Could you at least provide what are the similarities that China shares with Russia militarily aside from the most obvious examples like military hardwares and what not. Are you proposing that both share the same military doctrine from strategy to tactics? Does the PLA have the same strategic constraints with respect to fully utilizing it's forces piecemeal similar to what the Russians did calling their military campaign "special operations" for strategic considerations and also logistical reasons.People underestimate just how steep the learning curve is for China in this war. The Russian and Chinese militaries have a lot more in common than you think. A lot of the weaknesses and problems exposed in the Russian military during this war also exist in the Chinese military as well.
I have no doubt that China will be working hard to mitigate and correct these weaknesses and problems now that they are known. Will China be able to correct all the problems and issue's learned from this war? Most likely not.
But the steps taken to deal with the problems exposed by this war will make the PLA into a more formidable and efficient fighting force in the future than otherwise would be.
This goes far beyond just Taiwan. This will increase the overall effectiveness of the PLA.
You have to at least provide key specific areas of similarities because what you have written is nothing but vague generalities which is only true superficially which can lead others into wrong assumptions.
Anyway, I am very much interested into what they are and looking forward to your response.