop the LCS mine warfare or ASW warfare and drive it off as it sits today.
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Re: Type 056 OPV/Corvette

Well, with the current 10 build of each, that will make 12 of each, or 24...and that's a good enough number.

Either upgrade the last 18 Perrys, or have a comeptition between several of the small frigate designs...heck, the new Berthold Coast Guard cutter has a "frigate" version that looks pretty good as a mulity-mission vessel, and come up with a decent, mulit-mission capable Firgate that they can enhance one or more missions with mission packs, but not have to depend on the pack to give it hardly any capability at all.

I actually believe if they were to add a 16 cell Mk-41 to either the Freedom or Independence and equip them with 8 ASMs, 4 ASROCs, and 16 (4x4) ESSMs, and make sure they always carried at least one SH-60 for ASW work along with a decent towed array, and then have the mine hunting mission pack built in, and finally retain the rapid fire 57mm gun and a RAM launcher...all as its coure capabilities, then you would have a very decent littoral FFG. And then run with that design for the next 24 vessels.

As it sits right now, if a US Navy LCS (either variety) was operating in say the South China Sea littorals and came up against a PLAN Type 056, and the Type 056 was able to detect the LCS, either through its own sensors, or assisted by an UAV helo, or other air asset, I believe the Type 056 would win that dual simply because it has four very decent ASMs with decent range and the LCS has exactly zero.

We are talking here about two vessels designed to operate in the littorals independently and be able to handle what they may meet there (short of a full-on Frigate or Destroyer). HAve to say I believe the Type 056, for the ASuW mission, is better equipped.

Now, for ASW and mine hunting, I would give the edge to the LCS...but if a Type 056 came along, I believe ti could stop the LCS mine warfare or ASW warfare and drive it off as it sits today.

for the sake of argument, is there any reason why SSM's or torpedos cannot be fitted into the LCS? I think there is plenty of real estate left to mount 4 tubes of Harppons or torpedo launchers if the need arises.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Type 056 OPV/Corvette

for the sake of argument, is there any reason why SSM's or torpedos cannot be fitted into the LCS? I think there is plenty of real estate left to mount 4 tubes of Harppons or torpedo launchers if the need arises.
PLenty of room and capability to mount either Mk-41 cells, or dual or quad cannister Harpoons.


New Member
Re: Type 056 OPV/Corvette

The PLAN has a lot of small corvette sized vessels to do both functions you allude to that need replacing. My guess is that the Type 056, wityhout a special variant will be able to replace both..

The Type 056 has been designed by the PLAN to do what they want and feel is most important. They have, somewhere a list of specifications that they started with when designing these vessels and they clearly feel that the vessels are meeting those requirements to a tee, or they would not be building them in such a serial fashion.

Perhaps there will be two variants. IMHO, it is more likely that the one variant can carry the anti-sub missiles when tasked to do so, and in effect have the ASW missiles be part of their ASW mission pack, and the ASMs be a part of their anti-surface mission pack.

This would not surprise me at all...and if so, they have already got a better ASuW mission pack and punch than the LCS does...and all because the US does not, for whatever reason, even as a stop gap, want to put eight Harpoon missiles on them. Rediculous if you ask me...and making the LCS ASuW mission pack peretty much toothless against other corvettes they may meet in the littorals who have much longer ranged missiles than the current LCS ASuW Mission Pack will carry.

Why isn't LCS designed to equip "Harpoon" missiles in its ASuW Mission Pack at first place? It's potent and mature missile design and there is ample space on board. Surely they didn't think the only surface adversaries are Pirates/Drug smugglers and certain navies' RPG-equipped fast patrol boats... Or they think the LCS are dispensable? It's "littoral" all right, but not a light nor cheap ship - nearly 3,000 tonnes at full load and $350 mil ~ $450 million (FY2013) worth of asset with only a range of 3.5 miles/5.6km (surface launched) anti-surface missile is a joke. Shouldn't this suppose to be a COMBAT vessel, not a Hamilton-class cutter?

Although I read their PDF file somewhere saying Griffin Block IIB is for Increment I phase, and there is a "yet to be determined missile" for Increment II... don't know what and when though...

056 class is nothing too exciting, but it will replace all those aged 037 and older 053 class vessels and form the backbone of future Chinese Navy, and somehow to get those sailors accustomed to newer ship systems where the old ships lack. When it achieves that purpose then that's job well done. For the time being, anything extra will be bonus I reckon, as its size limits how much potential capabilities it will have.
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Re: Type 056 OPV/Corvette

Well, with the current 10 build of each, that will make 12 of each, or 24...and that's a good enough number.

Either upgrade the last 18 Perrys, or have a comeptition between several of the small frigate designs...heck, the new Berthold Coast Guard cutter has a "frigate" version that looks pretty good as a mulity-mission vessel, and come up with a decent, mulit-mission capable Firgate that they can enhance one or more missions with mission packs, but not have to depend on the pack to give it hardly any capability at all.

I actually believe if they were to add a 16 cell Mk-41 to either the Freedom or Independence and equip them with 8 ASMs, 4 ASROCs, and 16 (4x4) ESSMs, and make sure they always carried at least one SH-60 for ASW work along with a decent towed array, and then have the mine hunting mission pack built in, and finally retain the rapid fire 57mm gun and a RAM launcher...all as its coure capabilities, then you would have a very decent littoral FFG. And then run with that design for the next 24 vessels.

As it sits right now, if a US Navy LCS (either variety) was operating in say the South China Sea littorals and came up against a PLAN Type 056, and the Type 056 was able to detect the LCS, either through its own sensors, or assisted by an UAV helo, or other air asset, I believe the Type 056 would win that dual simply because it has four very decent ASMs with decent range and the LCS has exactly zero.

We are talking here about two vessels designed to operate in the littorals independently and be able to handle what they may meet there (short of a full-on Frigate or Destroyer). HAve to say I believe the Type 056, for the ASuW mission, is better equipped.

Now, for ASW and mine hunting, I would give the edge to the LCS...but if a Type 056 came along, I believe ti could stop the LCS mine warfare or ASW warfare and drive it off as it sits today.

yeah i think the USN wanted to move away from the traditional anti-surface capability and introduce something new to naval warfare capabilitys, a new set of threats using unconventional warfare coming from the Iranians in the Persian Gulf may be one of them, for example fast attack speed boats and under water mining

LCS programme has many new dimensions, all pretty much new, the commissioning is taking time and its because they have lots to learn, during trials they simulate a simultanous attacks from 4 directions using fast speed boats and is heavy use of under water mine clearing its all pretty intense for a boat of that size

so in that sense its all new stuff, and that for a boat that moves at hell of a pace, so its a step in a new dimension which does not always need to engage surface threats in the traditional way, LCS programme is pretty challenging and opening new areas of warfare so maybe anti-ship missiles can take a back seat for now because the prioritys are different, a programme which is in a league of its own, i know new Type 26 FFG for Royal Navy will employ under water mine clearing is well