Now the BBC has got in on the action too lol
The west can now truly taste some Indian Superpower 2021... Here are some juicy excerpts
Now the BBC has got in on the action too lol
The west can now truly taste some Indian Superpower 2021... Here are some juicy excerpts
I like how all this over-the-top reaction is coming from a country that is supposed to be for free speech and freedom of expression... I guess it’s true until you say something they don’t like... then you become the worst human being on the earth or maybe even lower than humans...Damn, how come RT is so good at shit stirring. Why can't CCTV have that sort of firepower.
So by her logic Obama doesn't deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, not because of his failures in the MENA region which terribly affected tens of millions of people in an absolutely negative way, but because he was ill-equipped to manage agricultural policies. A valuable lesson right there...
Is this a thing now... whenever anyone is against India... they are CPC... whenever there is disagreement in US politics the other side is in bed with CPC... so basically CPC is the most powerful now?
LMAO... the Indians who have been pumping out fake news and propaganda ad infinitum for the purpose of getting support from the west... is now suffering attacks from what they consider ‘fake news and propaganda’ because of an organisation from the west by the name of poetic justice foundation, all the while showing the west their true colours... I am sure not even Bollywood or the Indian fake news mills is creative enough to make this sh*t up