This Chinese general did brought up a few interesting points that got me thinking:
1) Huawei vs ZTE
The general mentions that both are rival Chinese companies in the telecom industry. ZTE, an SOE regarded Huawei, a private enterprise as its enemy. ZTE dominated at first, using its power and influence to deny Huawei telecom licenses to keep them down. Huawei OTOH never regarded ZTE as its enemy. It was targeting the largest western telecoms like Motorola, Ericsson, Cisco, and Nokia. The end result is Huawei had surpassed ZTE by 6 to 7 times. Now Huawei is at the forefront of telecom technology. This success is thanks to the courage of Huawei. This sounds a lot like the US vs China, and India vs China right now.
2) Indian 'arrogance'.
He said that while US wanted to form a NATO of Asia to contain China. That couldn't happen ironically because of India. India wanted to be boss, not to be some underling of the US. Henry Kissinger called that Indian arrogance. But its actually a more complex national self-esteem issue. The general mentioned about some Indians in Mumbai. When asked about how do they see China's development. They said that China's development is actually "catching up" with Mumbai. Well, I believe him. The Bhakts and Jai Hinds have confirmed this many times over.
He says that India's dream is simple: to dominate South Asia and the Indian Ocean. China should not get too concerned about it. Let them do it, its none of China's business. The one country who could be pissed off is the US. Because the US wants to dominate the Indo-Pacific. But since the US is not even close to being concerned about Indian dominance in the Indian Ocean, why should China worry? Well I don't really agree here. The US is way smarter than this. It is already manipulating India to think that its the 'boss' of the Indian Ocean, while America is just there to 'help' India. Hence, India would happily let the USN dominate the Indian Ocean to work against their common enemy, China.
He mentions that India wants to develop an ICBM. Why should it? All of China can already be reached by India's existing MRBMs. So an ICBMs could either threaten countries outside of Asia. Or it could be a waste of defense expenditure. Money that could have gone into actually funding conventional forces to confront China. This I agree, because India is happily wasting vast sums of money on vanity procurements. The $240mil/plane Rafales is the best highlight. I would enjoy having India continue this.
3) Which gets to
@Bellum_Romanum's point. The West's agenda to maintain Western supremacy.
Starting from 15:00 to the end of the video, the ret.PLA General laid out the honest brutal truth of the struggle between China and the western world which is led by U.S. It may be offensive to some non-Asian, non-Chinese folks here but I firmly believe and agree with the general's opinion with his analysis and observation.
The general says that China must focus on the real enemy: USA and the West. They want to see India and China fighting and killing each other in order to preserve their own Western supremacy. China cannot fall into their trap. China needs to be more ambitious than to be settling scores with India. I find it hard to argue against this point. A major war between China and India does benefit the US, no matter how much China wins. We could say that China was wise to be patient with India. But I also think major credit should also be given to sheer Indian incompetence. That made the decision for China to forget about going to war with India.