Let's talk Independence class:
The ships are underarmed. Hellfires have a ridiculously short range and likewise the gun. The total ASM loadout will end up being about 8 missiles...someday. They also cannot use the mission modules. Still.
The ships lack sufficient sensors for even a frigate.
The ship is horribly under undercrewed. It lacks enough crew to do sufficient maintenance or conduct damage control when the time comes.
Then...the Freedom. omg. dumpster fire on top of the above.
Compare the LCS classes to the Type 053H3. Similar displacements. Only advantages the Independence have is the speed and flight deck size. There are plenty of deficiencies in comparison. The Freedoms don't even have a flight deck advantage, but they might have a speed...if their propulsion system doesn't break down. Oh, wait...
Egh. Frigate comparison. While I don't really want to whitewash LCS program - which is clearly an example of how not to do things - comparing them with frigates is a conceptual mistake. They were invented by a navy that didn't have any competition and was preparing to teach 2000s North Korea, Iran, and China values of the first world. This world is now gone, but ships are not, and they're adjusting to its change. It's however worth noting, that until very recently - "Iran" scenario for USN was actually more probable than the "China" one. And it's the complete change of China that changed this calculus - change, which wasn't foreseen on a much higher level than LCS one.
(1)First of all, all LCS actually deployed by now have NSM. This is a rolling upgrade going on right now, which will be finished on all ships by the end of the next year(FY2021/2022). Same with the 1st stage of Survivability package (SEWIP installation), same with ASW/MCM packages(also slated before 2023). While it literally took a decade to get those, now they are basically here, and will be permanently installed on 15/15 basis(remaining - ASuW).
(2)You compared LCS (which explicitly
wasn't designed as a poor man's Burke) with a Frigate as a Frigate. No wonder Frigate won.
If you want a multi-purpose/asw frigate - you have to compare with one (Constellation class) - and frankly speaking, it's easily superior to corresponding Chinese warships, more reminiscent of what people expect from the hypothetical 054B. They belong to different generations, after all.
LCS was created as a modular warship, specifically intended to perform missions that don't justify and/or suit a destroyer. USN already has >10000 vls cells it struggles to fill properly, and an abundance of overarmed destroyers. The problem was (and still is) the missions where mk 41 cell number doesn't clearly contribute anything.
I.e. it's wrong to read LCS as a generic escort combatant - it obviously fails as one. What LCS actually is (going to be), is the smallest possible, fastest possible survivable ship with the largest possible fully equipped hanger, capable of contributing to naval engagement, and with a specific hull-dependant additional role.
While "modular" part clearly failed (hence 15/15 split), missions themselves didn't disappear. Also, worth notice that the failure of modularity didn't remove huge spaces and energy reserves, which now make adding new things quite easy.
Let's name the LCS missions 1 by 1:
- Countering swarming craft in confined waters(read - short-term Iran solution). While delays obstructed this role a lot, LCS is quite clearly superior here, both offensively (helicopters) and defensively (onboard armament).
- Coastal (small depth) ASW. It's difficult (now, SLEP-2 will somewhat improve the situation), because helicopters and specialized detection equipment is let down by the capability of the ship itself to prosecute targets. But it's still specialized equipment on a specialized ship.
-expeditionary (offensive) MCM in hostile waters. While 15 LCS will admittedly be the most expensive(and overkill) MCM vessels in the world (and not the most capable), they 100% are going to be the most survivable. Furthermore, they surely will be better than an old frigate in mine hunting. Or any frigate, for the matter.
-deployment of manned/unmanned small craft, submersible or not, in hostile waters. Again - best, because there is simply no dedicated competition.
-inserting/maneuvering/evacuating special forces and even USMC MLRs in hostile/contested waters. No competition, and huge synergy with expeditionary fast transports(EFT) of the sealift command.
-Good old APD role. Same with the previous one.
Yes, admittedly, the rise of the PLAN has changed the calculation - the need for frigates has returned. But this neither changes the need for old LCS missions nor cancels them. For LCS themselves it added two main things: (1)need for even more survivability, (2)need for OtH weapon to participate in salvo game(and engage/deter surface vessels when necessary). This is still going to be a big, 30+ ship, class of vessels.
They're currently getting just that.