Umm , shouldn't we start with something called kashmir?You have mentioned Sikkim, can China have a referendum in Tibet like India has in Sikkim?
Umm , shouldn't we start with something called kashmir?You have mentioned Sikkim, can China have a referendum in Tibet like India has in Sikkim?
Regarding Ladakh, most westerners will not like to see a war in that region
Most Asian societies?My intention was to hear why this has been done. Most societies in asia have been male chauvinistic societies whose only work has been to mistreat women, fight wars and try to brag about their manliness. So this article brings to my mind is what China wants to achieve by manliness, more wars comes to my mind and with china in dispute with most of their neighbours ( Japan, Asean, India) I find them connected but someone found it rude which only means a male ego got bruised. I was watching a video of a man beating his wife in public in china and noone came to save her. I feel that can happen anywhere in asia. I wanted to see women in China's top cabinet and found next to none.
It's related because well, let me point you to another of my reply that you have chosen to not reply to:Haha my apologies. Ammm but how will a farmers protest and protests are normal in democracies where a state has not chosen to react is connected to the topic please? Or maybe it is. I don't know. But people have continued to tell me how little my opinion matters but provided me with a lot of topics. I have only answered to a few please. My apologies!
Didn't India ban tiktok? I am confusion.
DRDO might want to spend a few million dollars improving spiked obstacles.
So let me get this straight, "loads of map enthusiasts and osint experts" predicted a war in October 2020 which didn't happen, and you would like us to answer why they were wrong?Temstar, I just have been overwhelmed by the number of replies to me. I did not want to rustle some feathers as people here are completely certain that a weak country India has attacked a strong powerful China. I generally join forums to get an opinion which helps me write my topics .There are load of map enthusiasts and osint experts internationally ( and not only european/american) who have pointed to why and how China decided to teach India a lesson. Most experts believed China to start a war in October coinciding with the 1962 war timelines, capture Ladakh swiftly and deal with India by partial withdrawal but they were amazed and stopped by Indian deployments. If grapevine is to believed China was not happy with India in Doklam in 2017/2018 where they had to pay a soft loan circa £20 Billion to get india to vacate quickly before the big congress where XI was projecting power. ( again debunked in foreground but believed to be one of the reasons)
So you think China being accused of starting a war is... better than being accused of starting a pandemic? Where is the logic in that?And finally why will china do it?
China has been accused of starting a pandemic globally, and what better way than to start a war and get entire world in stopping a war and forget about the accusations.
You are correct, war is a product of societies that I have never denied that... however again i don’t see the relevance of this argument when the article is concerned... when it is clearly stated that sports is main focus of the drive, are you suggesting that by improving sports and physical eduction in general, it would drive a society to be more war like? If this is what you are suggesting then why would this only apply to China or Asia? I seem to remember there were many similar drive in western countries too... and you continue to skirt around my question and put the blame on me... As if I feel bad for anything about this conversation, I just really don’t understand what you are attempting to do... and also if you are going attempt an apology at least appear to be sincere about it.Most wars are not because of militaries, they are also a product of societies as a whole. My apologies if you have felt bad.