Ladakh Flash Point

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And you believe it is right? Isn't it the typical bully mentality? The Jungle mentality and you completely ignored treatment of Phuntsok Wangyal. Many CCP members who approach us in name of communism to write pro china articles should evaluate honestly when a communist so close to china can be mistreated then what do they really think of us? I asked this to Marin Jacques once and his silence gave me my answer.

Abrogation of article 370 was wrong or at least should only have been done for Ladakh/Jannu where indian govt has support but not in kashmir. But still it was an internal indian law. Regarding Aksai Chin, it is still a disputed area till a border agreement gets finalised, nothing has changed. You can not take every voice in India at its face value and start feeling insecure.
Article 370*

Are you sure you are not imposing all the ills and warts that are part and parcel of global power relations (assassinations, Corruption, lack of Human rights, war crimes etc) onto the CCP?

Jungle Mentality is what it is.But on the lid, it say, might is right. And it is not China who set the norms for Jungle Mentality. All the so called free Democracies did it before. You might just be highlighting China's.

France did heinous atrocities on its possession of Algeria. It is a genocide. Do you think, therefore, it's Jungle Mentality? US is not willing to let go of Guantanamo Bay and holds prisoners there disregarding their rights. Is that Jungle Mentality.

I term all these actions as merely part and parcel of the interaction of nations and the reality that we are living in. You are quick to make it stick to CCP because of ideological inclinations or biases?

Hope you complete your thesis or paper. I dont think you may be allowed to write anything that shows CCP in a positive light but then again, only the truth may be a victim here so who cares.


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I feel brain cells wasting away reading "analysts" posts. It's that typical wishy washy stuff... all talk no substance... random words, implicit insults... errgh.

Maybe this is Jai Hind strategy, get everyone as stupid as they are and talk them into a stupor. How are mods not on top of this? Constant 10+ posts 90% off topic content. Unfounded insults e.g. this is an echo chamber, Chinese need to be more manly articles etc. He's embarrassed himself enough.

We get it Jai Hinds, you want to bury the fact your half-man Modi lost you losers over 10,000 square kilometers of land you stole and appropriated from the British thieves. There are bigger issues in Jai Hindland that you need to bury.

And here I thought the poo goes in the loo. India seems to think their poo goes online.


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Even for argument sake if I was an Indian Troll, I do not understand why I can not have a different viewpoint. Do I have to become as i said an echo chamber here to sound intelligent? Albert Ettinger/Martin Jacques,I do not disagree with them entirely. I do admire chinese rise except my question always has been mistreatment of communists by communist China.
What viewpoint? Viewpoint based on lies an slander that is. No one is gonna take you seriously if you regurgitate all the same BS coming out of Western and Indian echo chamber. Don't lump Martin Jacques in together with Albert Ettinger. Don't act smart. Stay on topic! Do you even know who Albert Ettinger is and what he wrote in Battleground Tibet? What is your source of 'Chinese atrocities' in Tibet? BBC? Wikipedia? Dalai Lama? You call yourself an analyst?

You have been gaslighting about:
1) China mistreating communists
2) China mistreating Tibetans
3) China creating the Covid-19 pandemic
4) China attacking India
5) China 'manliness' problem
6) Gender inequality in China

And not once have you been trying to have a meaningful debate. When someone replies to your slanderous point. You jump to another topic. Someone here replies to you about China and India, you jump to wife-beating in China. You are trolling.

Since this is Ladakh Flashpoint, stick to the China-India conflict discussion. Its up to you to prove to us that you're not a troll. Answer me, why do you think the Abrogation of Article 370 is an internal issue? Amit Shah proclaims that Aksai Chin will be 'reunited with India', then India builds up roads near Aksai Chin when China was going though the Wuhan Covid-19 outbreak. Why is this an 'internal matter'? When China built roads in Doklam in 2017, and India intervened. Tell me whether that is an 'internal matter' for China?

Since you proudly say that you are from Bavaria. Its easy to say: "I am from California." So which district exactly are you from?


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Sincerely Tibetans deserve a better chance.
With your infinite wisdom and superior values can be so kind and explain, why shouldn't liberal democracies like the European nations give their separatist and/or sedition movements a better chance?

Catalonia, Scotland, Whales, Northern Ireland, Greenland, Brittany, Normandy etc. all deserve so much better, don't they? Please while at it, can you explain the "better chance" part as well?


Registered Member
Ougoah, From Hongkong, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet, the number of articles on china's behaviour appearing across Europe, middle east, US , I can go on and on. I do not understand what you have found bitchy, I have replied to everything sincerely without being aggressive but all you have done is say bad words about me. That indeed can be classified Bitchy. :)

The problem I see is everyone wants to be wrong coz others were. Sincerely Tibetans deserve a better chance.

I can not reply on why they are doing it, but the answer can be rustling of egos perhaps. They live in their self idolization and so do, lets say everyone :) There is indeed fake news but their is a element of strong fake belief on either end.

When have media articles ever not been politically motivated? Whichever article and topic you want to discuss I can discuss with you. It's very empty to say there are negative articles published by people and groups that work against you, therefore you are bad and should do x,y,z. Every talking point on China from any source is poorly formed propaganda. I challenge you to bring one up where a discussion concludes in China = uniquely bad or evil.

You are bitchy because you start with a particular opinion, treat it as true and look for confirmation. Then disregard all evidence and nuance that enlighten your perspective. That is a typical Jai Hind time waste.

If you want to discuss Tibet history and politics, open another thread and people will happily oblige on the opportunity to collect a set of real information from every perspective so informed opinions can develop.

On fake news for this India China confrontation ONLY India has engaged in fake news. Again I challenge anyone to provide a single piece of Chinese fake news. This thread has already catalogued more than 12 pieces of Indian fake news and manipulation of truth that have come not only from Indian media but also India's own government and military.

So the score on fake news and lies count is India: 12+ and China: 0.

Prove me wrong. Come on you're an "analyst".
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Registered Member
With your infinite wisdom and superior values can be so kind and explain, why shouldn't liberal democracies like the European nations give their separatist and/or sedition movements a better chance?

Catalonia, Scotland, Whales, Northern Ireland, Greenland, Brittany, Normandy etc. all deserve so much better, don't they? Please while at it, can you explain the "better chance" part as well?

Don't forget India the Jai Hind scumpond that invaded and annexed over 10 nations/kingdoms in the 20th century alone. Butchered thousands of Kashmiris, raped and slaughtered defenceless.

Let's add USA invading and annexing huge parts of what is now Texas and California from Mexico in the 19th and 20th century.

Hmmm Russia and Chechnya have parallels. Middle East is a clusterfuck of the same and I won't even mention Israel. Ooops just did.

The worst CCP offenders of human decency in the Tibetan uprising response where Tibet was already part of PRC/ROC cannot barely compare with the violence committed by all the above. No one is above another here. India can get fucked if it wants to play moral card. Look at how it is now. Everything we've been saying about it has been proven true to the absolute.


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View attachment 68394
You mean 12 billion +, right?

12+ lies just on this ladakh issue from the last two years. If you want to expand that, I am not sure what the numbers are. Probably 1 per 3 hours or whatever the usual rate of articles come out of India divided by the ratio of bs ones. 12 billion is probably inaccurate but give them time and they'll get to that before their AMCA comes a flying.
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