China has many (56) minority groups and any of them, not only Han, will/should proudly call themselves Chinese
"should proudly call themselves Chinese"means he is a true chinese(han),we chinese always translate "han" to "chinese",and i will like to translate "han" to "han".Does it hurt anyone?
which translate is better? i "should proudly call myself Chinese" to suggest that i am a han,or i talk out that i am a han?
do you want Tibet and Xinjiang to separate or something?
when i use "chinese"(han),i probably mention the nation(han),if u guys want to talk about Nationality,u guys talk that is none of my business
and today their are more han than ancient local people in Tibet and Xinjiang(if u trace back to Tang Dynasty,there are lots of han in Xinjiang at that time)
why they will be separated,we han is a majority!
if u talk about the the ownership of the region,u'd better ask the majority
i think they will probably be separated if america return their land to Iroquois or Lakota.
i make myself understandble?
"wu hu luan hua", or "five barbarian hordes really messing up China"
i am sorry if i use "distory" inaccurate,u can replace "distory" by "serious injury" or anything else
well, u have a good comparison,"An Elephant in a China Shop"
sorry for my poor english for another time
again the Qing Dynasty question
To do a brief description of manchu's evil is a huge work
if i told u that manchu's army is famous for its Rape,Robbery and Massacre (not only before the manchu dynasty but also through the whole dynasty) u may not have an impression,i will tell u a case ,in 1864,"tai ping tian guo" war, Qing army kill all the women and children they find in nanjing city and suburban.500,000 people may die in nanjing Massacre,and most of them are peasants,women and children.
“分段搜杀,三日之间毙贼共十余万人。秦淮长河,尸首如麻”,“城内自伪宫逆府以及民房悉付一炷”,“万室焚烧,百物荡尽,而贡院幸存”, “自五代以来,生灵涂炭,殆无愈于今日。”
after the Massacre,not a single General is blamed for that,,i cannot understand how that happens in any other history of china.even a han emperor can never keep his throne after doing that kind of thing
And that kind of things happened again and again from nurhaci to Cixi.
And u guys may know about same famous manchu proverb
we should continue the qing dynasty but never the china (保大清不保中国)
we can give our interest to the foreigner but never to our han slave (宁赠友邦,不予家奴)
i wonder why the authority admit the Legitimacy of qing dynasty and think that will prevent Tibet and Xinjiang from independence.
but sorry,the factor that prevent the independence of Tibet and Xinjiang is the han in there and the PLA in there of course